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Originally posted by iterationzero
reply to post by itsthetooth
It's complicated but starts out with the study of life in general.
All life here on earth, and those that I have studied for over 3 decades proves that the creator has a pattern.
Most things have two eyes, two ears, a mouth, a nose, you get the picture.
So now you're claiming that we're not of this Earth, but everything else is, but we have genetic and morphological similarities to all of those things that aren't from wherever it is we're from? The evidence doesn't support your speculation.
First of all I don't need to speculate we are not from this earth, the bible quotes we were exiled to earth. I take it just the way it was written.
My findings of reports about alien life is that they seem to always have powers. Telepathy is the most common, mind probing, sleep paralysis, emotion control etc...Even Jesus had powers. Of course we never realized that Jesus was NORMAL, we are the oddballs.
Most unsubstantiated claims of supernatural activity, whether it's "aliens" or "demons" or "boogeymen" or "vampires", display "powers". What differentiates the reports that you claim to have read from any other mythology?
The difference is there have been over 4 million reports of people claiming to have this same hallucination.
I don't know how many people claim to see vampires. If any were honest, I wouldn't rule out life beyond.
In the bible there are several different sections that appear to be either innuendo or semantically worded to say, he took our powers away.
Please cite those passages. And I hope it's better evidence than your account of Sodom and Gomorrah that you cribbed from the greatest charlatan of our time, Erich von Däniken.
Nope, EVD was only a small part of my understanding in all this. It did however set the understanding to something much bigger. How is it our MtDNA claims we are 200,000 years old and we are so primitive in comparison to reports of other life that visits us. Sodom and Gomorrah was an eye opener to the fact that our supposed creator is evil and controlling.
IMO our real creator would need no control or explanation.
All I know about Sitchen is his findings in the scriptures that there is much evidence we were an enslaved race. It's a small part to once again a very large picture.
Of course we have vestigial organs and were sometimes told we don't use the full capacity of our brains. Our fat heads also don't seem to do anything special to justify the overly large size.
Whales have vestigial organs as well. Are you speculating that whales are also of non-terrestrial origin? And our heads don't do anything special for their large size? Really? Guess the dolphins, octopi, and corvids have been building civilizations right under our noses...
Well what you choose to do with your smarts is your choice. I'm not sure if they would like to build city's, much less would they need to. I understand your claim here but there are several things in your question.
First off we know not all life here on earth is ingeniousness. Yet none of the DNA is altered.
Second, I haven't studied whales so I can't apply the same theory, Have you? It does raise concern however, it is possible they are not from here, as hard as that is to believe.
I knew that if I was right, there was only one thing that would prove it.
I watched Lloyd Pye's video on DNA and watched in horror as all of my findings were confirmed in addition to ever scarier things I didn't think of.
Wow, you've really hit the trifecta of pseudoscience in terms of what "proves" your thesis. Sitchin, von Däniken, and now Pye. Well, at least now I know where you got that ridiculous "we only use 10% of our brains" and the "4000 defects in the human chromosome" tosh that you posted earlier. Pye ignores massive amounts of genetic evidence that disprove his hypotheses, such as the natural occurrence of chromosome fusion in a variety of species and his lack of explanation for why a species that has been present for 200ky should have no genetic disorders.
I'm sorry but I was looking at more of the common sense findings that our DNA was tampered with and those changes were able to be dated on or before us coming to earth.
It proves that God was not our creator and backs up the findings in the ezekiel chapter with him appearing to make mutated life. Not even our scientist today make four headed creatures from other existing life. It was yet another clue, because its existing life, not new made life from a real creator.
Gene fusing is NOT natural, neither is gene splicing, from anything I have been able to find. Again I'm not a geneticist, but it sounds like you are.
First off all human life on earth was altered upon our placement here on earth. MtDNA findings showed us to be 200,000 years old. Well I live in 2011 so I'm just missing 192,000 of my lineage.
How are you missing 192ky of lineage when we have archeological/paleontological findings that cover that time period? You keep making assertions that are based on humans appearing out of nowhere 8kya when the evidence clearly shows the opposite. I'm going by the timeline in the bible. You can use the same DNA findings that show we are 200,000 years old. That figure alone doesn't tell us we lived those years here on earth.
Then we have 6 segments of our genes that are altered and show proof, they are removed, inverted and reinserted, as though to disable the sections so that the DNA would hold the change. Then a plethora of Dormant Junk DNA that don't fit the description of anything else we have seen on earth before.
