reply to post by Warpthal
Greetings. I'm the opposite of you, a gnostic, so let me answer these however I can.
-How do we know a God exists?
This is a personal quest that one must undergo. If you question his existence, do some research and look within yourself because the answers are
there. If you strongly believe you will know, then you will know. A blind person cannot see whether or not he is in the darkness or in the light. Your
first task is to learn to see not simply with your body and mind, but with your spirit - the seed of the divine that is within you and requires
-How do we know what is God?
God is ineffable, simply. This is why he is known by many different names and faces. We as humans cannot fully describe who or what he is, other than
that he is simply, is.
-How can we communicate with God is he is divine?
Prayer is talking to God, meditation is listening to God. When you pray, prayer for others, when you listen, listen for yourself and those around you.
The thing to remember is "others, Lord, others."
-How can we comprehend Divine knowledge?
One who fully comprehends divine knowledge is someone who is fully enlightened (or as some say, reached the Christ consciousness). This is a journey
and will take time. Even those in the presence of great prophets were doubtful, imagine us who only have texts as a basis for their wisdom? That's
why it's important to be faithful and look within.
-God doesn't show any emotions because emotions are mortal actions.
God is love, clearly an emotion by our words. We are taught to love others as he loves us, which is unconditionally. Protect your neighbour, protect
even your enemy. Love them all -- this is the basic premise of many religions. If God did not love, we would not have a soul, nor would we have had
messengers from him, nor would we have any knowledge of things like rebirth, afterlife, philosophy, science, and so on. We would simply be animals.
There is a fountain of more far beyond imperfectness that is the "beast."
-Opinions are mortal actions.
Opinion is rooted in guessing, yes it's mortal.
-What can we learn from God that is comprehensible?
Love and spirituality.
-Is God a being?
The very word calls upon something that is consciously alive. In that essence, yes, he's a being. Jesus called him Father, for example, which is a
very personal way to refer to him and is relatable to us.
-Could God just be a mere powerful thought?
That's only part of it. You're forgetting the body and the spirit. The body is not visible to us nor is the spirit at least with these eyes. The
"light" is the only way we can translate the body and spirit into an image.
-What is the boundary between immortal and immortal?
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Living in the spirit is immortality, because the spirit is immortal. Living in the flesh is mortality and
-If God loves us all, why does he speak to so few?
Only a few are willing to listen. When he's ready to speak to you, you are paying attention to something else.
They said to him, "Tell us who you are so that we may believe in you."
He said to them, "You read the face of the sky and of the earth, but you have not recognized the one who is before you, and you do not know how to
read this moment."
The words are there, you just need to read them.
-Where does God dwell?
The highest heaven. There are varying degrees of heaven and "hell." Hell is not as people think it is. Yes it can seem very punishing, but it's a
temporary place necessary to strip you clean. Call upon God and you'll be saved, because you already are, but your free will must ask for it.
-is God trying to warn us?
The great prophets of our time (such as Christ, Buddha, lamas, etc.) are all telling and warning us to love one another and not be attached to this
world. Attachment to the material world will make your ascension difficult and you will be reborn again in the physical plane because it is a form of
prison, but the door is not locked, you simply need to walk out the door and embrace the truth of knowledge. This is difficult to do for many,
although it seems easy. We are taught every day to live in this world, to be slaves, to be ignorant, but the way out is right there in front of you...
in fact, it's within you.