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Stealing From Work and Corporations...Good or Bad?

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posted on May, 14 2011 @ 09:39 AM
I don't think it's ever ok to steal. In the end you're not going to be hurting some corporate entity, you're going to be hurting your fellow employees or your customers because everything you steal will eventually come back to hurt them in some way or another. The corporation won't feel a thing.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:32 AM
Double post.
edit on 14-5-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by 4th horseman
I cant believe all the NAY SAYING I've heard. This is a ALTERNATIVE website here, lets try some ALTERNATIVE thinking, and come up with some ALTERNATIVE ways to get by. like stealing from those who have stolen from us.

i've got two words for all you self righteous, preaching pricks who are Nay Saying stealing.


i agree with the poster, That there is a CODE. You do not steal from individuals or small business (the little guys!), but you ONLY steal from large corporations. These large corporate entities will not notice in time to stop you, nor will they really care when its gone, to them its just a number and a price tag, to you, its whatever you make of it.
The corporations will not miss a thing you steal from them, the little guy will get smaller die ofcourse, so we do not STEAL FROM INDEPENDENT OR SMALL BUSINESS. BUT rather HUGE MULTI MILLION DOLLAR CORPORATIONS who wont miss a thing and who dont feel a thing.
A company that makes 100 million a year will not miss anything you steal from them, no matter how much its worth. they wont even feel it. Its FREE to them, they didnt pay for it.

So all you self righteous preachers making your judgements on anyone who steals... put this in your pipe and smoke it.
You're WRONG. Stealing can be RIGHT. It can be JUST. It is OWED to us, and so much more. So long as its directed at the businesses that wont feel it, its not hurting anyone. And if it does its the business that you hate.

Robin Hood was a criminal. To give to someone he stole from someone else. Stealing is still wrong, no matter how "noble" the intentions.

To the ones he gave he was a prince among men, but to the ones he stole from he was a thief.
edit on 14-5-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by doctornamtab

Well I don't know what point you're trying to make, but it seems like if it wasn't for "faceless corporations" you would have been unemployed most of your life.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 12:03 PM

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by WatchRider

Originally posted by projectvxn
Being a thief only makes you a good for nothing thief.

What's your name? You know, to make sure I never hire you to do anything, ever.

Well said man!

While I understand the OP has convinced himself he's doing 'the right thing', it's not the 'right stuff' to do it!

One of the fundimental things of Common Law is not to steal. Even from a faceless corporation it's still theft and is a mere gateway to theft of other things...
Hence the reason you are taking flak from the working-class joes on ATS...

I am a working class joe.

But if I own a business I sure as hell am not going to hire someone who's idea of morality make it ok to be a good for nothing theif.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 02:09 PM
Well, I must admit, I robbed a bank in my youth and I have done sone check frauds along the way. It never pincht my conscience. I did'nt loose a thought over it. Some years of my life I was quit a good shop lifter, only supermarket chainss, and only booze, - never lost a thought over it. Me personaly, find it rather easy to rob or steal from faceless entities, but as soon as the place has a face, I could never bring myself to rob or steal from it. Thats the way I am knitted, and it never realy bothered me...-

This was all a long time ago, actualy, almost 40 years. But still, when I think back today, it still does'nt bother me the slightest... I dont think about it in terms of good and bad, I just think about it as something that happend and I have done and thats it. It leves me quite cold...
edit on 14-5-2011 by CarlitosAmsel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by doctornamtab
Do you steal from work? I do. Every single job I've ever had, except for one. And you know what, I dont feel guilty about it. Not one bit.

Now I"ve had some crappy jobs: private snobby country club, Ace Hardware, Panera Bread, Subway and now a generic office job. The only job I never stole from was the privately owned cafe. I didnt steal from them because I'd be stealing from people, not faceless corporate entities. I steal from the rich and give to myself. Much like the rich steal from me (labor power, energy, creativity, time and, of course, the profits I make for the company) and give to themselves.

As a lifelong fighter of the system and sower of discord, I feel a sort of passive agressive satisfaction when I steal from work. Its a way to be a wolf in sheeps clothing, smiling and nodding while secretly undermining the system that enslaves us all (CEOs to janitors, we all work to eat).

So my question is: When and why do you steal from work? If you dont, why not?

When is ok to steal? What virtues are there in stealing from work and corporations?

