posted on May, 15 2011 @ 01:36 PM
Originally posted by sandesh
who is Dr Kelly
He's the guy who killed himself after he made a mess of his career. He was a UN weapons inspector working for the Britsh Government. He got a bit
uspset when his dicsussions with the press were revealed and his employer was not impressed. Some people still think he was killed by the government
and just will not believe the evidence, even after an Inquiry.
It's a conspiracy. But who did it and why? Was it Mossad, CIA, MI5, MI6, his gay lover (was there one, who knows), aliens, reptiles, the BBC,
Saddam, the Russians / Freanch / Japanese etc.?
He did it because he had made a mess of his life. The Daily Mail is just recycling old tosh for which answers have been given.