Its like your trying to watch a fan spinning and examine each damn blade. Its quite funny to exterrererstial races, who realise the fan doesn't
actually matter lol, it just spins and does its job, and when its moving faster, everything blends and you cant see the blade and you would lose your
mind trying to examine # like that. becuase when its going faster, it slows down and becomes clearer and clearer. Slow down you will see.
Because science is trying to examine everything it sees through the limited mind, not through the eternal mind.
You are living within the mind, so you are not seeing everything and all things that exist, because the mind is moving at a specific pace, slow enough
to examine each blade, that is how we are able to even be here. So everything eles will never be discovered, to see everything eles, you must turn the
fan on full speed, let go your thoughts, and just be. Relax, im not alone, there so many of us here. When everyone is running at a higher speed and
flying through the air. Or atleast enough people. Becuase this way spreads to all those minds alike, and some may give it a try and find they like
it, for others, they have too much pain to let go off before, and there will be another time. You just allow. Then everything is a reflection of
you. Because you are no longer just that one blade, you are all, so others reflect back you, and you them. That is the reason for life itself. It
never ends. It opens up a new game for those who remember that now in this life. But however when you "die" you revert back to the faster spinning
blades that become One. Those who reach this level in this life, will enter a new game and never have to live in this kind of life again. The new
game is creation. Just creating whatever you want like painting a picture, thats how were living right now, life is like this make the most of it.
In a way we allways know. So people are actually stuck here, in the material world of the mind. Don't shoot the messanger.
You just take off your clothes and your like damnit I dont need them anymore, and off you go. "insert freedom song" lol you will realise I am
everything within self this will be a relization no longer a single notion, but you will just know it.
becuase when its going faster, it slows down and becomes clearer. And it all makes sense. The mind is like that, let it run and give it a good ol
spinning, relax, dont examine each blade, or thought, its ok we are peaceful by nature you have nothing to worry about, feel safe. You will laugh
when you see, omg you will laugh out loud and it will be an amazing day.
So I am allways a few steps ahead of everyone, becuase it is my job to lead you towards the sky. I am your captain, buckle in and take off. Never
give up, allways believe. When the time comes, it will all just make sense.
Its not about being strong. Its about letting go of everything and everything just becomes. You allways know and determine how high you go, wether
you know it or not, because you allready are. You see, you allready are. So you let everyone be. Because they are, right. And there is no wrong,
other than the laws of creation, but they are neither right or wrong, they just are, like you and me. This is our creation, everything you see, and
there is more than one way, all ways lead to the same place, a different way, different journey to the same place, and believe it or not through the
same place. Just they are different levels of creation, you choose which level suits you best. Just be.
If it suits you to be in anger and play the game of victimhood and fear, so be it. If it suits you to be a humble man and want nothing out of life,
so shall it be too. If it suits yourself to be confused and not know where your going in life, shall that it be then. If you feel a calling inside
to speak out, so be that. This is the mode of transportation for your existance and vessel, your will and mind will take you where the heart lies,
and your soul will show you everything you need to find in life. Becuase in life, you will recieve everything you need allways, for those who reach
this point as I and others, and past masters and such, they become everything that which they need, and they have learned to ask and give what they
need to themselves to allow themselves to be where they need to be and if that means rememberance, truth, and love, understanding of all so be it all,
and it shall be. But don't scream when you find that becoming a master means understanding and going through others pain, when you realise its you,
and youve just receive all the pain of the world because you know yourself, and you know its you. So it is best that I let go. This is what an angel
does, lightworker, ect. In its purest form, it is all that is, and It cannot be anything other than. I haven't fully healed my entire self yet. Yet
I don't exactly know whats next to be done. Nothing is keeping you down, in reality. Its like oops I forgot, I dont have to hold this now. You can
ascend today if you wanted. I learned never put off what can be done now in this life, I also learned, not to be affraid of life itself and just step
outside and live, those are my personal lessons. If that help putting it all into perspective. I am very open, becuase that is part of my lesson
that I came to earth to learn. I allways have had this fear, but I never knew why, all I did was stand outside and realise I am king, and just let
everything be. Even the very old and the very young are alike. Everything is worthy, everyone is honerable. I bow to all of life. All the
forbodding, is just you. All the fighting and wars, is just you. We have all this malice and anger, like were allways fighting, but were fighting
with not everyone, but only ourselves. Nothing really matters in a way. Only what brings you Joy or greif
whichever you need for now, Ive
completed my lessons allready that is all. Im creating new lessons for myself within me and outside of me. They are using us to create the world
around us, but they cant do that if you wake up, and most of them will bow to you as I. Forget those who dont and allways forgive those who do just
smile. "The truth will be revealed" so where will you take us next. How will you paint this picture, I see your allready doing a good job and its
looking amazing more every day.
edit on 16-5-2011 by DarkCyrus because: (no reason given)