No, we have unique parts of our genetic code. There's no evidence of alteration, we just don't know why those parts are unique. This is a just a degenerate version of the "God of the gaps" arguments… "Aliens of the gaps": "I don't know how it happened, aliens must have done it!"
Well now your agreeing with me. It's obvious how it happened and my whole OP explains it. Methylation is NOT natural and in fact I have said this a dozen times in this post how cute it is that we are the ONLY thing here on earth that has tampered DNA. Methylation is only possible in a LAB people. Yours, mine, all human life on earth has altered DNA. It was in fact the last of my findings. So if I'm all wrong, the DNA says I'm right.
With one exception.
There is not proof that the disabled sections or even the dormant sections prove to be powers, however the Dormant DNA does not fit with anything they have seen before.
We aren't even suppose to talk with our mouths. We eat and breath with our mouths. Talking was an adaptation because our telepathy is disabled. Don't even look at them as powers, they are simply senses just like eyesight, or hearing, or feeling.
Originally posted by UB2120
reply to post by itsthetooth
I don't understand how anything you just said proves God didn't create us. To me it enforces it. You talk about reported abilities of aliens. Let's not forget that they are traveling vast distances by means of highly advanced technology. That means they are more evolved than us, physically and technically. There are enough mutant geniuses, meaning they just spring from apparently normal parents, to show a glimpses of what we are capable of. Many of these geniuses appear to know things without being taught.
Well this is very complex, understand that god removed some of our higher abilities and intelligence so it would be hard for us to figure this out. We are the only humanoids in comparison to reports of other life the visits us that DOESN'T have any special ability's. This is why they appear to be highly advanced. Our MtDNA proves we are 200,000 years old, can you honestly see that the first 192,000 years got our intelligence to how people were in the bible? No we were abducted, altered and set back, its all to obvious. In fact we might have been smarter than those that abducted us.
I think you should check out The Urantia Book. ( It has the most logical explanation of creation and evolution that I have found. By a strict definition of the word "alien" we would have been created aliens. Life is not inherent on the planets of space. It must be bestowed! God didn't directly implant life on this planet, his Son's did. They are known as Life Carriers. They can function on a semi-spiritual state of existence and the electro-chemical state. They do not initiate life, but through their persons life is initiated.
I know, I will have to get a book as I keep getting suggestions to look at urantia.
(Life Carriers:
Going by the time line laid out in the Urantia Book, humans are nearly 1 million years old. Also there were 9 races of humans that have mixed over that time. The last being Adamic (Adam and Eve) from about 37,000 years ago. To be clear though, the first two humans (twin brother and sister) were born to a now extinct dawn mammal. From these Aborigines (thousands of generations later) were born the 6 colored races of man. Red, yellow, blue, orange, green and indigo. There was also the Nodite race which were descendants of super human race brought to this planet to be man's first visible link to the spiritual administration of the planet.
It is possible. MtDNA could be much higher as we used a baseline to assume average time of reproduction.
(Six Colored Races:
(Adam and Eve:
So I don't think anything has been taken away, we just haven't developed it yet.
Originally posted by thecrazydude11
Originally posted by itsthetooth
Originally posted by thecrazydude11
Originally posted by NorthStargal52
Originally posted by itsthetooth
Originally posted by thecrazydude11
reply to post by NorthStargal52
Soooooooo you belive in evolution mmmmhhhmm, you believe that we evolved from mammals that were the size of little rats, and eventually monkeys right? well i think that unlikely cuz how did human beings become so intelligent? how did we suceed to develop such a complex brain, luck, fate, mmmhh think not, you would think that monkeys would be almost as smart as us dont you think they'd be able to talk are language, adapt like us, learn are habbits. Sure monkeys are pretty smart i mean dont get me wrong they are intelligent enough to express emotions and learn sign laguage but....... im not sure but are'nt dolphins actually smarter then monkeys lol, fact of the matter dolphins are smarter then maybe all of the animals on the planet and their not even in are family tree, sure their mammals but it's not the same. In conclusion, evolution clearly states: we are a close family of the primates and yet they could'nt keep up with us, doomed to live a simple, wild life. thats wat the evolution theory clearly states, so do you really concur with this theory?edit on 19-5-2011 by thecrazydude11 because: Misspelling (again lol)
Am I missing something, I don't recall saying I believed in evolution.
LOL He directed that reply to me lol not you... .. yeah I wouldn't think youd believe in Evolution most Christians don't
technically im not a christian, to tell you the truth idk what i am??? If i was christian i would"nt even think of the possibility of alien existences,
Christianity has several things tied in with it. You don't have to believe all of it to call yourself christian, and visa versa.
