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How many of you are on Benzo's (valium klonopin etc) or other mood alterers.

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posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:16 PM
my wife takes:


and i hate every minute of it, i resisted for many many years her taking prozac; and many arguments insued. Then i came to terms and realized if she wants to ingest a known "zombie pill" then go right ahead. Now she has started taking adderol for adhd ( what a joke ) and she has had that stomach bypass surgery so now the doctor says she dosnt absorb the medicine right, so he up'd her dosage....IT SUCKS

so only takes the adderol now for "ENERGY" because basiclly she's lazy. It has nothing to do with adhd, also on the bottle is clearly says amphetamines WTH.....

the goverment is giving a medical meth....there are so many things wrong with this picture. It has gotten to the point she abuses them often and now she noticed her abuse so she asked me to give her her correct dosage. As soon as she ask for more and i dont give them to her its argument time BIG TIME....and i only get reminded thats its ok because she got fat had a sugery and now cant absorb medicine correctly so its ok........

WHAT A JOKE......i had severe depression once. i read read read self help books amongst other things and got myself out of it without seeing a doctor once or ever ingesting medicine.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:18 PM

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:43 PM


posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Juggalette
reply to post by Advantage

I think the benzo's and anti depressants were prescribed to me because when I found out at 23 years old that I had Lupus (as well as several other medical problems) and was hospitalized for an extended period of time, it kinda "put a hurtin" on my psyche.

For me, the steroids were just about the worst. At 32 I had both the lenses in my eyes replaced due to cataracts from years of daily high doses of prednisone. I also had to start walking with a cane because the prednisone leached all the calcium out of my body. Now, at 37, I have osteopenia (early osteoporosis) because of it. I also took plaquenil for a short while before I went off my meds. Much of the serious problems that now effect me are kidney related. I don't take anything but advil now unless I am in the hospital.

Ahhh I gotcha.Being ill can definitely mess with your psyche
I was assuming they were just dosing you up with no rhyme or reason. Its pretty common for Lupus patients to be given drugs of all kinds that arent doin us any good since the disease is so misunderstood. You apparently have a much harder time with it than I do. Im 48 and have only had 2 -6 week courses of Prednisone!
I sympathize with you and also feel the less drugs Im on the better off I am. Hang in there and u2u me if you need an ear.. Lupus is probably the most annoying thing I can think of to have. So many things seemingly unrelated and weird, yet caused by Lupus. I have found a few natural things that have actually worked better than anything for the daily BS you deal with... I dont want to hijack the thread, but if youre interested I can give you a few links for some products Ive been using for about a year that have made a world of difference

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:57 PM
**** REMINDER ****

No Discussion of Illegal substances or personal use thereof, period.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 07:41 PM
I take 100 mg of Pristiq daily as well as 30 mg or Cymbalta daily.

I have taken the Pristiq for three years for depression (I am fine now) and I have pain in my leg due to pinched nerves, so I take the cymbalta for that. I do not take Cymbalfa for any problems upstairs, but others do so I figuered I would throw that in there.

I tried to quit smoking once and tried Wellbutrin to help, which is another antidepressant that supposedly helps you quit smoking, but that was three or four years ago and I still smoke so it didn't work ; )

My mom tales prozac as did my grandmother, my dad needs it lol. My cousin takes lexapro... My grandmother on my dad's side is bipolar and takes lithium and haldol. About two thirds of the people I know have been on something or are on something. I even give my dog valium when there is a bad thunderstorm, because she flips out.

I am a very happy person and if taking a little pill every day keeps me that way, then so be it. It doesn't make me a zombie or anything. I feel that it makes me more of myself, or better than normal if you will.
edit on 10-5-2011 by Spencer1989 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by plainview

You have had a traumatic experience. I urge you to have gentle understanding for yourself. I hope you are seeing someone, or have the support of someone. Breathing excersizes can help. Read the Relaxation Response. The thing is it is important for you to find a healing method for this because trauma can stick. I know this because I am a Veteran with PTSD. I send you support and understanding.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 08:20 PM
I started taking xanax at the age of 14 years old back in 1996. I was diagnosed with panic & anxiety attacks. Pretty scary feeling when you think you're having a heart attack at 14 years old! They prescribed me the .5 Milligram peach ovals. It did wonders for my anxiety and insomnia some years later the doctor bumped me up to 1 milligram blue ovals and they knocked me on my ass and I liked it. I started abusing them and pretty soon I could take 90 xannys in 2 or 3 days!

