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The Cumbrian Spaceman

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posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 01:23 PM
Have anyone ever heard of 'The Cumbrian Spaceman'

I saw some of the story of it on TV a while ago.

I recently saw something about it again and I've looked on the internet but there doesn't appear to be that much about it.

On Sunday, May 24, 1964, English fireman Jim Templeton, of the Cumbrian Fire Service, in Carlisle, Cumberland, took his wife and five-year-old daughter Elizabeth on a picnic. He selected a nearby popular nature resort called the Burgh Marsh.

That day Jim noticed a feel of "electricity" in the air similar to that felt before a thunderstorm. Normally, sheep and cows would be grazing throughout the large meadow but he noticed they were all clustered together at the far end of the field as though fearful of something.

Aside from the three of them, the only other people in sight that day were two elderly women in a car about 400 yards away from their picnic spot. When Elizabeth had gathered some flowers, Jim took the above photo of his smiling daughter.

Several days later, when Jim picked his film up from the local drugstore, the owner said "It's a shame. Someone just ran into your best picture." "That's impossible," said Jim. "No one was there that afternoon." However, upon inspection, one photo of his daughter clearly revealed a tall figure standing a short distance behind the five-year-old wearing what appears to be a white space suit and helmet.

Jim showed the picture to friends, co-workers, the police and finally Kodak. No one could explain it but Kodak asked permission to use it in an advertisement offering anyone who solved the mystery a lifelong supply of free film. No one had the solution. Tampering was ruled out as well after the negative was examined and proved not to be a double-exposure or some other image manipulation.

Anyone know more about it?

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 01:35 PM
not really...

All I know is no-one has given a good explanation of it.
Plus short after the father was visited by the 'Men In Black' - I think this is one of the earliest case of them.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by MetalHead
Plus short after the father was visited by the 'Men In Black' - I think this is one of the earliest case of them.

Yeah. This thing was 40 years ago.

It just seems less likely to be a hoax because you couldn't just take a picture and modify it on a computer. Well thats just what I think, I don't know a huge amount about Aliens and UFOs but am interested in them

If you were hoaxing on film, the chances are you'd get caught.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 01:43 PM
Thanks to the boolean search (jim + templeton) and thanks to memory, I found these...

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 01:51 PM
Here's an old (1996) link

Unwittingly, Mr Templeton captured the bizzare image above. The figure was not seen until the photograph was developed.

After the photograph was published in a local Cumbrian newspaper Jim Templeton received calls from the Government telling him "not to persure the matter and to drop it". In the meantime Jim had two visitors who called at the fire station where he worked. They were dressed like typical bowler hatted Civil Servants who when asked would not show their identification. "Can I ask where you are from?" asked Jim, "No you can't, we are Her Majesties Government" was the reply. They asked Jim to show them the site where he took the photograph and drove him to the site in their car, a Jaguar. On arriving they asked Jim where he had seen the figure in the photo to which Jim replied that he hadn't. At this they walked away and left him.

This strange story may have ended there but for the fact that the photo had been sent over to Australia by the Cumbrian News where strange things were also happening on the Woomera Test Range. Unbeknown to anyone at the time a Blue Streak launch had been aborted due to two large men seen on the firing range. Technicians at the time did not know about Jim's sighting until it appeared on the front page of an Australian Newspaper and they said that the figure in Cumbria was the same as the ones they had seen on the monitor at Woomera.

zero lift

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 01:58 PM
I think that that site has everything that's known about the picture; I've seen it in a lot of places and never seen anything more than the content written there. It seems to be one of those relatively well-documented but as-yet unexplained phenomena.

If we have any Australians or UK people in the mood for some research it'd be great to track down and xerox/scan/post any (preferably local) newspaper accounts/examples of Kodak's ads/etc., in particular the later incident in Australia, which I've never seen documented.

I don't think analysis of the photo's all that likely to prove helpful; this low-resolution picture is also about as high-resolution a picture as you're going to find of this. Moreover, I don't think color photography was all that great in 1964 and so I doubt there's a whole lot more info you could get out of it even with a new scan.

One final thought: this is the only photo even remotely like this that I'm aware of. There's probably thousands of pictures of "UFOs" on the web but I've only ever seen this picture of people (in this case, "astronauts") appearing unexpectedly. There's one other photo that I've seen that's sorta like this, and is a black and white picture of a TV from the 1950s with what appears to be a monstrous grey's head in the screen, but that one and this one are it.

