posted on May, 13 2011 @ 05:10 PM
Everyone is always so busy here on ATS arguing over topics that I thought maybe we should take a different course. How about instead of arguing over
topics we learn about topics? There are so many amazing things to read that are available to us for free online that it does us a disservice to ignore
Let us turn our sights to education and knowledge. So I propose that each week we on Friday and Saturday (Eastern Standard Time) meet here and propose
different intellectual pieces to read covering a wide range of topics. Each member proposes 1 reading material that is available for free
online and on Sunday everyone votes using a star system. The member with the proposed reading material who receives the most number of stars by
Monday morning (Eastern Standard Time) will be the winner.
We will have Monday-Thursday to read that book, document, or essay(s) before we meet here again on Friday to propose new ideas.
Remember whatever material proposed must be available for free online to all individuals.