posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by donatellanator
Yet again, you have described me
I often feel the way you do when doing a task (or running on empty).
Besides saying that I love that feeling, I can maybe offer a tip about talking to others while one is experiencing it.
When I'm in a room with people, and I'm totally engrossed in my activities, someone talking to me often snaps me out of that feeling. I have started
to realize that I can still feel that way, I just have to be totally aware of what is going on. Similar to a multi-processor in a computer, I am
trying to train my awareness to still be 'large and in the room', while focusing on addressing the person who has spoken to me.
While my thoughts are still empty (and everywhere), I allow myself to direct my 'conversational thoughts' towards the person who needs to be spoken
to. That way my speaking can be slow, to the point, but yet still conversational, and I am able to cling on to most of that feeling you described in
your OP.
(I still need a lot more practice)
At the end of the day, all paths are different and I don't even know if what I am trying is the correct thing to do. But it feels right to me, so
i'll continue giving it a go
How have things been going with your 'Sense of Separation' since you started the thread?