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Osama's speech to Americans. You better read this.

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posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:02 PM
First, this is not an Osama bin Laden sympathy thread. In this speech, he admits to the 9/11 killings, the corruption of our own government from within, Bush and Cheney [snip] us over, and that the Kennedy assassination was an inside job. He admits to the war breaking the backs of the American people, and that Americans should wake up to the deception of the government.

The speech is 10 minutes long, here is the youtube video:

And for your convenience, I've taken the liberty of typing out the speech:

"Oh the American people –

I address this speech to you as a reminder of the reasons for 9/11, and for the ensuing wars and consequences, as a reminder of the way to end them from the core. I especially address the relatives of the people harmed in those events, who have recently demanded that an investigation be started into their reasons. This is an important first step in the right direction, among many steps taken deliberate in the wrong direction in the past 8 lean years than you have been through. The American people in its entirety should follow in their footsteps, because the delay in understanding these reasons has cost you dearly with no benefit to speak of. The White House administration, which is one of the two sides to the conflict, has told you in the years that have passed, that the war is necessary to maintain your security. But wise people should make sure that they listen to both sides in a conflict in order to know the truth. So lend me your ear.
First, let me say that we have declared many times, over more than 2 ½ decades, that the reason for our conflict with you is your support for your Israeli allies, who are occupying our land of Palestine. It was this position of yours, along with some other injustices, that drove us to carry out the events of 9/11. If you knew how much we suffer from the injustice that the Jews inflict upon us, with the support that your administration provides them, you would know that both of our nations are victims of the policies of the White House, which is, in fact, held hostage by the lobbies, especially by the large corporations and the Israeli lobby. One of the best people who can explain to you the reasons for 9/11 is one of your own citizens, a former top CIA agent, who had pangs of conscience in the 8th decade of his life, and decided to tell the truth despite the threats, and to explain the message of 9/11 to you. He has several works, including a book titled “Apology of a Hired Killer” (sic).
With regard to clarifying the suffering of our people in Palestine, Obama in his recent speech from Cairo, acknowledged the suffering of our people who face occupation and siege. The issue will become even clearer if you read what your former President Carter wrote about the racism practiced by the Israelis against our people in Palestine, or if you listened to his statement a few weeks ago, when he was visiting the destroyed and besieged Gaza in which he said: “The people of Gaza are treated more like animals than humans.” Indeed, this is a mark of Cain on the forehead of the world’s politicians who accept this, as well as their supporters. [Unintelligible] with prior knowledge and intent, and under the influence of the Israeli lobby in America. This was made clear by two of your citizens, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, in their book, “The Israeli Lobby in the US.” After you have read the proposed books, you will know the truth, and you will be greatly shocked by the extent of the deception to which you were subjected. You will also know that the people in the White House, who claim that your wars against us are necessary for your security, are following the path of Cheney and Bush, and are promoting the past policies of intimidation, for the benefit of the relevant large corporations, and at the expense of your blood and your economy. It is they who impose the wars upon you – not the mujahideen.
We defend our right to liberate our land. If you reflect carefully upon your situation, you will realize that the White House has been occupied by the lobbies, and that you should be working to liberate it, rather than fighting to liberate Iraq, as was claimed by Bush. Under these circumstances, the leader of the White House, regardless of his name, is like a train driver, who can only proceed on the tracks laid by these lobbies, or else, it will be derailed, and he will end up like former President Kennedy and his brother.
In conclusion, it is high time that you freed yourselves from the ideological fear and terror, which the neocons and the Israeli lobby use on you. You should open the issue of your alliance with the Israelis for debate, and, in order to define your position, you should ask yourselves whether your security, your blood, your sons, your money, your jobs, your homes, your economy, and your reputation are more dear to you than the security and economy of the Israelis. If you opt for your security and for ending the wars – as being demonstrated by the polls – you should retrain those on your side who violate our security. We are ready to respond to this choice, on correct and just foundations, as has been mentioned in the past.
There is an important point with regard to ending the war – when Bush came to power, and appointed as Defense Secretary someone who played the greatest role in killing 2 million oppressed villagers in Vietnam, the wise people predicted that Bush was preparing for the new massacres. This is what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. When Obama came to power, he kept people chosen by Bush and Cheney for the top positions in the Department of Defense, like Gates, Mullen, and Petraeus. The wise people know that Obama was a debilitated man, who would not be able to stop the war as he had promised, and that he would procrastinate as much as possible. If he has any say in the matter, he would have passed the command over to the generals who oppose this futile war, like the former Commander of the Forces in Iraq, General Sanchez, or like the commander of CENTCOM, who was forced by Bush to resign, shortly before he left the White House, because of his opposition to the war. In his place, Bush appointed someone to fan the flames of this war after him. In the guise of his willingness to cooperate with the Republicans, Obama carried out a great deception, by keeping the most important and dangerous of Cheney’s ministers, in order to continue the war. Time will show you that the only thing that you have changed in the White House are the faces. The bitter truth is that the neocons still cast their heavy shadow upon you. As I have said, if you stop the war – fine. But if you choose otherwise, we will have no alternative but to continue the war of attrition against you on all possible fronts, just like we conducted attrition against the USSR for 10 years, until it disintegrated, with the grace of Allah, and was reduced to ruins. You can prolong the war as much as you like. You are leading a desperate and hopeless war for the benefit of others – a war whose end is not in sight.
This is a war financed by money borrowed at monstrous interest rates, whose soldiers are morally defeated and commit suicide on a daily basis in order to escape from it. This is a hopeless war, with the grace of Allah. This war was prescribed to you by the two doctors, Cheney and Bush, as a remedy for the events of 9/11, but its bitterness and losses exceeded those of the events themselves. It got to the point that the debts accumulating from this war almost threaten to destroy the US economy in its entirety. As the saying goes, “the disease is better than the remedy.” With the grace of Allah, we have been carrying our weapons on our shoulders, and have been fighting the two poles of evil in the East and in the West for the past 30 years, yet not a single case of suicide has been recorded among us, despite the international persecution of us, with the grace of Allah. This demonstrates to you the perfect nature of our faith, and the justice of our cause. Allah willing, we will continue on our path to liberate our land. Our weapon is our patience, and from Allah victory will come. We will not relinquish the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Our adherence to Palestine is greater than our adherence to our own souls. You can prolong the war as much as you like, but by Allah, we will never compromise on it. "

