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Encounter with a chemtrailer!

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posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by kadyr80

do you recall what part of the aircraft these trails were coming from?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

If memory serves me correctly, it seemed to originate from a point on the wing between the engines. I was paying more attention to just how low it was flying, and that it looked odd, at the time I assumed it was a commercial plane, but then upon checking images, I realized it had to be a B 52, or something very similar.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by kadyr80

shame you didn't get a shot of it - the B-52 AFAIK does not have a fuel dump function so it'd be interesting to figure out what it might have been.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

I don't know what the stuff was/is, but I know I still see the substance almost daily, but I have never seen it actually falling since that day. It definitely looked like deliberate spraying of something...

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by kadyr80

I don't know what you saw, and to be honest I don't really think you do either, and nor do I think your testimony is enough to prove a link between the B-52 with whatever it as that the "spidery" threads were.

but I am sure that neither of them fit the currently popular chemtrail theory that it has something to do with geoengineering - having seen 1 strange occurrence from a military jet at low leve kind of makes a mockery of the "theory" that "chemtrails" are sprayed every day at high altitude from civilian jets going about "normal" air transport.

And without any further evidence there's nothing much else to say about your encounter that I can think of.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:59 PM
On the whole chemtrail debate I've always wondered where in the world they would get the manpower to be spraying the amounts claimed. If there were that many pilots spraying chemtrails every day in all of these cities don't you think at least one of them would have come forward feeling guilty about what they're doing and needing to come clean? I don't know...the whole thing just seems strange to me.

ETA or it's being done without pilots knowing about it, SOMEBODY would have to know about it. I would think...or is it just one top secret job going around adding something to the fuel? Seriously am confused on this.
edit on 12-5-2011 by seeker11 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by seeker11
.or is it just one top secret job going around adding something to the fuel? Seriously am confused on this.

I can give some insight into what would be required if fuel was being tampered with.

Pretty much everything that goes into an aircraft has to meet a standard. The standards are defined in various places, but aircraft, systems and engines are designed to perform as stated only when using the appropriate materials.

So if you tampered with the fuel you would have to either ensure that the fuel performed EXACTLY the same as untampered fuel (in terms of power generated, weight, cost, engine temperatures, pump and filter and other component reliability), or you would have to redesign all those components to perform with the tampered fuel, or you would have to persuade the equipment manufacturers to redesign all their performance criteria so that the tampered fuel performed as their various documents say it does.

If there was any difference in performance then you would aahve to ensure that the aircraft got the tampered fuel wherever it flew around the country/world - because if pilots had to use different performance charts for takeoffs they'd want to know why - and you'd have to account for the effect of having various partial mixtures of tampered & untampered fuel - not just all of one or all of the other!

Now all this would have to happen in an environment where aircraft contracts are worth hundreds of millions and maintenance and fuel cost over the lifetime of an airliner can cost as much as the orignal purchase cost so differences of less than 1% can make or break a deal.

(for those not in the aircraft industry, the 3 main costs of airlines are fuel, maintenance, and the capital cost of the aircraft. Crew costs are not insignificant - but they are much less than those 3, despite what you may have heard about how much pilots get paid and how many crews have to be employed to fly an aircraft)

so - back to the problem of tampering with the fuel....

And then you have the problem of how to keep the tampered fuel seperate - unless you tamper all the fuel all the time everywhere in the world - because international airlines buy fuel pretty much at every port they land at.

I guess it might be possible to alter the fuel so that there was no change in performance - but then you also have to ensure that it will not be detected if someone chooses to check a sample against the standard - or to do any of those other things that would be necessary to keep the tampering secret.

So there's an awful lot to be done to tamper with the fuel in secret.

could it be done? Maybe it could - certainly some chemmies believe it can and is being done.

But they don't actually have any evidence- no fuel smaples that contain strange stuff, no design documents leaked from fuel pump manufacturers, wikileaks hasn't announced any cables from Mobil & BP detailing how they keep tampered fuel segregated.

there are no strange fueling trucks at airports that I know of, no secret fuel farms. Local airport fuel company employees when I worked on "the ramp" had no special procedures for different aircraft nor was their fuel segregated, nor did aircraft weight and balance calculations involve selecting different specific gravities of fuel, nor did performance charts have seldom-used sections or lines for strange unspecified circumstances....

