posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by notimportant
Observing the "awakened" internet doom addicts and radical kooks weave their "research" of boogiemen, spookey tales and intrigue is like watching
a reality show on televison. It is kind of real, but not really. It sometimes holds a grain of truth but is woven in with a thousand manipulative
and self serving exaggerations, myths and lies. The commercial sponsors of the show sell the products of fear to the "awakened" so they will be
"ready" and survive the end of the world or the collapse of evil America - a long held dream of radicals. It is entertainment.
Look at it as a horror movie with many themes that never ends because the actors make up as they go along. They are creative, no doubt about that.
When one tale of doom does not happen, the next tale will come along. Sometimes the audience gets fooled into thinking that the story is real and
gets angry and disillusioned that they were fooled and wasted time and money for the mistake of mixing fantancy with reality; truth with fiction. You
might call it artistic license.
The name calling and all negativity directed at those who are not "awake", i.e., adding to the story line, is only to protect the atmosphere and
momentum of the production. Supposed you were in a movie theater watching Superman and you had someone stand up and shout "This is stupid. Men with
capes can not fly!" And the audience responds - "Shut up and sit down, stupid."
The hippy dippy communists have been using the term "sheeple" to describe those who reject Utopia, forever. And when you hear all the negative
stuff about "we", the smart ones, versus "them" the stupid sheeple, that has it's origins in the communist strategy for power in America. It
helps to make your followers think they are better than the rest - the only smart and moral high ground ones. The only ones fit to rule together.
The stupid people need smart rulers. Those who disagree are not only stupid, they are evil and must be attacked with tales of reptilian monsters and
fascist demon masons. The doom crowd's atheists (there is no god) and New Agers (we are all gods) have picked this narrative from the Marxism
claiming their mental superiority over those who beleive in that bugaboo, Jesus or Christian churches or that "extremist, racist myth" about
American constitutional freedom.
And then there is the horror theme of Christian end times where doomers frantically interact with the above folks to save them from the demons and
hell because time is short - the world is about to end. Sometimes they all interscet and weave themselves and their narratives into a grand orgie of
end of the world doom.