See that's what i think too, but the crazy christians would basically say, "you can't believe in god and in another thing at the same time it's not how it works. you can have it your way" How would you respond to that? i mean that would usually shout me up bcuz it says that in the bible
Originally posted by thecrazydude11
I found this video on youtube and they discuss about realeasing top secret U.F.O. files in the U.K.
Originally posted by thecrazydude11
Originally posted by UB2120
reply to post by syrinx high priest
He did, he created everything. From the first born of all creation, The Eternal Son, to me and you. There are trillions and trillions of inhabited planets in this vast comos and God created them all.
If god created everything even other life forms, why keep that type of info. from us?? it doesn't say in the bible anything about creating any other organisms except animals. explain that, explain why god never told us about outer place, or other planets or even the fact that there are others in another solar system,
Originally posted by gabby2011
If you say God was really a space alien,then that space alien isn't really God.
Did the space alien create the universe?
Originally posted by Simplynoone
reply to post by thecrazydude11
Dear dude thats EXACTLY what they WANT you to believe ....same as here on earth with the right verses left (Politics) for many years everyone believed they were total opposites fighting against eachother when in reality they were all ONE AND THE SAME with ONE AND THE SAME AGENDAS their plan worked a whole lot better when they kept everyone thinking they were TOTAL OPPOSITES warring against eachother .......just like the evil entities (fallen angels who are now claiming to be gods or aliens or creators of mankind or whatever they are coming again to spare mankind from the evil warlords of earth (which THEY ARE THE SAME peoples as these so called two races of Aliens) .......................satan isnt in heaven he was cast to this earth before the garden and was CURSED to crawl around here on earth because he caused Adam and Eve to fall ...(he has no REAL power so he uses trickery (inventions and sorcery) to make the world think he is an angel from heaven (Channelors and the supposed coming of Aliens soon) .................The REAL LORD JESUS CHRIST says he is coming AFTER THESE FALLEN ONES DO THEIR DECEPTIONS (because it is written and mankind needs to learn some SERIOUS LESSONS from this >.so dont be fooled ........the real GOD is still COMING SOON >>>>..
Originally posted by Simplynoone
reply to post by Simplynoone
If you would be so kind in reading what I wrote this morning on my facebook I think you would see a better picture of it all ..Here it is .
I came across this link (read it very close and read between the lines because the person who wrote it is not a Christian but is borderline New Age (if not total new ager) ...
By shooting intense radio beams into the night sky, researchers created a modest neon light show visible from the ground. The process is not well understood, but scientists speculate it could one day be employed to light a city or generate celestial advertisements. (READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE)
Here is my reply about the whole ordeal ...
This article not only shows PROOF that there are some MANIPULATIONS involved with the use of technology and chemicals that are involved during Chemtrail spraying and weather manipulation (Creating clouds) Can all lead to some disturbing DECEPTION (on a grand scale) with use of all the above and a Holographic imaging system with voice even,Fooling ALL (especially New Agers)who are waiting for their supposed Alien friends who are supposed to be coming to release them from being slaves to the modern day PHAROHS (Our Rulers and the Bankers etc)using some sort of (Faked trickery with the use of HOLOGRAMS and COMPUTERS) Alien invasion scenerio where the Aliens win and then the New Agers can live happily ever after on this earth with their angels who they worship as gods (the supposed ascended masters of the New Age religion) ...............CLEARLY there is a MASS DELUSION being planned in the coming months ..just like scripture says ....A STRONG DELUSION (its massive manipulation and trickery ) That huge falling away could very well be a WORSHIPPING OF ANGELS (fallen ones ) when these twelve ascended masters come down from heaven and DEMAND WORSHIP (or at least they will make it appear they came down from heaven when in reality they have been right here the whole time ..because satan was cast down to this Earth and 1/3 of the angels came with him and is NOW LIMITED (on a short lease until the Lord really lets him do his thing to complete scripture) now on where he can go and what he can do etc so I dont think he is in heaven at all but RIGHT HERE ALREADY among us ...(NEPHALIM are his seed and they are here once again mingling with the seed of mankind) and that seed is the very ones that they are gonna pretend to take out of Office (those who control this world right now) and that is the ILLUMINATI or the bloodlines of the seed of CAIN (the ELITES who own this world with their MONEY AnD POWER) ..............Its a GRAND SHOW of MASSIVE DECEPTIONS and not only are the BAD GUY but they are also gonna play the role now of the GOOD GUY or MESSIAH of MANKIND >>
DONT BE FOOLED BY WHAT WE SEE its not WHAT IT REALLY IS ....Col 2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,Col 2:19 And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.