My addiction peaked in 2007 where I was eating 2 Milligram Xanax bars like candy, just a ton of them every chance I got and I was mixing them with vicodin and percocets and somas just blacking out and having crazy amnesia not remembering a damn thing I did which came to a head when I crashed my truck and knocked over a light pole, which I have no memory of. Listen, I started off taking them as prescribed like I was supposed to but if you are not very careful it will get away from you FAST and before you know it your eating 3 month supplies in 2 days like I was!

I kicked my xanax habit cold turkey and suffered tremendous anxiety and torment and painful muscle tremors in the process of my withdrawals but when I completely kicked I can't explain to you how WELL i felt! Like I had been in a fog, a crazy haze all those years and now my head was above clouds! I felt so alert and awake and GOOD! it was nice!

That's my benzo story! They are a nasty little pill that nearly ruined my life.
edit on 11/17/2010 by TopherWayne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Holly N.R.A.

Originally posted by CastleMadeOfSand
reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

Who cares? What are they gonna do with that info?

Maybe you don't understand any of this, but it helps some people to just get stuff off their chest. And yes, this is anonymous, maybe not to hackers and site ownership, but what would they do with that?

Tell me what my real name is and where I live...........

Can't? Well that's anonymous.

I understand quite well that it helps some people to share their problems...I also understand that there are databases out there for information gathering....but wouldn't this fall under something one would post on facebook?

This is not meant to be cold, or start a fight...but where is the logic in discussing what drugs one does? Is that not your personal business? Willingness to answer questions posed to one without asking WHY does someone want that info is why our society is so far down the tubes as it is today. TPTB love undisputed co-operation...drones...people that will do what they are told and answer any question presented without asking WHY.
edit on 10-5-2011 by Holly N.R.A. because: (no reason given)

I search sites to find out what people think of meds - yes there are pro and con boards on just about every med you can think of. I find them helpful - you read about real side effects. In any regard this is a sort of theraputic thread, people are sharing gently. It might offend you the open nature of this sharing - but notice the support being offered and the comments about side effects not being worth it . . . etc. We are learning from each other. Take a wider perusal of ATS - you will find a vast and wide assortment of "outed information" - I think most people know some threads are more um, er, interesting then others. I refer to ATS as my oggly-boogly site, but I LOVE it. Yes sometimes there are times I wonder about the quirky stuff I myself as well as others post - but there is no harm in this medication discussion and it is not the first of its kind. I'm on my one med because of my service to the Powers that B. I can assure you they are done with me.

I take 0.5mg Lorazepam - one or two as needed for my anxiety, PTSD, and pain and spasitity from Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia (or Gulf War Illness if you prefer to call it that) - I usually take this at bedtime. It helps me very much when I need it. As with most people with Anxiety sometimes just knowing you have the medication IF you need it is enough to take the edge off. I find I turn to this med more for pain then anxiety.

Once you understand what panic attacks are - and that they don't kill you - you can breathe through them and use self talk. At the VA - it is recommended for both pain and anxiety to either employ "mindfulness" or the "relaxation response" some people prefer the relaxation response because you can use words, affirmations or prayers. I find when I start to have a sudden and full on panic attack my brain can only manage to count and breathe initially then when my flight or fight crests I can use self talk. Having a plan, training yourself to get through these terrifying episodes really does help. If you feel out there people - like it is overwhelming grab a trusted friend and sort of hypervenhilate - you will start to feel that panic feeling - then practice calming yourself. A therapist at the VA did this with me, it worked because I trusted him.

