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It's official, GOD was a space alien, and NOT our real creator

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posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

its true human humans communicate with more then wordss, but its not telepathy.
Its called body language!

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by kallisti36
Oh, this again

No comment on the title, let's get into your claims:
1. Because we aren't perfect and don't understand EVERYTHING about the world from the getgo we must not belong here.
2. It is clear by the *fact* that we have supposedly existed for 200,000 years (most scientists believe humans are only 50,000 years old) according to our dna, which if Darwinism is correct, is inherited from older species (nevermind that bit) we must not be from this Earth
3. Because our DNA is so different from other species in spite of similarities we must not belong to this planet. Nevermind the traditional line of thought that mankind was a creation set apart which this evidence can also corroborate. That's what the MAN wants you to think.
4. So based on all previous leaps in logic let's move on to the crux of the suppositions: God is a meany and an alien who created us as slaves and unfairly demanded a moral code from us.
5. Since God is an ET and not supernatural, the Ark was a walkie talkie with the tablets of Gilgamesh even though it actually held the tablets of the law, but shhhh! shhhh! CONTEXT IS FOR CONFORMISTS
6. Why would God ask Adam and Eve where they were after they ate the forbidden fruit? Nevermind rhetorical questions, this proves he isn't omnipotent. Oh, and get this, if you take the sentence “Where are you?” and change the words around and add some in it changes the meaning entirely! So after I edit it so it meets my expectations (it's ok, they had no translation standards or reverence and they messed it up) we get “Do you know where you are?” which means that HE WIPED THEIR MEMORY!!11!1
7. Now to give you an idea of what God is, I'm going to operate within the confines of post 1950's thought and use a concept that grew out of sensationalism and apply it to a God I already don't like. [I'm going to break the tongue and cheek diatribe for a moment to address those who have had real UFO experiences (you know who you are). You can make huge leaps in logic to apply ETs to Biblical events, but they are quite different aren't they? First you have to assume that a very erudite and philosophical group of people (the Israelites) could not accurately describe a space craft or flying saucer (how sophisticated is that description?) in the way they are described today. Next you have to assume that there is absolutely no spiritual explanation to anything and make huge leaps in logic to apply specific biblical terms to vague new agey UFO terminology as opposed to the specific UFO terminology such as greys and space craft. Another point of interest is that this poster neither has extensive knowledge or experience in Judeo-Christian thought and history nor has he ever seen an ET, let alone be abducted. Final point: UFO sitings and abductions are often specific and don't pop up in history unless you stretch imagery to a breaking point until the 1950's when the abductions began. Consider the possibility that demons exist. They know our culture is becoming more secular and a traditional spiritual demonic attack would lead that person to God or more likely Christ because you can't be an atheist after that. Bearing this in mind wouldn't it be reasonable to surmise that they are intelligent enough to alter their attacks to appear more materialistic than spiritual, by hallucinations and such?] This is reasonable because we are so much more sophisticated and intelligent than the ancients who continue to baffle scientists with their archaeological leavings. When the Israelites described the "Cherubim" (pshaw) as "spinning wheels filled with eyes and on fire with the glory of the LORD" (can't provide an accurate quote, I don't have to read the Bible or get context to make leaps in logic) what they really meant was "flying saucer" and "doohickey". When they spoke of the "shining white raiment of the angels" they meant "tinfoilish suits that the greys wear". How far we've come.
8. By this point I'm sure you've guessed I'm Marcion and I came up with this idea over a millennia ago. You see, I didn't like God very much so I decided to take the Bible and write my own scriptures to turn Biblical themes and entities on their head through huge leaps of logic. I couldn't be bothered to read all of the Bible in context to see why God would punish anyone perpetuating the curse of sin and death and trying to lead the Israelites away from their Lord and Savior. God should never punish anyone right? He should just let us all roam away from the source of life and never CORRECT anyone. So I started writing inverted Biblical fanfiction and came to the conclusion by my own writings and select writings that agreed with me, that the God of the Israelites was not our creator and was really the evil demiurge who enslaved us and trapped us in the prison of this world. I was cruelly surpressed by the Christian Church Fathers who showed that I had no succession from the apostles and was just a layman writing fan fiction. As it would turn out, my vague ideas can easily be applied to equally vague UFO terminology to make the idea seem fresh and relevant to the times. Eventually my ideas will fade out when they are debunked and will pass like all fads. In the mean time, I'm going to milk it for what it's worth before the discerning arrive. But don't worry, I'll be back, all heresies have comebacks and reapplications. The Arians came back as the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Manichaeans came back to some extent with the Mormons, the Chilliasts came back as both fundies pining for a theocracy and the Utopians like those of the Venus Project.

Interesting, but this song has been covered more than Gloria and Louie Louie.

Thank you to all of the discerning, stuff like this just burns like wildfires on ATS.
Al Maseeh Qam! Christ is risen!
edit on 15-5-2011 by kallisti36 because: (no reason given)

very nice reply but I wouldnt' worry about being debunked, after all god has not been around (other than in our hearts ) forever but we are still in fact getting visits from aliens even at this momen.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo

Originally posted by cornucopia
reply to post by Sundowner

so called junk DNA is multidemnsional and frequency activated...

as your body can hold a certain frequency and/or your consciousness reaches a cretain stage your DNA will be activated according to your guides/higher self..yourself and your situation..

we do have telepathy and many other abilities..

i know

Can you tell me what Im looking at right now?

