posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:07 AM
Were being pushed, pushed, pushed by the system. I hate it so much, every day we wake up and are bombarded with trivial pointlessness.
I don't care who some celebrity slept with, or that the tape is now available for sale.
I live in a completely pointless system, that is failing so badly that I am unable to even get a really bad job, hell I'd even work at McDonald
despite being vegetarian! But no I'm stuck suckling of the system I hate. I'm forced to take part in a training program for the unemployed that even
the tutors will openly admit is a waste of my time and a scam to bleed money off the government.
And what about the system on a larger scale, I'm watching news the last few days that tells me the internet is slowly being strangled, while river
run red with blood around the world and fools who make a mockery of the beliefs they claim to have cheer on and dance as the corpses pile higher.
The government slowly takes my rights, your rights and everyone else's rights in the name of freedom, they pervert what little is left that is good
in this society with the help of there lapdogs aka the media. Slowly the life is being choked out of the world by the governments of the world while
¾ of the people cheer them on.
The media delights in scaring people, to the point women are afraid to go out at night even in the safest neighbourhoods and parents are terrified
that something may happen to their kids to the point they'd rather stick them in front of the propaganda box and feed them junk till all they can do
is waddle than actually let them grow up to be healthy rational intelligent adults.
Children aren't just destroyed by their parents weak-willed media endorsed paranoia though, no they get the fun of having any intellectual potential
they may posses destroyed by a school system that drives many children to suicide and rewards non-thinking obedience.
And the worst thing, the absolute worst thing is the people. They rejoice in there ignorance revel in their arrogant stupidity, they practically bathe
in self delusion. They'd rather sit there not thinking than actually think for themselves and god forbid one of these trained fools should ever have
an original thought!
Ah well all we can do is sit here in front of our computers and take a sip of our poison laced soft drinks in the smug superiority of people who know
the truth right?
AAAAARGH!!! The worst thing is I'm worst than all those people who hide from the truth because, I actually realize some of what's wrong but I still
sit here doing nothing.
Yeah I sit here on ATS moaning but really, that don't mean much. The real horrible truth though is I just don't know what to do...