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Alarm! HAARP Signals Off The Charts!! New Madrid Quake Imminent???

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posted on May, 14 2011 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by daggyz
I have an important announcement.

There will be an earthquake some where in the world shortly. 9:46 UTC

And there is 2.3 in Alaska 10:00:01 UTC

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by stevcolx

Do people get scared by reading threads on ATS?

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by daggyz

Now predict a +5 MAG

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by stevcolx

Do people get scared by reading threads on ATS?

I don't know. I myself have found some threads to be very informative. There are some threads that are a bit stupid, others that are misleading, others that are bang on with the truth and some that are just plain lies. So as far as scarey threads are concerned? Dunno. Never seen any. It depends on how u interpret them I suppose.

The only thing that scares me is the government. They are doing everything possible to further their agendas in this world. And in doing so killing people left right and centre. And they don't care! That's the scarey part!

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by grindhouzer
reply to post by daggyz

Now predict a +5 MAG

They're not quite so easy, but I expect one before 18.00 UTC (currently 11.15 UTC)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by stevcolx

Do people get scared by reading threads on ATS?

No, but I get scared reading some of the comments on ATS!

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:23 AM
The reason why I said it is because we always get this "Your just trying to fear monger" comment - and sometimes I do wonder if people flip out when someone throws out a doom and gloom thread.

I just read it and move on with my day (not like you can do anything if one of these predictions comes true, I will admit I am somewhat of a prepper, but I try and not let anything beyond my control ruin my day)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by stevcolx

Do people get scared by reading threads on ATS?

No, but I get scared reading some of the comments on ATS!

Well read some comments on this thread here regarding your 7/7 False Flag attack.

Just a little something for u to get your teeth into!!

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 07:18 AM
Why would they attack spain in first place ?
Makes no sense.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by stevcolx


Soooo glad I skimmed the rant to get to this to put you and this in the recycle bin of the internet.

What a load of pure godawful paranoia...

And it's a call for illegal activities. Nice...

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Neopan100

The epicenter for the New Madrid quake area is where Illinois, Indiana and Tennesee meet. This area is now being SOAKED heavily with rain.

I realize that you are from elsewhere but just so you know...Tennessee doesn't connect Illinois nor Indiana...maybe you meant Kentucky?

I will keep this for later reading...thanks.

A fault in common knowledge used to create this thread? Surely it is but the only instance of such a disgrace? I mean if you can't even work out where your doomsday event is, how on earth are you supposed to explain in detail - or even in general - HOW it will occur?

Brilliant work at any rate. Pure A+ boogyboogyboo!


posted on May, 14 2011 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by coyotepoet
reply to post by stevcolx

Bottom line...

If it happens next week while people are just "coincidentally" prepared and positioned then it is not a coincidence. I conducted my "prediction"/warning in a slightly different manner. I sent a letter to 10 different people last month outlining a lot of the same things in the OP (except the more current info and encouragements to shoot and take out HAARP.) It was a prediction that there would likely be a NM earthquake next week during or just after the NLE 11. I stated that if it happened and I said something after the fact it could be written off as seeing connections where none exist but that by predicting it a month in advance based on nothing more than putting all of these "coincident" pieces together that it was something more than just coincidence (in that letter I also predicted some sort of big sacrifice that would make the news between Apr 19 and May 1 and then OBL was announced-the letter was sent on 4/18)

Each of the 10 people were chosen for specific reasons: they all have a large social network, they are all non-believers in the conspiracy side of things, and they are all close to me and know me well so they won't judge if nothing does happen next week. However, if it does they all agreed to forward my prediction letter to everyone they knew. Hopefully that way, if it does happen it will wake people up to the true nature of it.

Coincidentley 3000 responders are training for emergency response to cyber-threats. Attack on Madison, WI power grid. Chemical spill. Flooding. A mysterious ship on lake Michigan with a bomb. Sending people to Indiana after a major earthquake......

Pick your day For each event starting today through Thursday. Which day is the NMF quake?

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Thousands of emergency responders from across the state are launching massive training drills that will cover a host of scenarios from cyber-attacks to earthquakes. Nearly 3,000 federal, state and local responders will participate in the exercises, dubbed Vigilant Guard '11. Situations will take place at nine different sites around the state. Scenarios will include a cyber-attack on Madison's power grid, chemical spills, flooding, a mysterious ship on Lake Michigan rigged with a bomb and sending aid to Indiana in response to an earthquake along the New Madrid fault line. The exercises are set to begin Saturday morning and run through Thursday.

Wisconsin Emergency Responder training started today

edit on 14-5-2011 by plewis51 because: Added news article text

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by stevcolx

Do people get scared by reading threads on ATS?

No, just stupider...

And unless you join in the fear mongering, then you're part of the problem!

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Apleness
Why would they attack spain in first place ?
Makes no sense.

AFAIK most of europes food is produced in spain ...

