Hey there members
I have been trying to learn a bit from this guy dutchsinse about what may be going on with the weather. It seems he has found a new oddity on the
radar and he isnt even sure what it may be. Im wondering if any of you may have a clue as to what we are seeing here? It sure is odd, but then again
Im rather new to this so.... Anyone have any idea what this is? Definitely worth taking a look at.
ETA: you may want to watch full screen to see it clearly.
edit on 10-5-2011 by onehuman because: (no reason given)
Thanks for the replies guys. I feel like you, I know Im seeing something odd, but have no idea what it may be. It sure took good eyes for him to see
it, but then again he has been looking at this stuff for awhile. That is why Im kind of surprised he has no idea either.
I sure hope some of our more smartly members of this sort of thing come along soon and help us out here!