posted on May, 10 2011 @ 11:21 AM
The raid on the Abbottabad compound, it very srongly appears, and I would wager big, was a pure mob-style hit, assassination, execution, with
absolutely no intention of taking anyone important alive. Was ol' Osama whacked, in whatever significant enough part, because any public
verification of his existence - as in, FINALLY, for the first time in several years - would mean his ability to testify-verify that his original
statement about the 9/11 attacks, that he or al Qaeda had no part in them, was the correct one? No doubt the old Yankee Spookocracy was REALLY out
for a drink or 2 of blood on this one! That's assuming, of course, that it really was bin Laden who was killed. Stranger imposter scenarios and
other things have happened in government of maximum tangled web persuasion...
Whether or not the late very tall guy was being protected by the HIGHEST level of Pakistani government, he was clearly under the care of extremely
powerful, very Spookified-secretive puppetmasters, which makes bin Laden no kind of head honcho at all, just a mere pawn, a passenger, not driver.
A true religious zealot-terrorist kingpin would have left no room for controversy regarding his very existence all these years! He would have made
frequent enough VIDEOS that showed proof of approximate taping time. The poor dupe was most obviously the ultimate government-media stooge, trumped
up to stir up trouble when "needed" as yet another distraction.
Is it just me, or does the guy in the dyed beard videos (from early '07, if I remember correctly) have a fat ol' Bill Cosby-like honker, when the
real Osama has/had a skinnier, almost European-like shnoz? And what the flying flop is with that scant profile of the fairly tubby older dude -
watching a video allegedly of "himself" - who could probably pass as likewise Cosby-esque (the overweight version), given a full frontal shot?
Yessiree, the closer we get to the inevitable truth that it's not physically possible for mere jet fuel to cause the extremely rapid and
pulverizingly thorough destruction of skyscrapers, the weirder and more obviously BS-loaded things are going to be. It will be "interesting" to see
how the sham trial/kangaroo court of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the others gets underway, presumably soon enough... George Orwell himself couldn't
have dreamed THIS beyond-astronomical level of Big Brother brainwashing.