Of course I have now shared entirely too much information - but I know the squirrels watch me any way cuz I know top secret stuff. Anyway - they know I'm crazy - or do they? Plausable deniability.

ps. I do not have an addictive personality or genetic disposition for such. Lorazepam is a Benzo. I take it PRN which means as needed. Probably a half a dozen times per month. If you know you have tendencies to "Like Meds" - benzos are probably not for you.
edit on 10-5-2011 by TheBirdisDone because: add to

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 08:46 PM
I was on xanax 0.5 mg four times a day, for 10 years of my life. I was put on this med when I started having severe panic attacks, from a year of too many deaths in the family.

I started off on a small dose, .25mg once a day, but then it stopped working and the dose had to be increased over time.

Let me tell you, I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I went through total hell getting off of it. My doctor decided one day it was time to get off of it, and by that time, your CNS and your body is completely addicted to it, even if you don't feel it, you are. This is THE worst drug, and getting off of it from what I was told, is harder than getting off heroin.

It took me 7 months to taper off of it, in small doses. The withdrawals were hell. I had to be put on a beta blocker, because the withdrawals caused my blood pressure to shoot up.

To be honest, I didn't want to taper off the med because it was keeping my anxiety attacks under control. But doctors don't want people on them, and so they try to take you off of them. If someone out there is thinking about taking this drug, think real hard. I've been off xanax for 4 years and I can tell you it took me a full year for my CNS to quiet down. The anxiety attacks are pretty hard, but I won't try going back on it again. You never know when a doctor is going to want you to go off it and I will never go through tapering again.

Most doctors don't really understand how intense benzodiazepines can be, they know that they are addictive, but they get into your system and your body will become dependent on them very quickly, depending.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by TopherWayne
I started taking xanax at the age of 14 years old back in 1996. I was diagnosed with panic & anxiety attacks. Pretty scary feeling when you think you're having a heart attack at 14 years old! They prescribed me the .5 Milligram peach ovals. It did wonders for my anxiety and insomnia some years later the doctor bumped me up to 1 milligram blue ovals and they knocked me on my ass and I liked it. I started abusing them and pretty soon I could take 90 xannys in 2 or 3 days!

My addiction peaked in 2007 where I was eating 2 Milligram Xanax bars like candy, just a ton of them every chance I got and I was mixing them with vicodin and percocets and somas just blacking out and having crazy amnesia not remembering a damn thing I did which came to a head when I crashed my truck and knocked over a light pole, which I have no memory of. Listen, I started off taking them as prescribed like I was supposed to but if you are not very careful it will get away from you FAST and before you know it your eating 3 month supplies in 2 days like I was!

I kicked my xanax habit cold turkey and suffered tremendous anxiety and torment and painful muscle tremors in the process of my withdrawals but when I completely kicked I can't explain to you how WELL i felt! Like I had been in a fog, a crazy haze all those years and now my head was above clouds! I felt so alert and awake and GOOD! it was nice!

That's my benzo story! They are a nasty little pill that nearly ruined my life.
edit on 11/17/2010 by TopherWayne because: (no reason given)

They are very scary meds. I didn't abuse mine, but I was very addicted. I feel better off of xanax, but I still have some horrendous anxiety attacks sometimes. And yeah, the ones where you feel you are having a heart attack are pretty scary. I went to the ER in an ambulance once cause I was eating dinner out with my family and suddenly everything fell away from me, I couldn't talk, my throat seized up on me, and I couldn't breathe. Then my chest started hurting. Get to the ER and after numerous tests, they conclude it's a panic attack!

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by plainview
I don't post too often, but thought I'd tell my story.

I've had issues with anxiety for many years. Despite how difficult and mentally exhausting it was, I could function. I never felt that I needed medication. In January, my car was totaled in a very violent car accident and the anxiety has been unbearable since. Fear of driving and about dieing in an accident have always somewhat affected me, but now the thoughts can sometimes be obsessive. On to the point of my long-winded post:

I very recently started taking Xanax, because I was exhausted by the constant nagging of my irrational fears. I suppose they do help. Having never known what "normal" feels like, I do feel different. I suppose it takes some getting used to.