Ive always wanted to test such a thing.

Sure, when we are around people we can sometimes 'read' their energy and know what they are thinking, what they want, what is worrying them....but I would not call such telepathy...I would call it being in tune to those around us.

your tv, lol

tuning in or reading people is very similar to telepathy, i remember in 08 when i was awakened i had the ability but nobody could respond back and with my situation that it is it faded, but i bet i will ...we will have the ability when the time is right...

consciousness is rising

you see the changes...etc.?
edit on 15-5-2011 by cornucopia because: wrong

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by siren8
You contradict yourself. You say at the beginning that you have verified 4 million reports of human ESP and then later ask why humans don't have it.

Then I stopped reading somewhere around Sodom and Gomorah.

No, read it again. I said there are over 4 million reports, not that Ive read them all. I have probably read about 10,000. I was wondering why it is that aliens all seem to have powers and we don't.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:50 PM
You're right, you win. Next. You clearly don't know enough about theology to discuss such things, so why do you waste our time? I'm amazed at the amount of time people spend trying to debunk God and Jesus, yet you don't see me trying to prove you wrong. Why? Because I honestly don't give a rats @ss what your beliefs are and it's not my place to convince you otherwise. So, why do atheists spend sooooo much time doing this garbage? Are you envious because all you have in life are your material belongings, your "toys", and when you die, you have nothing? Explain to me why secularists/atheists are so bent on forcing their views on others? What would you care what my beliefs are?

Let me put it another way...If you and I were standing on the sidewalk and a red car went by and I argued that it was blue, if you knew you were right, would you really need to prove to me otherwise? Would it really matter to you what I saw? Of course not; you'd know I was nuts or color-blind and move on. This is the same. You're right. Move on.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal

Originally posted by 1Mind1Soul
reply to post by DragonriderGal

You stated that entire thread like you were an elve from prehistoric times and know exactly what happened.

Stop watching Star Treck so much and begin with FOX news, it might suit you better.

All this information is in the racial unconscious, stored in the memories of those beings/people who actually lived thru those events, ex-elves included; I can very clearly see what happened because I'm accessing those actual memories. It's often like watching the history channel without the Leonard Nimoy voice overs.

And from what I can tell, Roddenberry was probably accessing the racial unconscious for a lot of his stuff as well, especially when he got to ST: DS9. The Vulcans are the high elves, the Romulans are the lesser elves, the Klingons, the true humans (kinda funny that he made the true humans 'aliens'! *lol*), the Jue-sah are the Ferengi and so on. These are some of the correlations I've made so far. I think he was insulting the tall skinny blue people by portraying them as those short blue beings with small fleshy antenna that were tech-savvy but in general were never portrayed in a kindly light.

And FOX news is one of the NWO bunch's (current face of the Jue-sah/illuminati) biggest spin tools. I wouldn't believe a single word anyone said on that station except for those they 'interview' with the intention of making them look like fools because they are going against the NWO's party line. Like those who are decrying the 9-11 thing as a musilum plot for instance, when it is clear to the rest of the world that it so was an inside job. Anything the employees of that station say is never going to be the actual plain truth. It is always going to be spun like the propaganda that it is.

edit on 15-5-2011 by DragonriderGal because: Spelling

our inability to understand these things stems from god putting us in the dumb down factor.
If you were with friends tomorrow, and looked up in the sky, and saw a space ship, would you get your friend to look. Would you feel embarrassed if he wasn't there to see it, but you were trying to convince him you saw it. We are in bad shape people.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
reply to post by LeoVirgo

its true human humans communicate with more then wordss, but its not telepathy.
Its called body language!

lol, true..

but we are more than these bodies...

when you can read energies then...communications gets easier...

can you feel when someone is lieing to you?

even more so when your frequeuncy is high and your are awake/aware...

lies are not possible anymore

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by cornucopia

your tv, lol tuning in or reading people is very similar to telepathy, i remember in 98 when i was awakened i had the ability but nobody could respond back and with my situation that it is it faded, but i bet i will ...we will have the ability when the time is right... consciousness is rising you see the changes...etc.?

Well at least you gave it a shot (but Im assuming that was not a 'real shot' or real try?)

I see earth changes....but I do not in any way see earth changes bringing us powers or new ability. Maybe it will make us more wise about being in balance with earth and make us be more aware that earth will always be changing, just as nothing in the universe stays the same. All must 'to and fro' -to be.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by itsthetooth

I was wondering why it is that aliens all seem to have powers and we don't.

This simply shows...what those that experience...desire or fear.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by General.Lee

well when someone posts its official and he is wrong, horribly wrong i will argue

and the fact he is ignoring the most simple of questions is proof to that. Btw is it not possible that aliens don't have powers but are just more technological superior?
edit on 15-5-2011 by Bixxi3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by itsthetooth

Originally posted by siren8
You contradict yourself. You say at the beginning that you have verified 4 million reports of human ESP and then later ask why humans don't have it.