Wow. A lot to absorb, here. What are your thoughts?

edit on 10-5-2011 by UndesirableNo1 because: video

edit on 11/5/11 by argentus because: removed censor circumvention

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by UndesirableNo1

Oh wonderful an unsourced video with no video and audio that doesn't even sound close to bin laden. Hmm I think i'll believe the SOURCED and DOCUMENTED interview done shortly after 911 when he denied any knowledge or involvement.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by UndesirableNo1

This is a war financed by money borrowed at monstrous interest rates, whose soldiers are morally defeated and commit suicide on a daily basis in order to escape from it. This is a hopeless war, with the grace of Allah. This war was prescribed to you by the two doctors, Cheney and Bush, as a remedy for the events of 9/11, but its bitterness and losses exceeded those of the events themselves. It got to the point that the debts accumulating from this war almost threaten to destroy the US economy in its entirety. As the saying goes, “the disease is better than the remedy.”
That's perhaps something to think about. Oh wait, he's a crazy terrorist, what am I thinking. Words of an extremist!!! Move along.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:14 PM
I agree, I'm not buying into this at all as it is an unsourced video. If it is real, it is interesting, but there just isn't information to prove that it is (at least posted yet).

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:23 PM
Oh come on! You'd have me believe that OBL used the term "neo-cons" in his speech???? That's a pretty Westernized term, I would say...

At first blush, I call bs...

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:24 PM
Although he references 9/11 several times, I don't see him admiting it anywhere.
Anyhow, it is no secret that OBL was a gifted speaker and a very educated man (IF he actually made this speech)
Do I believe it? There are some interesting points...
However, I do not believe that OBL was a righteous freedom fighter.
OBL and the TPTB are two sides of the same decieving and sadistic coin IMHO.

edit on 10-5-2011 by Konstantinos because: typooooooooooooos

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:25 PM
Unsourced? Not even going to bother.

yet not a single case of suicide has been recorded among us

This made me laugh, cough cough....suicide bombers!

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:32 PM
Goddamn it...I read Obama and thought the final step to insite social chaos in order to justify martial law has been taken. Did they purposefully put a guy in office with nearly the same name as the international boogeyman terrorist for kicks or what...grml
edit on 10-5-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:48 PM
He has his points. I think Americans are aware of the exploitation of our nation and our political system by corporate lobbiests. I think the Israel issue IS discussed amongst the public.

The sticking point is that groups like al qaeda have purposely targeted civilian targets with the intention of harming people that are not making these policies or carrying them out. Blowing up public buses, coffee shops, train stations, business buildings and civilian aircraft is NOT the way to engender the support of a foreign citizenry.

It is the way to ensure that you and "your people" will become the enemies of those people.

If these groups seek to encourage the west to take a closer look at it's policies and adjust it's positions to be more in favor of the Muslim cause, the very last thing they should be doing is PURPOSELY targeting the safety and stability of western civilian populations.

