To begin I moved to California a couple months ago. My family usually buys bottled water and that is what I had been drinking here for the first few
Then about two weeks ago are refrigerator broke on us and I am not one who is terribly fond of warm water; so I started to drink tap water with ice
for awhile.
For a period of a week and a half I would wake up in the morning, having terrible stomach pains like I was going to throw up. I also was having the
runs and both these symptoms would go away by mid day (I usually did not drink water in the mornings, just late afternoon and night). My dad was
experiencing the same thing.
I did not think of the tap water being the reason for us feeling this way, until a co-worker listening to how I had been feeling lately asked if I had
been drinking tap water.
Now my Dad and I were the only ones feeling this way, as my Mom was not. When I got home I asked if any of them had been drinking tap water. My dad
said he was with his pills at night and my mom was not drinking the tap water. Thus she was feeling fine and we were not.
So after my co-worker told me this, I stopped drinking the tap water and have been feeling fine since then.
The weird thing is when I was living in New York, New Jersey, and Florida; I used to drink tap water a lot more there and never seemed to have any
problems. Yet as soon as I try it here; I got sick from it. Now in the link here:
it says that it can cause health risks yet the amounts were all within federal standards. That was for LA and I live in San Diego, which it said got
a similar grade to LA, except for some areas the levels of chemical perchlorate was higher than the new state standard for government action.
If it can post health risks, how can it be within federal standards? What is really in it? Why would I get sick from the tap water in California,
yet been fine all those years drinking the tap water in New York, New Jersey, and Florida.
I made this thread as I am interested in hearing people with similar stories, thoughts on whats in the tap water causing this, the difference in tap
water on one coast to another, anything else that pops in you head on this topic. Also, to hopefully prevent people from drinking the tap water here.
Also, to just share my experience with you fellow ATS members.
In conclusion, to say the least I am back on the bottled water train and ain't leaving, lol.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Not sure if I posted this in the correct section, so if it is not please move to the appropriate area for discussion.
edit on 5/14/2011 by theUNKNOWNawaits because: (no reason given)
edit on 5/14/2011 by theUNKNOWNawaits because: (no reason