And chemmies never seem to actually want to talk about realities of aviatoin like these!!

I don't wonder why!!

edit on 12-5-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: crappy spelling as usual

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Thank you so much for the clarification. I'm interested in many conspiracy theories, which is why I am here obviously, but this one just really makes me scratch my head!

ETA I really like your signature quotes.

edit on 12-5-2011 by seeker11 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 05:55 AM
Well i found your post interesting and i have to say that the first part was the most insightful
quote:I was in a UPS store in Taos NM, and a man was shipping off a water sample to a lab, and mentioning to the clerk about all the aluminum being found in rain water and how it was above EPA allowable drinking water limits.
so this guy is taking the time to get water samples and sending them of to labs which to me say's he is trying to find the prof to back up his belief big thumbs up

then comes your next comment
quote: but unfortunately, every assertion of his was not backed up by science or meteorology
how can you say that if he has taken the time to collect samples and spent his own money to have them tested seams like hes trying to get scientific prof to me so perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to ridicule him here especially as he is not here to defend himself shame on you.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by djcarlosa
Well i found your post interesting and i have to say that the first part was the most insightful
quote:I was in a UPS store in Taos NM, and a man was shipping off a water sample to a lab, and mentioning to the clerk about all the aluminum being found in rain water and how it was above EPA allowable drinking water limits.
so this guy is taking the time to get water samples and sending them of to labs which to me say's he is trying to find the prof to back up his belief big thumbs up

then comes your next comment
quote: but unfortunately, every assertion of his was not backed up by science or meteorology
how can you say that if he has taken the time to collect samples and spent his own money to have them tested seams like hes trying to get scientific prof to me so perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to ridicule him here especially as he is not here to defend himself shame on you.

If you read my message more closely, I was not ridiculing him at all in here, and in person i tried to be respectful and keep things on a good note. Just because I am posting that his beliefs were junk science, is not ridiculing him, its pointing out that his assertions, and that of the chemtrail sites, are wrong. And I said in person that the chemtrail conspiracy was full of wrong information and junk science.

Pointing out where he was totally wrong, is not ridicule. Maybe thats why chemtrailers get so upset when they get corrected, they think they have been ridiculed.

Sure, its good that he did more than the usual chemtrailer does (never doing anything than going to chemtrail sites), but sending off rainwater samples is not going to do anything other than see what was in the dust that the rain came through. Chemtrail sites have spread this idea that rainwater must be pure, that barium/aluminum are not part of the environment, and that if you find it in water, its the result of spraying via aircraft. All of that could not be more wrong.

Think about this chemtrail belief that there is more and more aluminum in the earth. How exactly is that even possible? We would have to be mining it on some other planet and bringing it over, to change the total amount here.

edit on 13-5-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by firepilot

did this encounter really happen? i dont want to call you a liar, but with the timing and all, it seems just a little made up, just so you can get some of your points accross.

i have taken alot of what you say on board when it comes to contrails, and i thank you for that.
but I feel you take it a bit to personal. why do you spend so much time on the whole chemtrail theory?
is it that you care about people getting sucked into chemtrail lunacy? or is there another reason? maybe you just want people to know your a pilot?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by dadfortruth1
reply to post by firepilot

did this encounter really happen? i dont want to call you a liar, but with the timing and all, it seems just a little made up, just so you can get some of your points accross.

i have taken alot of what you say on board when it comes to contrails, and i thank you for that.
but I feel you take it a bit to personal. why do you spend so much time on the whole chemtrail theory?
is it that you care about people getting sucked into chemtrail lunacy? or is there another reason? maybe you just want people to know your a pilot?

Yes, i can assure you it did happen. Anyone who spends time time in northern NM or southern CO, can probably attest there seem to be a lot of the conspiracy types there. That area attracts a lot of non-traditional type people.

Sometimes I have a lot of spare time, and it can be entertaining, to see what completely wrong information the chemtrailers post. And the motto is "Deny Ignorance", so by correcting them and posting the reality, I am living up to the motto of this site.