Thanks for listening.

You do what you have to do, in order to function. Although I hate xanax, it did help me when it was needed. If this med helps your quality of life, then so be it!
I totally get the anxiety after being in a wreck. I get road anxiety time to time myself. Good luck to you!

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

I am sorry you went through that! I cannot imagine 4 times a day. I would be a zombie. I am able to take my small dose as needed and to be honest I have to throw bottles out for aging out. Knowing I have them is helpful for me though. This is classic for PTSD we have our "contingency plans" -

In any regard I have gone round and round with all kinds of trails of so many meds for my pain and mental health issues. Only Lorezepam has been helpful, it is gentle. I take it before bedtime usually for pain and wake able to function. It beats the tar out of narcotics which are awful. I also know if I get in a particularly bad spell of panic I can disolve one under my tongue for faster action.

For those with Anxiety: Valerian root - and Catnip might be helpful. There are natural methods of help. Accupuncture on the ear meridans might be helpful. We are Prozac nation but in Europe they use a kind of TENS electrical treatment on the ears to treat anxiety and depression. Meditation and theraputic support - I think are the most helpful methods of treating a great many mental health conditions. A professional to talk to cannot be understated. If not that - a layperson, clergymember, a person not as invested in your personal issues. Meaning sometimes family, or close friends might not offer the best support.

Educating yourself through reading is huge. I believe very strongly that the quality of light that reaches the brain can have extreme and profound effects on mental health - as can disruptions to your cyrcadian(sp) sleep cycle. Food, stress, exposures to chemicals . . . all these things add up. It is important to care for yourself, and for some that includes careful use of prescribed meds. But even in this short thread it is easy to see a common thread amoung us most of us are CON rather then pro when it comes to medications. Proceed with caution folks.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by SigmundFRAUD

I was on paxil. I got off it. It was weird, it helped at first. Then I felt like a robot, then I became really unstable. Haven't taken anything since.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 09:15 PM
I'm prescribed adderall

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 09:48 PM
I've taken Clonipin and Risperdal for anxiety. Along with countless other medications. I don't get to visit a psych very often, if at all anymore because I travel a lot. Every week or two it's off to some place different and don't think for a second it's worth the pay or I get to "see the world" cause I don't. It's a bunch of sorry army bases in crappy towns. Except for Albania. At least the hotel was nice. But I digress.

Personally I can't stand people, especially in crowds. Every. Single. Thing. Everybody. Does. Aggravates. The. Living. [Censored]. Out of me. And that's an understatement. Human behavior sickens me. I like the zombie feeling. I like to veg out. Give me my scripts doc so I can shut it all off. Big pharm isn't so bad when you don't see a light at the end of the tunnel for humanity and just want to go through the meaningless motions until the inevitable happens.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman

Thank you! It is the scariest feeling in the world, IMO and it pisses me off when people who have never experienced anxiety downplay it and tell me its all in my head! Bullsh*t!!

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 10:08 PM
In my area most of the high schoolers are doing canes and klonopins to get f--d up. I've down,em a couple times just to change it up at a party. My SIS gets prescribed the smaller xanex not the bars people use to get high. I be tried hers as well if I have a presentation in front of a group sometimes but idk how people can use these things all the time legally or not.

Question for people feeling depression, have you guys tried running or walking? It works great for me, just a suggestion for those who don't like the drugs. The satisfaction of working out is a great feeling and is something that is actually good to be addicted to.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Deemo Diablo

I joined ATS just to reply to you Deemo, and you said exactly what I feel. I take Zanax occasionally to deal with stress. I'm a caretaker for my mom in later stages of decline, it's rough some days. But wow, you nailed it on the head. I'm glad there are people who can go through life not taking anything, there are those who need it.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:16 AM
I am currently suffering from depression and am not and will not take these mind altering medications. I don't care if I suffer from a chemical imbalance I will not take these medications.

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