Their policies have ensured that the status quo keeps a level of support rather than becoming questioned.

If he had given that speech without ordering the intentional murder of 3000 Americans that were just going to work, he may have stirred compassion and begun a discussion. Instead he unleashed the murderous wrath of delusional god believers on ordinary people and dashed the potential for rational debate for a dacade, at least.

The majority of the world feels sorry for anyone that has to deal with Muslims.. That's a sad reality. China, Russia, Europe, Australia and North America all deal with this victim complex that simultaneously declares that Islam will dominate the world soon......

Now he is dead, 10's or 100's of thousands of his people are dead and thousands of Americans and others are dead. His world is in revolt, America has bigger things to worry about than Palistine and his beloved religion is on trial around the world.

It's hard to maintain ones stance as a victim when ones holds a gun to the head of his enemy.

There is no societal negotiation now. He threw a match on the tender and it set fire to his own agenda.

If there is any organized conspiracy, he played right into it.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 02:54 PM
It sounds more like a message from within the US government/s. I always have this feeling that there is a factional war for power or ideology or both, going on above politics in the US. The tape is a few years old now, and contrasts with video of OBL from even earlier.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Serizawa
Unsourced? Not even going to bother.

yet not a single case of suicide has been recorded among us

This made me laugh, cough cough....suicide bombers!

A bit of a Faux Pas on the part of the writer

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by UndesirableNo1

Read my location.

Says it all.

If any of you Americans out there still believe this government is ran by and for the people, you are either blind, stupid or in denial.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 03:10 PM
This is sooooo lying, OMG lyer, lyer pants of fire. More disqusting, sick. Bin laden was executed, because he would tell all about who hired him in the first place. From now on you will hear nothing but propaganda from all angles on this one.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 03:21 PM
Seen it before, and it was a message to the American people, excellent impersonation.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:51 PM
More disinformation. That Israel somehow "owns" America is ridiculous. The Israeli people were a besieged people who were traumatized into going to Israel, by a handfull of Zionist jews, but especially by the banksters and their chronies, like the bushes, who heavily funded the Nazi war machine and of course made sure all the right countries would stop taking in jews.

The same group of people who controlled America before it existed, controls it today and they control Israel as well, namely the banksters and the financial elite of the globe, out of which some are jewish, but many are not.. Look at post war America. Look at America today. If you look into the history of the bushes one would be hard pressed to find Israelis who would want to support them. Many former Nazis quitely made their way to America after the war and not just scientists. While it is true what is being said about political figures in America and the faith that expects them if they would represent their voters for a change, it is not Holocaust survivors who shape the political landscape in America. It is true that AIPAC seems to have sheer endless pockets, but AIPAC hands the money out, it would be more interesting to see where it comes from.

Also there is always the fact, that somebody who allegdly has such strong feelings against America was basically employed for quite a while by the CIA under the alias Tim Osman.

edit on 10-5-2011 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 10:20 PM
Gawd...I'm afraid if i say what I really want to say about that speech that the feds are going to knock down my door and take me away to Gitmo.

Creepy and eye-opening is all i will say about it.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 10:41 PM
Eehhh... I'm wary of the source of this video.

The only thing I have to say is that the article by John Mearsheimer (a professor of political science at the University of Chicago) and Stephen Walt (a professor of international affairs at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government) entitled "The Israel Lobby" is a very interesting read. (It was mentioned in the speech above, and was called a "book" even though I'm pretty sure it's an article, and if it is a book... then it is a very short one).
The Israel Lobby

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by nunya13
Gawd...I'm afraid if i say what I really want to say about that speech that the feds are going to knock down my door and take me away to Gitmo.

You are an American, you have freedom of speech, no one is going to knock down your door for having an opinion.

If you are afraid of them, then who are the true terrorists?

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 11:07 PM
That isn't Bin Laden. I know because I have his genuine voice recorded and when you play these at the same time imposing exact words and phrases known to be Bin laden over these, there is no match at all.

The source "muslim1978" is a well known propagandist who has been all over the net making fakes like these.

Its fake...Moving on now.
edit on 5/10/2011 by Humint1 because: add link

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:03 AM
I went to It says: "The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent, non-profit organization providing translations of the Middle East media and original analysis and research on developments in the region. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background information, are available on request.
MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used with proper attribution."

You have to subscribe to watch videos, but the youtube user Muslim1978 indeed got it from that source, so if it is fake, MEMRI faked it, not Muslim1978. He just uploaded it.

Here's the page it's on in the search, 2230 and 2231.

I'm aware the voice does not belong to Osama, but does it still mean the video is fake? And if so, who would fake it?

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