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Russian Scientist Unlocking the Mysteries of the Human Aura

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by nightbringr

Its called Socialism, and it has failed.

I disagree there.... economic systems don't fail - people fail.

If lazy people were penalized by the government, instead of spoon-fed, then Socialism/Communism would work.
Likewise, if greedy people were penalized by the government, instead of spoon-fed, then Capitalism would finally work.
edit on 11-5-2011 by DeReK DaRkLy because: typo

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by BanMePlz

Ok, what about the average person? I mean we are talking monks here...the most spiritually disciplined creatures on earth (That we have proof of).

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:40 AM
And this is research focusing only on our ability to alter reality on an individual basis. A microcosmic approach, if'n you will.

The research about how we collectively determine our reality is absolutely staggering.

Coherent consciousness creates order in the world Subtle interactions link us with each other and the Earth When human consciousness becomes coherent and synchronized, the behavior of random systems may change. Quantum event based random number generators (RNGs) produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured. The probability is less than one in a billion that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests an emerging noosphere, or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all cultures.


I'm running my own experiment along these lines, anyone who would like to participate is welcome to contribute!

Click on the link in my signature, and donate your energy to our future!

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:41 AM
I love the way science is slowly uncovering the truths a lot of us have known for ages... maybe one day 99% of people wont scoff at you and call you a hippy when you try to explain this stuff to them... for me synchronicity, the power of positive thinking, creating your own reality etc stuff does work and is real, although if I were to talk to any of my friends about it they would laugh at me, maybe this kind of research will one day make it mainstream... maybe one day!

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by doubledutch

Your perception of reality yes...but actual reality? You think you and 10 friends could sit and focus on the ugly chick in the bar and wish she were Jessica Simpson (or whom ever you fancy) and poof!!!!! There she is?

Creating your own reality, literally, is borderline "God complexish". Not to say I trash the thought of us all being part of fact I believe that very thing... But to be able to actually affect the tangible world with nothing more than positive thoughts and rainbow's and heart beams out of my chest is a stretch IMO.

Too many conditioned mental blocks in place for such a feat.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Mystic Technician
Believing is seeing.. a concept which most skeptics have a hard time with..

To top it off, most of them don't want to see either

"I have proof"
"No you don't"
"Here, take a look at my results"
*Skeptic glances over the first page just barely*
"This looks stupid just as you are, take your crap and go back to worshiping a God or some invisible person, you loon"

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:52 AM
Nice article, thanks

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by ATC_GOD
reply to post by BanMePlz

Ok, what about the average person? I mean we are talking monks here...the most spiritually disciplined creatures on earth (That we have proof of).

Um last i checked, monks are just humans.. Just trained, which makes them no different from the average person aside from their training, which means anyone can do it with the right guidance..

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by DeReK DaRkLy

I can agree on that. But European Socialism, the ail of Ireland and Greece and Portugal and more do not see it that way.

In Ireland you can make more money on social assitance than you will ever make working a minimum wage job. This leads to an "entitlement mentality". People feel they deserve money to sit around and doing nothing to contribute to society. Hell, we see that even on ATS, where one of the most popular articles of the last year was on how it is "unhuman" to have to work.

If you do not work, you should not be entitled to your share. Exceptions must be made for the disabled and the mentally unfit, but otherwise the rule should be uniform throughout society.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by BanMePlz

I like how your wiki link has a pic of one of them that has set himself on fire... Now thats real positive..

Sorry, couldnt help myself there.

But really, monks are humans yes, but they make some pretty big sacrifices for thier spiritual power. I would venture to say that most folks out there would not trade their x-boxes or cellphones to live on a mountain in Tibet and practice thier ummms and aaaahhhs.

Just saying..

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:03 PM
I think I can disprove this with 1 simple observation

People starve to death in massive waves every day

I'm sure they are doing nothing else other than focusing their energies on getting food, so why no food?

Theory destroyed..

