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DR Congo: 48 rapes every hour, US study finds, 1100 Rapes Per Day in Congo

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posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:34 AM

"Even these new, much higher figures still represent a conservative estimate of the true prevalence of sexual violence because of chronic underreporting due to stigma, shame, perceived impunity, and exclusion of younger and older age groups as well as men," she added.

The BBC's Thomas Hubert in Kinshasa says the study is in line with earlier reports that found sexual violence was spreading outside of war zones and into Congo's civilian society.

That corresponds about to:
1100 DRC rapes per day

More than 1100 women are raped every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), making sexual violence against women 26 times more common than previously thought, a study concluded on Tuesday.

So very sad, it's almost a curse to be a female in congo

I think Congo has too much evil in it and something must be done, but the truth is I think it's all in their hands and nothing can be done by the outside world.

I remember reading an article about 10yrs ago about UN Peacekeepers being sent to Congo to bring food for the poor, but what happened is that the peacekeeper would offer eggs and bread in exchange for sexual favors.
Imagine living in a world like that and then the saviors come but even they are rapists.

I tried to find what the suicide rate in Congo is but I can't really find anything worthy of a link, however I would imagine that it's high.
Why even pro-create in DRC?

Is it possible that the only way to stop all this violence and misery is a dictator?
I think the problem is so big that a Dictator may be needed and the death penalty is given to all rapists, rape is now part of the culture in many village areas in DRC and that needs to be "cleansed".


posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:39 AM
These people are animals, no leader, no government, no dictator can change that.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:43 AM
If we didn't have a structured government in America it would be the same thing.

My only question is how come, since America is the world police, we never deploy troops in these horrible places in Africa?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:43 AM
Where's the UN?

I guess we can't trust them with that anyway:

UN officials accused of rape in Sudan

ETA: There needs to be a WOW: World Organization for Women. Maybe there is one, but I have never heard of it. If there is one, they are not doing a very good job. This is not prehistoric times, there needs to be something to put a stop to things like this, and the genital mutilations that occur in East Africa. NO ONE deserves this kind of treatment and it is so sad to see women growing up in cultures where it is normal for violence to be acceptable towards them, to the point that they believe it is normal.

edit on 12-5-2011 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by pyrodude
These people are animals, no leader, no government, no dictator can change that.

What do you mean animals? Read what I just typed that if America didn't have the structure we did the same would be happening here.

If these people are animals, do you believe that if they were educated, they couldn't do what you or I do for a living? Do you actually think they are less intelligent than you or I?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

DZAG, I meant exactly what I said. These people have HAD leaders and have had governments and more of them are educated then you might think. But as soon as there are no laws they resort back to committing inhuman attrocities. The US doesnt send in troops because:
1. Everytime we or other countrys have we/they suffer substantial losses
2. This is a recurring issue, this happens with every regime change, every election, every coups.

How do you stop such a thing? I have no answer for that.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by pyrodude
These people are animals, no leader, no government, no dictator can change that.

What do you mean animals? Read what I just typed that if America didn't have the structure we did the same would be happening here.

If these people are animals, do you believe that if they were educated, they couldn't do what you or I do for a living? Do you actually think they are less intelligent than you or I?
That is what is so sad.
The boys growing up to be men in these countries see this as acceptable behavior, the girls have no choice but to accept it, and think that is all there is to life for them.
Think how many wasted lives and minds that there are in the entire continent of Africa and the Middle East and South Asia.... all because they are not allowed to learn in schools. Structure is why America is not Africa, but as that structure breaks down..... we become more and more like them.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by pyrodude
These people are animals, no leader, no government, no dictator can change that.

these people as in these men?
the women are not animals right?

so something needs to be done, and perhaps yes a Dictator can change that
but what's an honest dictator, absolute power corrupts!

they need a strong and good political structure

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by pyrodude

God and social ethic left the conntinent of Africa 400 years ago.