My question is:

Why so few photos like this? (I don't expect an answer, it's just worth asking)

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 02:55 PM
all i can say is BIZZAR

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 03:14 PM
This is indeed very strange, particularly that two similar beings were seen at the same time on the other side of the world. And this picture, the "person" was invisible until the film was developed. Thanks for posting this, its a very intruiging case...

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by sisonek
Why so few photos like this? (I don't expect an answer, it's just worth asking)

Could be lots of reasons besides hoax if its real. Most likely government evidence confiscation or ETs paying more attention to avoid getting caught in photographs. If there are intelligent races coming here covertly, then they are very, very smart. Likely smart enough to avoid most human forms of detection.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 03:24 PM
Assuming there are no shannanigans going on here I'd just like to throw in some ideas...

A photograph is based on light striking film and leaving an image. Therefore the "spaceman" in the image was something giving off light that was aranged to appear as a space suit to human interpretation.

However, the man, nor his daughter saw such a thing in reality..not with his own eyes or through the viewfinder of his camera. (at the time cameras may, or may not, have had lens or glass in the view finder).

Now the kicker...if this thing was giving of photon, that effected the film..then the invisibility to the naked eye was not cloaking light but rather masking the human mind's ability to interpret or even acknowledge it.

So the "invisibility" is not related to light or physics of light, but rather the ability to manipulate the human mind and make it unable to recognise and acknowledge images. And this is FAR more disturbing than the thought of the ability to just not give off light or become transparent.

Still..a "spaceman" in this era would have been an obvious bit of fun that got out of a hand and turned into a hoax.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 03:29 PM
Yes. If this picture is real I see little reason for why the photographer and his daughter missed this white suited man behind them. I guess it means that there is some type of ET device or perhaps genetic encoding of humans that makes us oblivious to their presence.

[edit on 1-8-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 03:37 PM
I don't see anything special about the picture.

If you look closely , what we are really looking at is someones back. The way the arm is bent, we are looking at a persons back with their arm placed on waist. They wearing some kind of hate with meshing, as you can see the black hair underneath.

Nothing special.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 03:42 PM
Although the "Spaceman" appears to be looking towards the camera, it's body position may suggest that it is facing away from the camera and what is perceived as being the face behind a visor is actually the back of someone's head.

Just a thought, might be wrong

zero lift

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 03:44 PM
porky1981 wrote

If you look closely , what we are really looking at is someones back. The way the arm is bent, we are looking at a persons back with their arm placed on waist. They wearing some kind of hate with meshing, as you can see the black hair underneath.

Jinx. Great minds etc

zero lift

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 03:58 PM
The best thing to find UFOs and aliens is to use a (video)camera. The aliens use special camoflage effects on the brain, so that you do not see them, or see something else. Once you leave, see the photo or playback the video, you will see that it is there. Interesting, but this is the way to find them, who are just everywhere, with fascinating technology, that is good to observe.

[edit on 1-8-2004 by Istvan]

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 04:15 PM
The idea of it being of someone's back is an interesting one and I can see where you are coming from.

The quality of the picture doesn't help us though.

That picture just keeps changing. It's a bit like an optical illusion for me.

If you are considering whether it is the back of someone, it looks like that but if you go back to looking at a 'spaceman', there is a spaceman.

The picture is just wierd.

If it is of someone's back what are they wearing on their head (or on their body for that matter)?

And what are they doing dressed like that in a field?

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 04:42 PM
I agree when you see the large version of the picture it appears to be the back of a person. Whats wierd to me is that wouldnt this thing be like 200 feet tall if it was real. To be that small in the picture but to tower over the kid that high.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 06:08 PM
I think the object is in proportion to the girl�s head. It appears to be standing on the brow of the hill behind the girl with its back to her. Its definatly the back of someone because you can see the way the arms elbow is placed although the back looks like a chest. It is strange. It also looks inflatable.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by sisonek
here's one other photo that I've seen that's sorta like this, and is a black and white picture of a TV from the 1950s with what appears to be a monstrous grey's head in the screen, but that one and this one are it.

Is this the picture you're talking about?

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 06:19 PM
I kind of thought it looked inflatable as well. I wonder if anyone made life sized space men balloons back then?

- Was

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