Would you ever ask chemtrailers why they spend so much time online claiming they are being sprayed, instead of spending time learning about weather and aviation?

Why in the world would I have to go around telling people I am a pilot?

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by firepilot

I can see right through you.

And the motto is "Deny Ignorance", so by correcting them and posting the reality, I am living up to the motto of this site.

what a cop-out, i knew you would say somthing along those lines.

this is from your ATS wall

Down with chemtrails! hahahaha

is that comment denying ignorance?

Sometimes I have a lot of spare time, and it can be entertaining, to see what completely wrong information the chemtrailers post

so which one is it? to deny ignorance? or just to get enjoyment from others who you think have completly wrong information? please dont tell me it's the "to deny ignorance"

to see what completely wrong information the chemtrailers post

now that sounds like ignorance to me.
If someone came forward with something supporting the chemtrail theory, would you listen?

Would you ever ask chemtrailers why they spend so much time online claiming they are being sprayed, instead of spending time learning about weather and aviation?

yeah, sure i would, if thats what they are doing. But they are the ones who are looking for answers (like myself) so i would asume they would look into all fields associated with the theory. You on the other hand believe you know all the answers to this subject. thats what i dont understand. why are you so obsessed, why not let them be?
sure give them answers if they ask, but dont write multiple threads as to make them out to be stupid and make yourself look intelligent.

do you have any interest with any other subject on ATS?
would you consider yourself a non-traditional type of pearson?

Why in the world would I have to go around telling people I am a pilot?

thats not what i asked you firepilot, but you do bring it up alot.
edit on 16/5/11 by dadfortruth1 because: fix some poor wording

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 10:53 AM
Chemtrailers do not look for answers..they are looking for ideas that fit into their preconvienced notions and suspicions.

If chemtrailers looked for answers, then how often do they go to sites with information that are not about conspiracies? You know they answer, they dont. they go to conspiracy sites and especially ones that promote chemtrails and other conspiracies.

I have many many times suggested aviation websites to find more information about aviation and aircraft, and where you can find photos of aircraft, or even track aircraft in flight. Do they visit those? Nope, its not as exciting and looking for the latest contrail video on youtube with sinister music and misindentified aircraft and airports.

Sometimes on here I pretty much have to bring up that i am a pilot, because some of you chemtrailers insist you know about aviation and how planes fly, or about the weather, and use that to explain the reality and correct their misconceptions. Or they completely misidentify aircraft, or have some screwy notion, for example like the chemtrailer in the UPS store who insisted WW2 contrails were not actually contrails. Or the chemtrailers on ATS who insist that firefighting aircraft and airshow planes are chemtrail planes too

If they were looking for answers, wouldnt they be happy when someone corrects a misconception and gives them the correct information? Again, they are not, many chemtrailers get upset about it, even when you just link to a science or aviation website, because they do not like it when the facts do not fit their conspiracy.

If the chemtrailers are after answers, can you find a single chemtrailer on ATS who has became knowledgable about weather or aviation?

edit on 16-5-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by firepilot

i would like to apologize for my previous post, in hindsight im not proud of it.
while i may not agree with some of your posts, i do appreciate your knowledge. and i understand how it could get frustrating.
i commend you on your reply and your maturity.
i also apologize for getting off topic on your thread.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by dadfortruth1
reply to post by firepilot

i would like to apologize for my previous post, in hindsight im not proud of it.
while i may not agree with some of your posts, i do appreciate your knowledge. and i understand how it could get frustrating.
i commend you on your reply and your maturity.
i also apologize for getting off topic on your thread.

No problem, keep searching for the answers that you are looking for. Just be sure and extend it to science with real facts, data and information, to better make an informed decision.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by firepilot

Hi Firepilot. I see how busy you are here with your hands full.

Cudos to you for your educating us all- sharing your knowledge. & trying to educate this individual. I have to admit you know a lot of your stuff! uh hmm but do we all know it all? lol ..not

Can't help but to think this thought--- that guy NOW probably has second thoughts about you , especially if a bit paranoid, thinking you were sent by the govt . and scared you may come back ....Ya never know .

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