Col 2:20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,
Col 2:21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not;
These angels that will appear to come from the sky are not ANGELS OF GOD and they will according to scripture above cause many to HUMBLY AND VOLUNTARILY WORSHIP THEM because of THEIR DIVINE ORDINANCES (that sound great on the surface which is be kind to the animals ,dont eat MEAT,etc etc)
More of their ordinances are lets kill off a huge portion of the population (justified population control) for the greater good to spare the world from destruction (of which is already beyond fixing by the way) .......lets move everyone off the coastal areas to spare the beaches and the creatures in the Oceans , more living off the land but lets live off FAKE FOOD and GMOs etc ............
Do your own research into all of this and you will clearly see the whole picture and what the REAL DECEPTION is going to be ..satan coming as an angel of light being with his unholy angels who fell with him take the PLACE OF GOD and demand the worship of GODS creation (HUMANS)
Look into Sustainable Development and Biodiversity and Agenda 21 ...which ALL NATIONS have adopted as the GOAL of mankind ...and tell me then that this isnt what satan has in mind on how he will get mankind to think that he is god ........when he comes and shows with TRICKERY that he is control of this earth and us ...and that there is no GOD coming to save us because well they are the gods that God sent to save us .(NOT)
Col 2:22 Which all are to perish with the using after the commandments and doctrines of men?
Col 2:23 Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.
Perfect Video to go with what I just posted above and who all will be involved (It includes the INSTITUTION OF CHRISTIANITY ) (only those who DO NOT KNOW THE REAL JESUS CHRIST but an image of Christ instead (serve the Creature (self and satan and Earth and supposed angelic beings (like ALIENS who are pretending to care about EARTH and MAN))more than the Creator )
Originally posted by itsthetooth
You have some good points so I will try my best to explain.
Originally posted by iterationzero
reply to post by itsthetooth
It's complicated but starts out with the study of life in general.
All life here on earth, and those that I have studied for over 3 decades proves that the creator has a pattern.
Most things have two eyes, two ears, a mouth, a nose, you get the picture.
So now you're claiming that we're not of this Earth, but everything else is, but we have genetic and morphological similarities to all of those things that aren't from wherever it is we're from? The evidence doesn't support your speculation.
First of all I don't need to speculate we are not from this earth, the bible quotes we were exiled to earth. I take it just the way it was written.
My findings of reports about alien life is that they seem to always have powers. Telepathy is the most common, mind probing, sleep paralysis, emotion control etc...Even Jesus had powers. Of course we never realized that Jesus was NORMAL, we are the oddballs.
Most unsubstantiated claims of supernatural activity, whether it's "aliens" or "demons" or "boogeymen" or "vampires", display "powers". What differentiates the reports that you claim to have read from any other mythology?
The difference is there have been over 4 million reports of people claiming to have this same hallucination.
I don't know how many people claim to see vampires. If any were honest, I wouldn't rule out life beyond.
In the bible there are several different sections that appear to be either innuendo or semantically worded to say, he took our powers away.
Please cite those passages. And I hope it's better evidence than your account of Sodom and Gomorrah that you cribbed from the greatest charlatan of our time, Erich von Däniken.
Nope, EVD was only a small part of my understanding in all this. It did however set the understanding to something much bigger. How is it our MtDNA claims we are 200,000 years old and we are so primitive in comparison to reports of other life that visits us. Sodom and Gomorrah was an eye opener to the fact that our supposed creator is evil and controlling.
IMO our real creator would need no control or explanation.
All I know about Sitchen is his findings in the scriptures that there is much evidence we were an enslaved race. It's a small part to once again a very large picture.
Of course we have vestigial organs and were sometimes told we don't use the full capacity of our brains. Our fat heads also don't seem to do anything special to justify the overly large size.
Whales have vestigial organs as well. Are you speculating that whales are also of non-terrestrial origin? And our heads don't do anything special for their large size? Really? Guess the dolphins, octopi, and corvids have been building civilizations right under our noses...
Well what you choose to do with your smarts is your choice. I'm not sure if they would like to build city's, much less would they need to. I understand your claim here but there are several things in your question.
First off we know not all life here on earth is ingeniousness. Yet none of the DNA is altered.