(For the record: if my boss is reading'll never catch me. Mwahahahaha!!)

edit on 10-5-2011 by doctornamtab because: spelling

I don't like to think of it as stealing- I think of it as it is: re-appropriation. Why should something be wasted? Life is full of "things", and "stuff". I freely give away most of my belongings, and being an older student that isn't much these days, but all are welcome to have something they need which I am not in need of.

So I apply the same to any situation: if something is unused, it should be given to someone for use. Hoarding should be a crime, and collecting is a sign of mental disturbance.

That said- only take what you need to survive, and as long as the item(s) taken is not needed by someone else. This is how I live my life, and what I expect (as unrealistic as it is) from others. Do no harm to others, allow no harm to yourself.

And yes- I've taken pens, paperclips, all manner of office supplies when I was younger. These days I borrow based on my needs, which are few, and since I don't shop at big retailers I don't feel right taking from a mom/pop operation.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 02:21 PM
Who ever finds it necessary to mention that he stole paperclips, pens, office stuff, cant be a bad guy. For one, who does'nt nick those things? And then, if one even wastes one thought on it, it shows, that he is essentially a good guy.
edit on 14-5-2011 by CarlitosAmsel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 02:36 PM
you should only steal from the corporations that waste. lets say..The Railroad, US military, Monsanto, Oil companies, WALMART, EBAY

You go after targets that are notorious waster's and mega thieves. just make sure its not penny annie, if you're not getting deep in their pockets its not worth doing the time if you get caught lol:

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 02:56 PM
Sounds fair to me !!

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:03 AM

Who is Stealing from Who ?

I can somewhat relate to what the OP is saying.
A corporation takes part of your income and sends it to the GOVT. as Income Taxes.
Isn't that stealing ? Because it's not exactly voluntary.
Who here actually enjoys having that deducted from their earnings ?

It reminds me of a kid in 4th grade who used to relieve me of some of my lunch money !
Primarily Under threat of duress....the same applies with the Govt.

They make you agree to this weekly stickup, under threat of duress or loss of your job, if you don't comply.

.... it has much to do with Corporate Entities which are fictional entities created for profit vs actual/real people who work for what they own.

From a moralistic perspective it is absolutely wrong to steal, From a person who has worked to earn something.
And That is very clearly understood.
Even the OP alluded to this.

But why do Corporations earning incomes in the Millions if not Billions pay little if any income taxes ?
Whereas their employees regardless of how little they earn pay taxes on every penny ?

Why is that ?

Why is it that most Corporations carry a life Insurance on their employees, with them as the sole beneficiary ?
It's called Dead Peasants Insurance....

Nothing at all for the families of the employee but only payment to the Corporation itself ?

Anyone remember the Walmart Dead Peasants insurance scandal ?? And the lawsuit ?

Well it's all about corporate entities...

When you look at the amounts vs the millions in revenue, whatever he's stole is actually water under the bridge.
Same as if a delivery truck crashed and damaged it's contents...

Because of the ways in which laws work and apply pertaining to Corporate entities and how corporations pay taxes.

They pay taxes only on revenues that are above and beyond their expenses, those losses are merely thrown in as the cost of doing business.
So are the costs of the private "Corporate" aircraft !

The scam is the fact that the Govt gives them a break on taxes because they get actual income, from the fruits of your labor from ALL of their employees on a daily basis....

So who is stealing from who ?

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by doctornamtab

I tend to think of stealing as bad, unless your stealing from something that is evil.

Not all corporations are evil, but plenty are to be sure.

I do not steal from any because I do not want to go to jail or have a record.

When corporations lobby for taxpayer money and get corporate welfare yet make
billions in profits like GE they are basically robbing the taxpayers.

GE and many other companies are basically evil and steal from the public,
they just use "legal" means to commit their crime.

As Mussolini said the merger of corporate and state power is fascism.

He was right, and we acknowledge it and symbolize it here in the USA.

Fascist Symbology in the United States

edit on 19-5-2011 by Ex_MislTech because: typo

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by doctornamtab

I believe you are a sociopath.

I have read a lot of this post and have seen your reasons for doing what you do, and the simple fact is your scum.

You DO hurt little people. People invest in corporations. When corporations fail, people lose their money, houses, and more. I know you think your justified, but your reasons are lazy and weak.

It sounds like you wasted your youth, didnt get the education you needed to secure a good job you are happy with, and steal out of spite. Grow up.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 02:04 PM
Dozens of pages in response and not one correct answer.

