posted on May, 14 2011 @ 12:56 AM
David Wilcock is saying what others have been saying about the flood: These record level waters are acting as a lubricant to increase the odds of a
massive earthquake occurring. Going for an unbiased viewpoint, these are indisputable facts:
· There are 15 nuclear reactors in the vicinity of the New Madrid Fault line
· The floods of the Mississippi have broken records that have lasted hundreds of years
· FEMA has purchased 140 million packages meals that only have a shelf life of 3 years
· FEMA's NLE (National Level Exercise) is scheduled to take place between May 16th - 20th and deals with an earthquake scenario on the New Madrid
Fault Line
· Harold Camping has predicted massive earthquakes (accompanying the Rapture) on May 21st at 6pm (in each respective time zone); this prediction is
not new and was made many years ago
The old saying is that if it's too good to be true, it probably is, but what happens if the puzzle pieces are too bad to be false? If nothing
happens, this could be the second biggest set of coincidences to never happen - right below December 21st, 2012, of course.