posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:14 AM
So sorry for opening yet another bin laden thread but hey it took 10 years to CATCH him wants a couple hundred threads.
This is my theory no evidence. I think in this raid they shot and disabled bin laden then took him alive hence the mother load of intelligence.With
all this advanced tech robotic Lims reading brain signals etc I believe they have the tech to recover what ever they want from your brain and this is
what they will be doing to bin.
I think the top people in the gov would rue the chance to come face to face with bin interrogate him his brain would hold the mother load of
intelligence.As his already dead it would be easy to dispose of him once they have all they can get from him.
It would have been easy for the seal team to make it look like they killed him to the people left alive in the hide out one of the seals shots him in
a non lethal place which I assume the best of the best can easy do and another shot him with a strong sedating dart or bullet.This is my first thread
be nice can take criticism in small doses
edit on 11-5-2011 by dbates because: Caps Lock Title Edit