The answer is of course: DEPENDS

Anyone who says decisions such as this, in this context are yes or no, black or white, are simpletons.

Many things make a difference in weighing ethical decisions.

Paradigm shifts happen all the time, one of my favorites is this one:
A man on a bus has two kids misbehaving. They're running all over the bus, bothering everyone, making noise etc. The other riders give the father dirty looks but he just ignores them. One of the riders finally walks over to the father and asks him why doesn't he discipline his children. The man looks up and says yes I know, but their mother's funeral was this morning and we're on our way home, I guess I was just glad to see them distracted for a few minutes.

MOST people would find compassion in this story, if you're one of those people who still finds any and every little thing that breaks the rules inexcusable, you'd make a great DA. They're full of small minded hateful little minds just like yours.

My knee jerk reaction to stealing is not to do it or condone it, but then again, it depends. ;-)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by Paschar0

I would find compassion if he was starving or had starving mouths to feed, but alas, this is not the case. He is simply full of self-entitlement and thinks he is special.

He blames the big, bad corporations when he needs to look in the mirror. If he educated himself and worked towards doing something he enjoyed, perhaps he wouldnt feel this way.

Its just like people of today to blame everyone around them for the misery they live in, real or imagined rather than do what needs to be done to improve their own lives. No respect at all from me.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 02:31 PM
I don't steal from companies but i have shoplifted as a young teenager. I haven't done it since,

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by doctornamtab

I believe you are a sociopath.

I have read a lot of this post and have seen your reasons for doing what you do, and the simple fact is your scum.

You DO hurt little people. People invest in corporations. When corporations fail, people lose their money, houses, and more. I know you think your justified, but your reasons are lazy and weak.

It sounds like you wasted your youth, didnt get the education you needed to secure a good job you are happy with, and steal out of spite. Grow up.

i think you are a psychiatrist! no probably not. wait - i think you are a wanker! there it is. BooHoo! the little people who invested got screwed by a paperclip stealing employee who shut down the whole corporation its not fair!

are you serious
do you really believe that the thing troubling corporations and hurting the "little goy" investor is employee theft?

you just came into flame someone, learn a little about the world before you call someone a sociopathic scumbag based on a couple of paragraphs they wrote, which you apparently hardly understood.

also you have no idea if the job referred to in the OP is good or bad, it might pay way better than your job for all you know.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

I love people like you who know everything. You think you are who you are and have what you do because you "worked hard" or "were raised right". You believe you're better than others for this reason or that because of "insert self serving pompous reason here" Let me tell you something, most people work hard, most people are generally honest, you're nothing special. You're "blessed" with good fortune where your life turned out better than others and yet you have the audacity to think you caused it all through your own efforts. You haven't earned the right to judge anyone my friend, it wouldn't surprise me if you were a religious nut either, they also love to look down their noses at people while giving as little actual thought to something as possible.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by iNTERPLANETARyR.O.M.E.O.

Originally posted by nightbringr
reply to post by doctornamtab

I believe you are a sociopath.

I have read a lot of this post and have seen your reasons for doing what you do, and the simple fact is your scum.

You DO hurt little people. People invest in corporations. When corporations fail, people lose their money, houses, and more. I know you think your justified, but your reasons are lazy and weak.

It sounds like you wasted your youth, didnt get the education you needed to secure a good job you are happy with, and steal out of spite. Grow up.

i think you are a psychiatrist! no probably not. wait - i think you are a wanker! there it is. BooHoo! the little people who invested got screwed by a paperclip stealing employee who shut down the whole corporation its not fair!

are you serious
do you really believe that the thing troubling corporations and hurting the "little goy" investor is employee theft?

you just came into flame someone, learn a little about the world before you call someone a sociopathic scumbag based on a couple of paragraphs they wrote, which you apparently hardly understood.

also you have no idea if the job referred to in the OP is good or bad, it might pay way better than your job for all you know.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Because a corporation has NEVER failed before, right?

And at each and every corporation, only 1 person ever steals, therefore they could never hurt them, right?

Your very narrowminded and do not look at the big picture. You sir, fail miserably. And, more importantly, you sound like a Brit. You socialist government is failing and in desperate need of righting itself. Of course you think your entitled to things you dont own, its the way your welfare state runs, or should i say, did run. Your handouts are coming to a close. Ask any student from the UK.

edit on 19-5-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

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