posted on May, 12 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by VicDiaz89
Take a look at what you have chosen to surround yourself with. Take a look at what you have embraced. Doom. Disaster. Conspiracy. Lies. You have
allowed those things to guide you. If you don't like the feelings and the emotions that come with that choice, choose a different perspective.
It really is true that misery loves company. For the most part, we see empathy as a good thing but it does have its bad side. We tend to reflect the
emotions and feelings of those that surround us even if we can't agree on what is making us so feel happy or miserable. Punching a wall or
screaming into a pillow while all alone doesn't help either. Punching a wall in frustration only leads to more pain which only increases the
frustration. Screaming into that pillow only reinforces the bad feeling.
I work in a health related field. I had a patient whose words made me stop and think. He said that the best thing that happened to him is that when
he got his diagnosis is that he realized that he had a choice. He could live his life like it was going to be his last day on earth or he could live
his life believing that their was a tomorrow. He chose the latter while understanding the possible reality of the former. He appreciated every day
he was given while imagining what the next day would bring.
I hate sounding so Pollyanna in a place like this. But, I do want remind you that good things happen every day. People are good even if life is
hard. If you extend your hand in honesty and hope, somebody in need is sure to take it. And when the day arrives that you extend your hand in
honesty and need, somebody will be there for you.