posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 12:13 AM
The economic boycott is not dumb or immature. It is a very powerful tool
to accomplish change without violence. The point is that the boycott must
be large enough and long enough to affect the profits of the entity (country,
corporation, etc) been boycotted. Also that entity must be informed why
you are not buying its products. Why do people buy the products of entities
(corporations, countries, etc.) with which they do not agree? You buy from
and deal with your friends; you don't buy from your enemies. Yours truly
has been told that a boycott of the buses in Selma, Alabama did as much to
integrate the buses as any court action. When bus revenues went down, the
buses got intergrated. There is a huge potential power in the economic boycott
(especially with profit orientated corporations). When revenues go down,
policies change.