posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:37 PM
Now, what will i miss?
Laziness, yes laziness!
I do alot of my own things and i have many skill sets and the tools to do said jobs, whether it be food tools or building tools.
Now every once in awhile (and I admit with all the kids gone and age approaching quicker) I get the itch to loaf.
Whether it be go to Burger King for 4ozs. of burned death on a chemically enhanced bun, flavored with oil and fat based condiments and veggies that
should have died months ago but have not!
Or just renting a movie online.
Without all of these modern conveniences i will loose some of my lazy time.
Ever wake up and not get out of bed or head straight to your chair or couch?
Never got out of your sweats or PJ's?
TRY IT!! Live like Paris Hilton for a day.
I will miss my laziness.
But who knows, down the road I may be able to trade my productivity for someone elses products or services, that may buy me some lazy in the
Skills and tools folks get em and use em.