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NASA and its lies ? ELENIN 21/May/2011 - 21/Oct/2011

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posted on May, 12 2011 @ 01:00 PM
Personally, I'm surprised the family radio folks (the may 21, 2011 "we gonna get raptured" people) haven't picked up on Elenin. World is supposed to really end on Oct. 21 according to their beliefs, which kind of goes along with Elenin. Not the dates exactly, but close enough that they could use it.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by jimmyz
Personally, I'm surprised the family radio folks (the may 21, 2011 "we gonna get raptured" people) haven't picked up on Elenin. World is supposed to really end on Oct. 21 according to their beliefs, which kind of goes along with Elenin. Not the dates exactly, but close enough that they could use it.
they have picked up on it mate, they say the sure Christians will be taken up on the 21/05/11 and the rapture begins. Then the men left behind will suffer through till 21 October 11

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Wolvo

Oh. Well, I stand corrected. Just the interviews I've seen, I never heard anything connecting the two. I wish I could post the story, but it's still being edited. Not by myself (although I would love to edit this one!!), just where I work. For obvious reasons, I won't say where, just a local tv station. But, when it's done, I'll post a link to the story. I think it's airing on the 20th. Then you'll see the station. But, not sure how the whole hr thing would feel about me posting on here, you know? They can be funny about that sometimes...

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Arken
The BIG problem is not Comet Elenin.

The BIG problem is its TAIL....

Why would that be a big problem? The tail is composed of fine bits of dust and gas that are small enough to be pushed around by solar radiation pressure and solar wind. When earth passes through the tail of a comet it experiences a meteor shower, if it passes through a fresh tail it experiences a meteor storm. They're not dangerous though.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by jimmyz

I look forward to reading or seeing the story, if its no trouble could you pm me your link. I'm not on to often and i miss most threads altogether. ][ To arken, what do you mean about the tail? You onabout the April fools, with the pending alien invasion hiding in it? :p
edit on 12-5-2011 by Wolvo because: typo

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Wolvo

yeah, once it's up I'll post it. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product myself.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by jeremiah8401

First, the day 11 May is used because of the alignment of planets.
Then people started look for prophesies that could bear relation to this day
Obviously there are many; astronomists all of the world always calculate alignments
These were then used, cycled back and fro between Astrology and Astronomy and that set the whole debacle.
Then there came a few want-to-be-prophets and they started the big flare; expecting many things to happen, so maybe their prediction will be the spot.

THOUGH: There is something very strange that happens in this time: The sun has gone nearly complete FlatLine. As in less radiation than even in normal Solar Minimum - and we are suppose to go for Solar Max. Now that does not add up with Astronomy and even less so with Gravity theories. All happens to be the opposite from what is expected.

Here I have my theory and those of other older pysisits: Gravity is a 'Shielding push" effect rather than pulling. So what you will find when many planets allign - nearly - is a large shield against cosmic radiation - and that could be the reason why the sun is LOW. The problem comes: During a low like now, the sun is building up pressure; so after the shield moves away there COULD be a MAJOR solar storm.

Oh well, I am a lonely voice in the middle of an empty desert plane.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 04:55 PM
And I'm personally surprised that people still don't get that comet elenin is not a ball of dust and ice - the dirty snowball model is thoroughly inadequate and has been debunked many times.The electric comet model is more accurate, because astrophysicists are working with just gravity in their understanding of the universe and thus need to create balogna explanations including dark matter and dark rifts and black holes etc. but completely reject electricity and magnetism being driving forces of two way motion in the universe.

The thing is that planet X and comet Elenin are really the same thing, take a look at this NASA comet elenin trajectory

You can see the trajectory of comet elenin. Dont try to spout lies saying that cosmic bodies dont affect one another because the japan earthquake and other recent natural changes on the planet are coming about due to extra-solar cycles and alignments.

However the truth of all this is entirely missed in the mainstream ideas and conversation about planet x or elenin. There is much more to this than simply unconscious random repercussions of uncontrollable chaos. There is a total order and natural law that is what the mayan calendar is talking about too - the evolution of consciousness and the awakening of our true inner spirit is the universal unity alignment that is what the completion of the mayan calendar is really speaking of.
edit on 22-5-2011 by orazio because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by orazio

And I'm personally surprised that people still don't get that comet elenin is not a ball of dust and ice - the dirty snowball model is thoroughly inadequate and has been debunked many times.

And I'm personally surprised that some people refuse to accept that comet C2010X-1 is nothing more than a ball of dust and ice. Not only has there never been any evidence to the contrary, the nature of comets has been proven. Space probes from the US, EU and Japan have not only studied and photographed them from close range, they have even returned samples of comet dust.

