posted on May, 10 2011 @ 12:03 PM
Blossom channeled. No one understands channeling yet, and what that means? What she connected to is what many channelers connect to, something with
deliberate distortions.
There are many federations in the Universe.
By the way, other channeled works include Law of One, by Ra, the bloodlines venerated egyptian trinity: Isis, Ra, Osirius (Is Ra El). Very similar
disinfo as HH. Right and Wrong, are only perceptions. Higher Ups do horrible things to you for your own good. We can kill and go to war, for there
is no wrong, all is love. Huge distortion. And some kind of wish to be a Galactic Soup?
The Cassipoian Wave, channeled on a ouji board no less.
And you wonder at this being distortions?