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:04 PM
Junk science.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:13 PM



posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by ATC_GOD
reply to post by BanMePlz

I like how your wiki link has a pic of one of them that has set himself on fire... Now thats real positive..

Sorry, couldnt help myself there.

But really, monks are humans yes, but they make some pretty big sacrifices for thier spiritual power. I would venture to say that most folks out there would not trade their x-boxes or cellphones to live on a mountain in Tibet and practice thier ummms and aaaahhhs.

Just saying..

Maybe that's what's wrong with the world. A self obsessed lifestyle surrounded around consumption, if reality is subjective to the observer and we are all observing the same crap then that is what will become reality.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:52 PM
Nice thread.
And true indeed. Though through research the findings are like probably 10% of the reality.

Since we are discussing monks, and life as we are living it
i believe that the money system, upto a certain extent even the original barter system which has now led to materialism and greed is the problem.

do you think it is possible to root out this aspect of our human lives?
Specially from people who have never ending amounts of wealth?
even if our consciouses grows to realize the evil that money and materialism causes are we mature enough to step forward?

seems very far fetched.

but hey, positive thinking & hope might be the only answer to save us and them

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Swills

He's applying quantum physics to Kirlian photography. Good idea! It will yield quantifiable results (no pun intended!)

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by ATC_GOD

It is a really interesting and intriguing topic that more scientists should go into. But it needs to be looked at in a different perspective.

There are so many different kinds of emotions both created from an internal source and also an external source.

An external source is the easiest to explain and is more of a triggered emotion. Say your son was just born and his beautiful new born face is looking up at you and he gurgles something that sounds like "da-da". To be a father and their baby look up at them like that for the first time and hear its first gurgle sound like "dad". Anybody would be extremely happy beyond no belief. That can be one of the most happiest times if not the happiest of a fathers life. That emotion was triggered within us because it is an extremely awarding and memorial event that makes us feel special for this to happen.

An example of an internal source can be catagorized and easily explained as; yes, it is definately possible to control an emotion, but it depends on what is happening at the present time, are you trying to force an emotion on yourself that you wouldnt normally be feeling at the present time? Convincing yourself to look at a different perspective of the situation that you would usually think to be depressing... and look at the things that are good in the situation. You can convince yourself that there is happiness in that situation by looking at the good parts and explain to yourself why you should be happy, this situation that should be looked at as a lesson instead of an inconvenience and take the happiness from it because the negative side will only keep you down. This definately does not happen in every situation and completely depends on the individual and how he/she handles a situation.
From this technique I believe people can feel certain emotions from an internal source.
People can create their own happiness it all depends on how they take a certain situation.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Jrocbaby
I think I can disprove this with 1 simple observation

People starve to death in massive waves every day

I'm sure they are doing nothing else other than focusing their energies on getting food, so why no food?

Theory destroyed..

For the majority fear is their reality, consciously or unconsciously - makes no difference. Even if they focused their energies on accuring food, it would make no difference. This stuff goes a lot deeper then simply 'wishing' for something.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:19 PM
Thank you to the one for beginning this thread - it is the sign of things to come now!
Thank you to the one who shared the secret - LOVE is the answer thats always here!
Dr K Korotkov knows the secret is the answer, to uniting the seen to unseen realms in conscious co-creation with inspiration.
He interviews well as well: Konstantin Korotkov Conscious Media Network
Were growing & remembering - Anamnesis, as called by Plato, is the remembering of whats already known!
This reminds me of the fabulous & enlightening...The Mysterious Story of X7

Between 1953 and 1957, a group of political prisoners, codenamed X7, were incarcerated in a Siberian salt mine. They linked up telepathically with the Network of Light, groups of psychics stationed worldwide, and transmitted their story. Trapped for years deep in the earth, they began to refine the vibratory rate of the body and of surrounding matter until they could experience themselves as beings of Light—and experience Earth itself as Light.



posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Jrocbaby

I think you'll find they are focusing on the fact they have no food.

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