The electric comet model is more accurate, because astrophysicists are working with just gravity in their understanding of the universe and thus need to create balogna explanations including dark matter and dark rifts and black holes etc. but completely reject electricity and magnetism being driving forces of two way motion in the universe.

On the contrary, real scientists are fully aware that 98% of the matter in the universe is in plasma form, and use electrodynamics to study its behavior at the appropriate scale. I, too, am a Dark Matter skeptic, but I'm not about to toss out the four hundred years of well established principles that allow us to loft satellites and predict their orbits.

The thing is that planet X and comet Elenin are really the same thing, take a look at this NASA comet elenin trajectory

Which planet X? It's definitely different than the hypothetical planet Nemesis' orbit; that lies outside of the Oort cloud. Elenin is currently in the inner solar system.

You can see the trajectory of comet elenin. Dont try to spout lies saying that cosmic bodies dont affect one another because the japan earthquake and other recent natural changes on the planet are coming about due to extra-solar cycles and alignments.

And don't you presume to tell me what I can or cannot do. I would be lying if I were to claim that cosmic bodies don't affect one another. Of course they do, chiefly through gravity, which is a function of mass. A comet simply doesn't have enough mass to have any effect on Earth, although Earth may tug a comet a bit off course. The Sun certainly affects the Earth through its electromagnetic and particle radiation; the Sun is a giant ball of thermonuclear energy, a comet is not.

However the truth of all this is entirely missed in the mainstream ideas and conversation about planet x or elenin. There is much more to this than simply unconscious random repercussions of uncontrollable chaos. There is a total order and natural law that is what the mayan calendar is talking about too - the evolution of consciousness and the awakening of our true inner spirit is the universal unity alignment that is what the completion of the mayan calendar is really speaking of.

I'm afraid you're losing me here. First of all you keep confusing "Planet X" with Comet Elenin, then you say: "There is much more to this than simply unconscious random repercussions of uncontrollable chaos." That would be a very impressive string of words if it actually meant anything. Then you bring up the Mayan calendar, which is completely irrelevant. I find it sad and ironic that the Doom Patrol keep bringing it up. Jose Arguelles proposed that the Mayan calendar be adopted because it would help attune society to the cosmic rhythms of nature. He held a world wide day of meditation on what he believed the calendar predicted would be an "harmonic convergence." This event purportedly raised human consciousness and made the world a better place. That was back in 1987. Do you suppose it worked? The irony is that Arguelles, who was indeed a talented graphic artist with a keen, if eccentric, mind passed away a few months ago. Not one 2012 propagandist on ATS posted a word of gratitude or memorial.

edit on 22-5-2011 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:51 PM
Read up on the works of Walter Russell. I think you will find that the present models promoted by the institutions are really not much more than propaganda to enslave the minds of the masses with falsified science theories and explanations.. im not very inclined to get into a debate of this type here because it would be too long winded - and where in any rulebook would it say that what you or i believe cannot contradict? There are books and ongoing research out there to support alternative science and the universal model of natural law, so unless i had the time and motivation to reply in full posts i couldn't convey sufficiently why I believe in the electric universe model and why the mayan calendar relates to the evolution of consciousness we are undergoing now in this decade. Mind you the mayan calendars just one of many examples, such as the i-ching, which is what i refer to it as, an example of a system based on natural universal cycles - & i have just done my own independent study and research I dont try to regurgitate what i read or hear from others. In time we will all see the truth of all of this anyway, we need to just focus on our niches and talents and not be afraid of changes, including a change in how we see matter, energy, and the universe
edit on 22-5-2011 by orazio because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by orazio

In other words, you disagree. Cool. Voudrez vous continuez en Francais?

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 06:48 AM
Comet Elenin is a normal, long period comet. It is moving in a normal, highly elliptical orbit. It is tiny compared to Earth, and will have no gravitational or tidal effect on our planet whatsoever. Earth will not pass through the tail, and nothing would happen if it did.

You know, the endless rubbish posted on this forum about Comet Elenin reminds me of the term used frequently in Battlestar Galactica.....


In other words, Comet Elenin will come and go without incident, and eventually you will all forget about it......until the next perfectly normal comet appears, and then the BS will start again. I sincerely hope that you all learn from this experience when NOTHING HAPPENS as Comet Elenin fades into the darkness of deep space.
edit on 23-5-2011 by Mogget because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 03:55 PM
Great Video Wolvo! I guess we will soon have our answers when it comes to this comet. I for one do feel that something is a foot. However, it probably isn't this comet. I just don't know what it is. Just a feeling nothing more.

posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by applebaum

Thank you my friend.

Yer not long now mate, days are numbered for the elenin fighting. I made this video not long after it came to light.

Still stand by the fact that all is not right, we'll see soon enough.

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