Second, I haven't studied whales so I can't apply the same theory, Have you? It does raise concern however, it is possible they are not from here, as hard as that is to believe.
I knew that if I was right, there was only one thing that would prove it.
I watched Lloyd Pye's video on DNA and watched in horror as all of my findings were confirmed in addition to ever scarier things I didn't think of.
Wow, you've really hit the trifecta of pseudoscience in terms of what "proves" your thesis. Sitchin, von Däniken, and now Pye. Well, at least now I know where you got that ridiculous "we only use 10% of our brains" and the "4000 defects in the human chromosome" tosh that you posted earlier. Pye ignores massive amounts of genetic evidence that disprove his hypotheses, such as the natural occurrence of chromosome fusion in a variety of species and his lack of explanation for why a species that has been present for 200ky should have no genetic disorders.
I'm sorry but I was looking at more of the common sense findings that our DNA was tampered with and those changes were able to be dated on or before us coming to earth.
It proves that God was not our creator and backs up the findings in the ezekiel chapter with him appearing to make mutated life. Not even our scientist today make four headed creatures from other existing life. It was yet another clue, because its existing life, not new made life from a real creator.
Gene fusing is NOT natural, neither is gene splicing, from anything I have been able to find. Again I'm not a geneticist, but it sounds like you are.
First off all human life on earth was altered upon our placement here on earth. MtDNA findings showed us to be 200,000 years old. Well I live in 2011 so I'm just missing 192,000 of my lineage.
How are you missing 192ky of lineage when we have archeological/paleontological findings that cover that time period? You keep making assertions that are based on humans appearing out of nowhere 8kya when the evidence clearly shows the opposite. I'm going by the timeline in the bible. You can use the same DNA findings that show we are 200,000 years old. That figure alone doesn't tell us we lived those years here on earth.
Then we have 6 segments of our genes that are altered and show proof, they are removed, inverted and reinserted, as though to disable the sections so that the DNA would hold the change. Then a plethora of Dormant Junk DNA that don't fit the description of anything else we have seen on earth before.
No, we have unique parts of our genetic code. There's no evidence of alteration, we just don't know why those parts are unique. This is a just a degenerate version of the "God of the gaps" arguments… "Aliens of the gaps": "I don't know how it happened, aliens must have done it!"
Well now your agreeing with me. It's obvious how it happened and my whole OP explains it. Methylation is NOT natural and in fact I have said this a dozen times in this post how cute it is that we are the ONLY thing here on earth that has tampered DNA. Methylation is only possible in a LAB people. Yours, mine, all human life on earth has altered DNA. It was in fact the last of my findings. So if I'm all wrong, the DNA says I'm right.
With one exception.
There is not proof that the disabled sections or even the dormant sections prove to be powers, however the Dormant DNA does not fit with anything they have seen before.
We aren't even suppose to talk with our mouths. We eat and breath with our mouths. Talking was an adaptation because our telepathy is disabled. Don't even look at them as powers, they are simply senses just like eyesight, or hearing, or feeling.
First of all I don't need to speculate we are not from this earth, the bible quotes we were exiled to earth. I take it just the way it was written.
The difference is there have been over 4 million reports of people claiming to have this same hallucination.
I don't know how many people claim to see vampires. If any were honest, I wouldn't rule out life beyond.
Nope, EVD was only a small part of my understanding in all this. It did however set the understanding to something much bigger. How is it our MtDNA claims we are 200,000 years old and we are so primitive in comparison to reports of other life that visits us. Sodom and Gomorrah was an eye opener to the fact that our supposed creator is evil and controlling.
IMO our real creator would need no control or explanation.
All I know about Sitchen is his findings in the scriptures that there is much evidence we were an enslaved race. It's a small part to once again a very large picture.
First off we know not all life here on earth is ingeniousness. Yet none of the DNA is altered.
Second, I haven't studied whales so I can't apply the same theory, Have you? It does raise concern however, it is possible they are not from here, as hard as that is to believe.
It proves that God was not our creator and backs up the findings in the ezekiel chapter with him appearing to make mutated life. Not even our scientist today make four headed creatures from other existing life. It was yet another clue, because its existing life, not new made life from a real creator.
Gene fusing is NOT natural, neither is gene splicing, from anything I have been able to find. Again I'm not a geneticist, but it sounds like you are.
I'm going by the timeline in the bible. You can use the same DNA findings that show we are 200,000 years old. That figure alone doesn't tell us we lived those years here on earth.
Well now your agreeing with me. It's obvious how it happened and my whole OP explains it.
