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Attn: Republicans, Right-wingers & Conservatives (oh my!)

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posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 12:58 PM
*** Now accepting applications for the Republican team for the Campaign Issues forum. ***

Please see this thread for details on the new forum and what each team will accomplish.

Positive attitude and adherence to ATS rules are required.

For consideration please U2U me. Stuff that makes me laugh is always appreciated.

The open positions will go fast, so send those U2Us now!

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 01:44 PM
Unlike some recent attempts to invoke the perception of patriotism, and the willingness to stand FIRMLY with our military (maybe I could go back and recreate some of my shore leave escapades). Yes, I can even sit down at a Wendy's with four Jarheads... errr... Marines, and be welcome. (I was a Navy Corpsman for eight years, someone had to provide adult supervision, it just happened to be furry little me

I must say that I'm looking forward to an exposition of political ideals, preferably with nominal contentious composition. The need to investigate, analyze, and disseminate the respective party platforms, the respective candidates viewpoints, and positions on key issues is of paramount importance.

My sententious diligence is at your disposal.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 01:50 PM

Is this the actualy Forum?

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 03:17 PM
Ok I just sent my U2U and I am hoping for the best. I would like to also reveal the main topic of this election and why the republican part has more to offer, and have a constructive debate with other members. Looking forward to see who is on the team.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 03:24 PM
Sent My U2U Already......Hope I can Get In I am not scared let get to the SERIOUS debate on MAIN issues....Not JUST the stump Speech.

[edit on 2-8-2004 by Truth_Hunter_1976]

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 11:52 PM
Well, glad to be a part of the team, Banshee. We'll show them we're not afraid to keep to the issues here. The issues are paramount to this election, IMO. Do we want someone in office who will cut the Defense budget, or someone who will keep it firm? (Not saying I'm 100% behind keepin our soldiers over seas, of course. Just kinda afraid we're getting into another Vietnam-style war here.) At any rate, let's have some good, clean, fun, informed debate here guys.

Happy hunting,

regs out...

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:17 PM
Im on board, on watch, and on duty. Im very interested in discussing Homeland Security, Defense, The war on terror, and Iraq. Bring it on!

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:58 PM
DTOM, reporting for duty.

This effort will be something we can all be proud of. Perhaps, we should alert the for-real candidates so they cam brush up on the issues important to the People of this Country

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 03:17 PM
Gearing up to get the truth out! A true chance to deny ignorance.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 03:18 PM
hey tread,

I hope you aren't a MSU student because as a OSU grad I just can't talk to you.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 03:25 PM
One Conservababe, present and accounted for.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 06:16 PM
Ready and rearing for battle here in the Uber Liberal SF Bay Area....

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 08:34 PM
Reporting for duty. My only question is this...
Should we let all of the cats out of the bag now or let GW take some glory in the debates?

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by crmanager
hey tread,

I hope you aren't a MSU student because as a OSU grad I just can't talk to you.

You will be quite relieved that "The Ohio State University" is utilizing my services in their new Orthopaedic Outpatient Clinic.

Primates, not just for drug testing anymore...

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by crmanager
hey tread,

I hope you aren't a MSU student because as a OSU grad I just can't talk to you.

Never fear, I did not go to MSU or UM!

I graced the halls of a few metro Detroit colleges. And, I'm past the age of most students. Can we talk?

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 12:25 PM
Evil Conservative Republican BlackJackal reporting for duty.

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