Whites and Muslims buying slaves

Africans selling Africans into slavery

pretty sad

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

There is no such thing as an honest dictator and that is the problem, the UN claims they will prosecute war rapers but that doesnt seem to be much of a deterrent. They couldnt control the raping in Haiti either. It is sad that the strong must pray upon the weak when they are the weakest. This is however something we havent seen in Japan in the aftermath of their quake and tsunami. I am at a loss of how to explain this but it needs to be researched, not to accuse but for future prevention.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by pyrodude

Fill their hearths with Joy and Love and healed they all are. They mirror their surroundings, making the circle of behaviour go round and round. They lost the way, so do we by the way. Unnatural systems asks for unnatural behaviour

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:20 AM
They are paying for our out of balance system.

Bring balance back to the systems of the world and i bet we see a change in favor.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Its another sick and sad tale.
I think we need to drop the Democratic part out of the congo.
As there isn't any democracy there. There never has been a civilised world over there and there never will be as long as the world keeps closing its eye's and ignores the atrocities that will continue to be inflicted over there.
Its a scary world. Im glad im not a woman in the congo.

edit on 12-5-2011 by meathed because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by armtx
reply to post by pyrodude
Whites and Muslims buying slaves

Africans selling Africans into slavery

pretty sad

Not Whites, but jews. The African slave trade for America was wholly owned by Jews. They employed a few Whites as ship captains and deck hands.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by TribeOfManyColours

Well said and very true

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by TribeOfManyColours

Couldnt disagree more. But it is a lovely thought isn't it? They love themselves. They want therefore they take. No amount of love will change that. Ask any person who loved their abusers thinking that they love them so much they would change. Nothing more than wishfull thinking. Fear of the effect from their actions is the only thing that can change a persons actions, and that is only if they dont have a God complex.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by grizzle2

You don't really believe that do you? If so, then you need to do some reading. You couldnt be further from the truth.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by grizzle2

Originally posted by armtx
reply to post by pyrodude
Whites and Muslims buying slaves

Africans selling Africans into slavery

pretty sad

Not Whites, but jews. The African slave trade for America was wholly owned by Jews. They employed a few Whites as ship captains and deck hands.

Africans sold slaves that they had kidnapped from other African tribe's to the white people.
White people bought the african slave's off africans.
White man only cashed in on the africans greed. Its as sick and as simple as that.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
reply to post by TribeOfManyColours

Couldnt disagree more. But it is a lovely thought isn't it? They love themselves. They want therefore they take. No amount of love will change that. Ask any person who loved their abusers thinking that they love them so much they would change. Nothing more than wishfull thinking. Fear of the effect from their actions is the only thing that can change a persons actions, and that is only if they dont have a God complex.

Rape at a young age.

When you in your developing age get sexual abused. You create a new believe. It resonates, even to the things you experience as joy. Those kids, they learn to enjoy the abuse over time.
When a woman forces you in to example a HJ. You won't be able to stop the moment when you(you know)

So you experience joy in a trauma situation. Then years later you become the predator because you develop certain sexual needs.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by pyrodude

They are no more or less animals than you or I. Casting judgment upon these people is a silly, base, reactionary response, and just as unthinking and animalistic as the root of the social collapse experienced by these people that you judge; and in fact may be ultimately the same force... i.e... "These people are deserving of pain because I judge them to be less than I." This Great Justifier of the Human Condition is the most common source of the apathy, and excuse for brutality that causes such corruption to come to pass. The hypocrisy and irony inherent in what you have expressed would be laughable if not so common, and therefor dangerous.

I will repeat, of course they are animals. So am I. So are you. We are also all much more. In brutal circumstances (even of our own making) the animal often wins out; survival demands it. Survival in it's most raw form has very little to do with kindness, and often even less to do with dignity.

There is no telling for us what intricacies of environmental/social/biological pressure are causing this while we watch from the outside. There is only speculation.

This pattern of behavior is repeated over and over in the human record, in many different cultures and races; in barely noticeable pockets of small populations, to wide spread atrocities that can engulf entire countries. If when these social trends appear they are not reined in and replaced with stability very quickly, the circumstance can quickly become the status quo, and at that point there is little to do but watch the society implode (usually in slow motion) through several generations. One very nearly must be corrupt to survive in these social-darwinism-at-its-worst circumstances. A longstanding culture of corruption and brutality is difficult to overcome. Many will continue to die, many will continue to leave, this will almost certainly continue on.

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