Methylation is NOT natural and in fact I have said this a dozen times in this post how cute it is that we are the ONLY thing here on earth that has tampered DNA. Methylation is only possible in a LAB people. Yours, mine, all human life on earth has altered DNA. It was in fact the last of my findings. So if I'm all wrong, the DNA says I'm right.
We aren't even suppose to talk with our mouths. We eat and breath with our mouths. Talking was an adaptation because our telepathy is disabled. Don't even look at them as powers, they are simply senses just like eyesight, or hearing, or feeling.
I didn't know EVD was considered a charlatan. I found his direction to interesting.
I wonder if you have overlooked the biggest thing in all of this, like most of us have?
Did it ever occur to you that if we did know who or how we were created, we probably wouldn't have all of this uncertainty and different religions, and proof in DNA as well as in the bible.
Probably not.
IMO we would know, and accept it as truth, backed up with a plethora of obvious proof without any question.
This would even apply to my findings with one exception, victomology.
You have understand that what has happened to us, they didn't want us to figure it out, and potentiality undo it.
You can say I have no proof but the DNA tells it all. I can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink. Is it possible you simply don't want to understand this or believe in this? Most likely. It's a common reply to easterly accept things, and we all do it. Myself included. Because I'm not the best in explaining things, I would invite you to search out what I have found, and try to prove it wrong. Here is the best part. Even thought I have DNA backed up with scriptures from both the bible and findings by Zecharia Sitchin, I could say the DNA at least in some aspects is proof.
I peeked on a few things about whales in general. They are saying the brains are surprisingly similar to humans, which is not the case with most other life.
I'm so confident about my findings in this big picture that with almost each view of a page in the bible, it actually makes sense now.
I understand your questioning all this but I'm sorry to say, I think your wrong.
While you may not feel I have proof, I would hardly consider DNA pseudoscience. And if you do, I wonder how you feel about the accuracy of that same DNA proving who your kids / parents are, much less murders proving people guilty from DNA.
Ok maybe your right on this one.
Originally posted by iterationzero
reply to post by itsthetooth
One request before we continue - please learn to use the quote function properly. It would make it easier to see where your replied begin within the large block of quoted text. Thanks.
First of all I don't need to speculate we are not from this earth, the bible quotes we were exiled to earth. I take it just the way it was written.
If you're using the Bible as objective evidence to make your assertions, then you're on shaky ground to begin with. Again, go back and read the original texts with a Hebrew lexicon handy and see if you feel as though you can make the same assertions.
Agreed, I'm sure something could be amiss in the translation, I don't speak or read Hebrew.
The difference is there have been over 4 million reports of people claiming to have this same hallucination.
I don't know how many people claim to see vampires. If any were honest, I wouldn't rule out life beyond.
I've asked for some kind of citation where these 4M reports can be viewed in previous replies in this thread and you've directed me to Youtube videos. Youtube may be appropriate for general explanations, but citations are required for the kind of claims you're making. Also, there's a reason why eyewitness accounts don't count for much in the legal world - they recognize that they're inherently flawed and unreliable. The scientific world requires and even greater burden of proof than the legal, so eyewitness accounts don't cut it.
Agree again, and see that even all of that could apply to the bible as there is no proof either.
I'm sorry but if the bible, scientific DNA, charlatans, and my 3 decades of paranormal study all point to the same direction, I don't know of any other way to get proof.
In fact I think the new DNA findings outweigh any proof we have had up until now.
Anyone can call someone a charlatan, Eric was on the right track for sure. I know he got busted on some small thing in explanation but I don't think it totally dismisses his entire direction.
Nope, EVD was only a small part of my understanding in all this. It did however set the understanding to something much bigger. How is it our MtDNA claims we are 200,000 years old and we are so primitive in comparison to reports of other life that visits us. Sodom and Gomorrah was an eye opener to the fact that our supposed creator is evil and controlling.
IMO our real creator would need no control or explanation.
All I know about Sitchen is his findings in the scriptures that there is much evidence we were an enslaved race. It's a small part to once again a very large picture.
The fact that you're taking any of your understanding from van Däniken, Sitchin, or Pye (as well as the Bible) calls into question the whole of your thesis. Three frauds and a books of allegories do not a solid foundation make.
Well here is the funny thing about your claim in this. You can call them frauds, I don't see them as such and whats really funny here is they all have different directions. So you could be right but your outnumbered in some things.