Then I stopped reading somewhere around Sodom and Gomorah.

No, read it again. I said there are over 4 million reports, not that Ive read them all. I have probably read about 10,000. I was wondering why it is that aliens all seem to have powers and we don't.

hey bro

we have these "powers" ..relax and let the love in and you will have them...

love is the key.

don't believe me?



you know, i know ALL of you know what i'm talkin about...

get past the fear..

let it go...

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by itsthetooth

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75
reply to post by itsthetooth

You know what explains all of this FAR better than Aliens or God? Natural Evolution...why is it you didn't even consider that, but are debating two speculative mythologies instead?

Because it means there are lies in the bible and I don't think calling that many people liars is fair. I stand by the rule that people don't lie, the person lies.

I don't think I catch your meaning here.....'people don't lie, the person lies'. People are just a group of 'persons'. I'm not saying you don't have a valid point...I'm only saying I genuinely don't understand the point you are trying to make, or furthermore, how it relates to my original comment...could you clarify what you are suggesting? Thanks.
edit on 15-5-2011 by bhornbuckle75 because: I did something

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:56 PM
Page 2 in the bible, states: "26. And God said, let us create man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth".

As you can see god is Plural... It stated "US" and "OUR"... Hmm so this show that god is more than one person, and definitely if we are the image of God then God is a group of humans. Because we look like them and they look like us. Therefore its human who created human beings on earth. Also they referred the world as earth, meaning they are not from earth. So this is a documented fact that god is human looking,not from earth and a group of beings.

I just wanted to share that part because I find it so fascinating that it says US and OUR...
edit on 16-5-2011 by unlimited1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:59 PM
God is our real creator, he is alien to us but he is not from just some other planet out there like the grays are. Just look at our solar system and how earth is in the perfect goldie lox zone and everything about our bodies how it works like a perfectly oiled machine, how everything and everyone is connected... a conscience collective field of string theory. Stereotypical aliens can not create things like that. From the plants that gives us oxygen to breath to us emitting CO-2 for them to feed back on. You can say this is a chain of evolution that makes everything work and adapt together, and I would say you are right because God made the earth to evolve and so it does, but feelings , knowing good and bad, GHOST ( a big one) does not just evolve! There is more to all of this then God was an Alien or that God does not exist!
Just a quick note on who the people were outside of Eden... There was a pre-Adamic race. Do some research on the subject if you would like.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by itsthetooth

I came out of one experience so embarrassed that I decided long ago I would never do hypnotherapy as I have probably been programed if anything to tell secrets on myself...

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
reply to post by LeoVirgo

its true human humans communicate with more then wordss, but its not telepathy.
Its called body language!

I agree. The more you know the person, the better this 'communication/connection' can become.

We experience this kind of thing when we start to look at the time to elect a new president. We intake a 'new person' and what they tell us...then after a while, we can actually read into them and then usually when its too late...we can tell their bluffs, their BS, ect.

Sometimes we can meet strangers but still feel strangely connected and I think this relates to seeing something similar in them, that we see or know of, in or about, ourselves (or even someone we know).

I do believe in oneness, and all is connected...but I dont think this is the reason why we can 'read people' sometimes. I think its like you said, the body language, or familiarity of knowing someone well enough to be able to 'read them'.

Let me see a person give me the right answers 10 times straight of what Im looking at...and Ill consider telepathy. I have seen some strange things in my life...Ive seen someone move a object. I know we are all energy and I think there are things we dont understand yet about this energy we are of. But Im still not a fan of just out right telepathy as if its a given right or power.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:04 AM
all this thread is about is an attempt to create fear about "aliens" which in reality are family..


believe what you want

oh and there is a creator or God...i love him/her so much

thank you..

thank you

thank you

i love you..yes YOU


i love this game...

i wish i could get responses from people who remember

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by 1Mind1Soul

God "hates you for writing this"
That tells me a lot about god then, doesn't it?

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:11 AM
Good stuff, very interesting, especially this bit (not sure how to quote)

"If it is true that we aren’t living on our home planet, our lives would be filled with adaptation, sickness and disease. We would also not know our purpose in life and spend a lot of time studying our planet as it would be new to us. The planet would seem to not fit us in many ways and we would probably rely greatly on doctors in our attempts to try to survive on the wrong planet. After careful thought, I realize it’s more than obvious this isn’t our home. People have mentioned this to me in the past and I just took in passing but never really thought about it in detail. It would appear that we have been placed in a compromising position. What has been done to us is cruelty in epic proportions."

Making me think ALOT more.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:12 AM
Ya know 10,000 years ago man worshiped dirt, then the sky was falling so they worshiped the cosmos, the Sun the Sun God,.
When religion nolonger works, it changes, when the Pagan religion nolonger work Contantine, created the Cathloic Church, and it don't work.

God is not a man nor a woman, At the Godhead there is no such thing as he, she, nothing the human mind could even comprenhind.

IIn a million years this world will not even matter, if it even does now.

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