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:24 AM
Living in Tennessee made me curious when I heard on the news (back in December of last year) about the swarming EQ's in Arkansas and the dead birds and fish. I became alarmed as I am a Seeker of Truth (God, if you will) and hold the Bible dear to me to better understand life on this planet we call Earth. Don't get me wrong...thats not the only place I find faith. Its been embedded in me since I was a little girl.
My instincts told me to be aware, not scared, and to monitor the quakes. Since then, I have monitored daily. For me to educate myself on this subject Ive spent hours researching the different events that take place BEFORE a 6+ EQ.
The only thing I have noticed, as I am not fully into the HAARP theory is that when our Sun flares pretty good, we seem to have an EQ that is over 6. On the 11th of this month we saw on ATS multiple posts that showed a solar flare coming from the Sun after a comet (or whatever it was) dove into the Sun. Not sure as I heard conflicting reports that there were not just one comet, but three that went into the Sun creating flares.
With that said, we also had a class x flare before the Japan quake.

On the 9th of this month we had this flare....the Sun has been very active and I told my Bf that I expected, if this theory were to be correct that from here on out until the Sun calms..we will see 6+ EQ's.. When it flares its almost like within two days we have a strong EQ somewhere. Here is what I have noticed...some links to get you started on researching if you find an interest in it as I do.

This one on the 9th is two days prior to the EQ that took place on the 11th in Spain....

I couldn't find the link to ATS but here is the flare on the 11th caused by a "comet" just two days prior to the one in Costa Rico but here is a video of it and you can find other links on the internet if you want. ;-)

Before Japan Quake.....

I am not trying to create more fear. I, myself like being aware. Fear is an illusion for me. Living in Tennessee I know there is a risk, as there is all over this Planet we call home. It has its own cycle and we may just be living in a cycle whereas the entire Universe is changing on a more wide level. Who knows.....but I do not really put much into the HAARP just yet....not until I can find no other explanation...although I am open.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by badw0lf

Originally posted by stevcolx


Soooo glad I skimmed the rant to get to this to put you and this in the recycle bin of the internet.

What a load of pure godawful paranoia...

And it's a call for illegal activities. Nice...

I'm sorry, u obviously didn't read the post properly. If you'd read it properly u would have noticed I said that I got this from a friend on my email and said I'd pass it on.

Not sure about the Hero Needed crap either but that was on the post.

And u talk of illegal activities? What in the hell do u think our imperious leaders are doing? Illegal Genocide, Paedophilia and murder.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:45 AM
I just posted this @ the thread, "Canadian Troops in U.S.." I feel it's significant to what is going on & want to add it here:

This # 866 419 5000 rings through Thursday (landline phone). I'm in Midwest.

It states that they are making record that there is someone at that phone #/residence & they will be notified in case of a National Emergency. They also say, "if you know of anyone that needs to be added to this registery to let them know or feel free to do so." Something's up (imo).

When I googled the # here's what I found:

866 419 5000

CODE RED/National Emergency reverse 911

edit on 14-5-2011 by 0731JLVR because: Edit

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:48 AM
Also, take a look at this article.... When the Sun is as active as it has been it creates a lot of energy and DOES effect the Earth. Just as the Moon does with our tides. I am no expert....just trying to find a natural explanation as our Earth has always produced Natural events.... Instead of our Governemnt reeking havoc maybe its the Sun and our Solar System in general that has a cause and effect on us here. Just a thought....

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by stevcolx
I'm sorry, u obviously didn't read the post properly. If you'd read it properly u would have noticed I said that I got this from a friend on my email and said I'd pass it on.

Not sure about the Hero Needed crap either but that was on the post.

And u talk of illegal activities? What in the hell do u think our imperious leaders are doing? Illegal Genocide, Paedophilia and murder.

Funny thing about 'other people' being used to do a deed isn't it.

Who is she who is so savvy in the workings of the world that she cannot even register on ATS and post herself? Needs you to dot the i's and cross the t's then post to ATS. Strange...

"It wasn't me, I just pasted it!" -- no wuckas! It's still YOUR post here however.

Hey, if you have evidence of 'our imperious leaders' committing genocide, pedophilia and murder, please let the authorities know - they are crimes. And just because you wear a nice suit and salute a flag, doesn't mean you don't get punished for it.

But like the HAARP agenda, it's not about evidence. It's about paranoia.

Here's a story I read recently:

You know that ringing sound that you will perceive when you are in a very quiet area? Some people say this is an auditory-illusion brought about by the ear's inability to detect frequencies below the threshold of human senses. This is completely wrong. That ringing covers up something else altogether. If you are quick, patient, and maybe a little lucky, you will be able to hear past the ringing. What you will hear are voices whispering to each others. They will silence themselves quickly but with practice, you will become more adept at catching and interpreting what they are saying. You will hear things of the past, the present and the future. However, never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you - never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you....

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

MamaJ, I agree that only God Is All Knowing (as to one would likely not know for sure if a disaster were caused by HAARP or an act of nature). I sort of think there are many layers to what happens in the world.

The bible (book of revelation) says there is, "a new heaven & new earth." We are changed in, "the twinkling of an eye."

I think of Einsteins' theory of relativity. E=mc2. & I love reading about the "string theory" (particle physics/ quantum physics/general relativity). PBS has a wonderful program online about The Eleventh Dimension which explains in depth.

Change is inevitable. God Wrote The Book of Life. God Is Love, God Is Light. E=mc2 I think the world's about to take a quantum leap.

edit on 14-5-2011 by 0731JLVR because: Edit

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