I found some things I didn't agree with Pye. Saying he thinks aliens engineered us. That can be taken two different ways. I know for a fact aliens didn't design us. They might have altered our DNA, but that's it. Aliens are NOT creators, they mad scientists at best.
First off we know not all life here on earth is ingeniousness. Yet none of the DNA is altered.
This is predicated on your unproven speculation that it's been altered. God of the gaps. We have unique DNA, as does every species on Earth, yet you're making the leap to "God did it" without any sort of objective evidence.
I guess you didn't understand the video, much less the consistancy of all other life having solid blue laminate.
Our genes have been gene spliced, and evidence is in ALL of our genes. It's only possible in a LAB. In addition those sections are inverted, and reinserted and the direction of the twist in the chain also happens to be inverted in the same sections where the color is different. It's more than obvious someone altered our DNA. This doesn't happen in natural life. And even if Pye is wrong in that statement, which your saying he is, then we are the ONLY thing on this planet that has those differences. 5 million species, of which we have probably tested about 1/4 million. I think the odds are against you on this.
Second, I haven't studied whales so I can't apply the same theory, Have you? It does raise concern however, it is possible they are not from here, as hard as that is to believe.
So you invoking an "aliens did it" model for our vestigial organs, but not for any other species on the planet? Occam's razor says you're overreaching. Especially given that vestigial organs are a fantastic source of evidence for common descent. Vestigial organs are in fact just the opposite. It's proof that in fact they didn't evolve, because they kept things they didn't need. I'm sorry but evolution makes no sense.
Like thinking we evolved. With all of our sickness and how we don't nothing but adapt to survive. Honestly, if we did evolve, we would be much better off going back to being primates, and that's a fact.
It proves that God was not our creator and backs up the findings in the ezekiel chapter with him appearing to make mutated life. Not even our scientist today make four headed creatures from other existing life. It was yet another clue, because its existing life, not new made life from a real creator.
I agree that God is not our creator, I just don't see the need to complicate things by replacing God with aliens when we have well substantiated naturalistic explanations. And literal interpretations of the Bible are spurious at best unless you have some kind of way of objective substantiating the claims therein
Everytime I opne the bible and read a new page, it agrees with my direction. I'm sorry, I'm not getting questions, I'm getting more answers and I'm not digging to find them.
Now if you want to believe that god is in your heart, thats up to you. I don't want to take that away from anyone.
I don't believe in imaginary friends or evolution and Pye also ruled that out in the DNA. We came into life all of a sudden 200,000 years ago and the DNA tells us so.
I have never had the urge to hang in trees, or throw poo. There are to many holes in the idea, sorry, I have looked at it in depth, and found nothing but people patching holes, patching holes with the most ridiculious ideas.
Gene fusing is NOT natural, neither is gene splicing, from anything I have been able to find. Again I'm not a geneticist, but it sounds like you are.
Then you haven't looked very hard. Gene fusion is extremely common in nature: pigs, goats, sheep, cattle, rats, mice, fish, lizards, planipapillus, leafhoppers, grasshoppers, and butterflies all display gene fusion.
What about gene splicing?
I'm going by the timeline in the bible. You can use the same DNA findings that show we are 200,000 years old. That figure alone doesn't tell us we lived those years here on earth.
Yet we have an overwhelming amount of evidence that shows that we did live those years on Earth. And, again, you need to show how the Bible should be taken as an objective source of evidence before you can use it to make the assertions you're making.
Ok, I'll explain again. I live in the year 2011. From what I can tell there was only a few thousand years to the BC timeline. That's it. I'm missing a couple of decimals of my lineage here.
Well now your agreeing with me. It's obvious how it happened and my whole OP explains it.
No, I'm showing you why your assertion based on "I don't know" = "aliens did it" is ludicrous.
Let me ask you, how much study have you don't on aliens. What if anything can you tell me about them, that you know or have heard?
Methylation is NOT natural and in fact I have said this a dozen times in this post how cute it is that we are the ONLY thing here on earth that has tampered DNA. Methylation is only possible in a LAB people. Yours, mine, all human life on earth has altered DNA. It was in fact the last of my findings. So if I'm all wrong, the DNA says I'm right.
Except you are completely and totally wrong on this point. There's an entire class of enzymes called methyltransferase that exists in every single kingdom of life on this planet that does nothing but methylation. Seriously, your understanding of fundamental biochemistry and genetics is incredibly flawed. I saw you referring to single amino acids as proteins, which is also completely wrong.
No that was only because I thought I was refering to DNA which is different.
