posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:01 PM
As you can see, I've always been a fan of Ron Paul, even to the point of campaigning for him and being his precinct captain during the '08 Primary.
I fear however that the man is unelectable.
Nevertheless, I will support Dr. Paul as long as he is in the race; BUT, if he drops out again, I will switch my support to former New Mexico Governor
Gary Johnson. I interviewed Governor Johnson after the Republican debate last week, and really liked what he had to say. Since then I've done a bit
of research and I really believe he has a plan to turn around the ship of state. His policies are very similar to Dr. Paul's, but Johnson's big
advantage is that he has been a SUCCESSFUL Chief Executive. During his two terms at N.M. Governor, Johnson lowered taxes 16 TIMES and still managed to
balance his state's budget. I don't care who you are: That's pretty damn impressive.
I hope one of them wins, because to be quite honest I've lost ALL faith in both the Elephants AND the Jackasses.