And again, even if your right, how come we are the only life every knowing to have these marks of altered genes?
We aren't even suppose to talk with our mouths. We eat and breath with our mouths. Talking was an adaptation because our telepathy is disabled. Don't even look at them as powers, they are simply senses just like eyesight, or hearing, or feeling.
Originally posted by Simplynoone
reply to post by Simplynoone
If you would be so kind in reading what I wrote this morning on my facebook I think you would see a better picture of it all ..Here it is .
I came across this link (read it very close and read between the lines because the person who wrote it is not a Christian but is borderline New Age (if not total new ager) ...
By shooting intense radio beams into the night sky, researchers created a modest neon light show visible from the ground. The process is not well understood, but scientists speculate it could one day be employed to light a city or generate celestial advertisements. (READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE)
Here is my reply about the whole ordeal ...
This article not only shows PROOF that there are some MANIPULATIONS involved with the use of technology and chemicals that are involved during Chemtrail spraying and weather manipulation (Creating clouds) Can all lead to some disturbing DECEPTION (on a grand scale) with use of all the above and a Holographic imaging system with voice even,Fooling ALL (especially New Agers)who are waiting for their supposed Alien friends who are supposed to be coming to release them from being slaves to the modern day PHAROHS (Our Rulers and the Bankers etc)using some sort of (Faked trickery with the use of HOLOGRAMS and COMPUTERS) Alien invasion scenerio where the Aliens win and then the New Agers can live happily ever after on this earth with their angels who they worship as gods (the supposed ascended masters of the New Age religion) ...............CLEARLY there is a MASS DELUSION being planned in the coming months ..just like scripture says ....A STRONG DELUSION (its massive manipulation and trickery ) That huge falling away could very well be a WORSHIPPING OF ANGELS (fallen ones ) when these twelve ascended masters come down from heaven and DEMAND WORSHIP (or at least they will make it appear they came down from heaven when in reality they have been right here the whole time ..because satan was cast down to this Earth and 1/3 of the angels came with him and is NOW LIMITED (on a short lease until the Lord really lets him do his thing to complete scripture) now on where he can go and what he can do etc so I dont think he is in heaven at all but RIGHT HERE ALREADY among us ...(NEPHALIM are his seed and they are here once again mingling with the seed of mankind) and that seed is the very ones that they are gonna pretend to take out of Office (those who control this world right now) and that is the ILLUMINATI or the bloodlines of the seed of CAIN (the ELITES who own this world with their MONEY AnD POWER) ..............Its a GRAND SHOW of MASSIVE DECEPTIONS and not only are the BAD GUY but they are also gonna play the role now of the GOOD GUY or MESSIAH of MANKIND >>
DONT BE FOOLED BY WHAT WE SEE its not WHAT IT REALLY IS ....Col 2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,Col 2:19 And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.
Col 2:20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,
Col 2:21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not;
These angels that will appear to come from the sky are not ANGELS OF GOD and they will according to scripture above cause many to HUMBLY AND VOLUNTARILY WORSHIP THEM because of THEIR DIVINE ORDINANCES (that sound great on the surface which is be kind to the animals ,dont eat MEAT,etc etc)
More of their ordinances are lets kill off a huge portion of the population (justified population control) for the greater good to spare the world from destruction (of which is already beyond fixing by the way) .......lets move everyone off the coastal areas to spare the beaches and the creatures in the Oceans , more living off the land but lets live off FAKE FOOD and GMOs etc ............
Do your own research into all of this and you will clearly see the whole picture and what the REAL DECEPTION is going to be ..satan coming as an angel of light being with his unholy angels who fell with him take the PLACE OF GOD and demand the worship of GODS creation (HUMANS)
Look into Sustainable Development and Biodiversity and Agenda 21 ...which ALL NATIONS have adopted as the GOAL of mankind ...and tell me then that this isnt what satan has in mind on how he will get mankind to think that he is god ........when he comes and shows with TRICKERY that he is control of this earth and us ...and that there is no GOD coming to save us because well they are the gods that God sent to save us .(NOT)
Col 2:22 Which all are to perish with the using after the commandments and doctrines of men?
Col 2:23 Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.
Perfect Video to go with what I just posted above and who all will be involved (It includes the INSTITUTION OF CHRISTIANITY ) (only those who DO NOT KNOW THE REAL JESUS CHRIST but an image of Christ instead (serve the Creature (self and satan and Earth and supposed angelic beings (like ALIENS who are pretending to care about EARTH and MAN))more than the Creator )