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The sum of all conspiracies

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by REalBEL

Understood. And I'm not so sure I would completely disagree. But is it not the very nature of the world system that has been in place for a very long time that has perpetuated that corruption? And "educated", or indoctrinated it into the population from an early age? By example no less. There's also the fact that a corrupt system has a tendency to attract and recruit those who are already of like mind.

Nevertheless, this is not what you're whole OP is about, and my apologies for sidetracking it. I just get a bit wound up when I see the whole human race criminalized. I happen to think highly of my fellow human beings. Even if we do have a ways to go yet.
edit on 5/11/2011 by Klassified because: ETA

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:51 AM
The Chimpansee seems to be a exception in the animal world.

Basically everything in nature functions very harmoniously and peacefully. Animals kill for survival only. They don't torture, capture, imprison, desire power like man does. There is no way of comparing our behavior to animals, we are so corrupted, we are self destructive.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by REalBEL
reply to post by MrsBlonde

I suggest you watch a documentary on chimpanzee. They Murder, Rape, Steal and Kill babies of mates. I have seen them grab babies and bite their heads off. Stop living in Disney or Pixar world man. Nature is raw.

Ihave and I do me and a friend have been emailing Chimpanzee horror stories to each other for 6 years!
but you said ANIMALS as in ALL ANIMALS everywhere all the time and that's bunk .

Animals are not as you portray stop living in a made up pseudo science 18th century mindset

I can go on like this for years and years

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by Klassified

Yes, the way many of us act to our family, dogs, loved ones, friends, shows enormous compassion. I believe the mammals broke away from the reptiles when a small reptile went into burrows and cared for its young. We "care" for our young. I live in a town of 100 000 in Australia, and most people I meet are mostly great people.

I may expect to much as I am focusing on a " Shambala type society". No greed mainly. I see greed even in conversations as people strive for the attention, and butt in on others who are trying to speak. Conversations are a battle of the strongest. Every now and then we use the old speaking stick so all get a go, not just the loudest.

But greed comes from emptiness, and spirituality-knowledge fills the emptiness. I hope we can develop and evolved spirituality to start bringing happiness to this world. It is well within our capabilities as loving mammals spliced with a bit of higher intelligence.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by MrsBlonde

Originally posted by REalBEL
reply to post by MrsBlonde

I suggest you watch a documentary on chimpanzee. They Murder, Rape, Steal and Kill babies of mates. I have seen them grab babies and bite their heads off. Stop living in Disney or Pixar world man. Nature is raw.

Ihave and I do me and a friend have been emailing Chimpanzee horror stories to each other for 6 years!
but you said ANIMALS as in ALL ANIMALS everywhere all the time and that's bunk .

Animals are not as you portray stop living in a made up pseudo science 18th century mindset

I can go on like this for years and years

Yeah once again I dint explain my thoughts, as I don't fully know them all my self. I would agree that many mammals are wonderful creatures. I guess I was relating to the chimps who are our closest relative.

I have seen on a doc, camels raping a lonely mother and tried to kill the son. Or killer whales throwing around seals for fun. Or crows pecking eyes out of animals just for the sweet eye juice and leaving the rest of the animal. I wont class them as perfect, but I think they are balanced as they have reached their state slowly. IF, a hybrid human/ape was formed, it would be so confused trying to understand its DNA it would take a while to find its Harmony and balance in a world. Add to that advanced technology and it would be out of control.

I have read somewhere that DNA doesn't hold information, but is a configuration for an antenna which then picks up universal information. This may be how animals have instinct, there DNA antennas, pick up the same intelligence there parents did. I think it may also be possible to change your DNA with heavily focuses and disciplined minds over time.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by truthseekr1111

Tectonically, Australia is pretty darn good. We rarely get quakes here, ever. And if we do, they're small.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by REalBEL

So let me get this right. You think you are really smart and everyone with a different viewpoint or those with the immense evidence behind them are morons. Isn't it true that those that toss out snide commentaries such as yours are in fact just awash in their own ignorance? Isn't it true that this is weird to go on the offense before stating your claims? It is.

So your claim is simply that people were helped my aliens. Any proof of this hypothesis as you call it. Actually, this is a conjecture. You brought no evidence to the table other than some very questionable videos.

Then there is the alien/human hybrid claim. Really? Can anyone show the DNA that is alien? Can anyone point to DNA that is not from this world?

Here are some bad mistakes all placed in one pile.

Nibiru is a large planet that passes close to earth every 4000/5000 years something like that.
It may be what the Mayans calendar predicts. On that note, the Mayans say they were taught their knowledge of the stars from beings that were unlike them. The mothers used to bind the heads of the children so their heads would grow like the others. Now they said 10 years ago this planet was coming in 2012 and others were like, well wouldn't we see it. Well around August NASA tells us we will see something in the sky but it is not Nibiru. Search "Comet ELENIN. The story of how it got its name I heard was fake, and it is due to be at its closest on Sep 11 2011. ELE stands for Extinction level event too and is the name for the asteroid in the movie Armageddon.

1. Nibiru is a fairy tale made up by one person - Sitchin
2. The Mayan calendar makes NO predictions
3. Sitchin was emphatic that his fantasy planet was not coming in 2012
4. Others claimed it wold come in 2003
5. Comet Elenin is unlikely to be visible to the unaided eye
6. Elenin is the name of the amateur astronomer who discovered the comet - he is not from NASA

This planet is said to be enormous and could play with the earths poles creating epic earthquakes. The sun is also suppose to be reaching a very active stage. Some say the sun is just starting to emit new types of particles.

1. Gravity studies restrict anything large out 70AU
2. Visual studies restrict anything large out 2100AU
3. Rapid pole shifts have never happened in Earth's history
4. The passing of other celestial objects does not cause large earthquakes
5. Read the article - it says might be as an explanation for a phenomena seen on Earth. This is a rather speculative issue that has been discussed for a few years

Now, I hypothesize that we get warnings of things by symbols and metaphors in movies.

Oh brother, you need to look up the word apophenia.

Could these new particles cause more of the earth to heat up causing more tectonic movement.

Good question, but if you look up the material on the change in decay rates you'd see that the change is extremely small. These changes have been going on for a long time.

Basically, you've selected a rather poor movie to suggest that it reports a means of destroying the world and you think aliens are going to swoop down and save everyone.

Ever read Lord of the Flies?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by truthseekr1111

oh, and if you're talking about the outback in Australia, that region will be tectonically, one of the worst to be when TSHTF.

Why would the outback be a bad place to be? Please tell us what your concerns are?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by REalBEL

I suggest you watch a documentary on chimpanzee. They Murder, Rape, Steal and Kill babies of mates. I have seen them grab babies and bite their heads off. Stop living in Disney or Pixar world man. Nature is raw.

You are extrapolating from one species to all. That's poor logic. You also anthropomorphize, another problem.

Do you need to watch better shows, or do you need to apply critical thinking?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by REalBEL

Yes, the way many of us act to our family, dogs, loved ones, friends, shows enormous compassion. I believe the mammals broke away from the reptiles when a small reptile went into burrows and cared for its young. /quote]
Where did you come up with that notion? This is a poor example of Lamarckian thinking.

This is not how evolution works. This is not how evolution did happen.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by REalBEL

I have seen on a doc, camels raping a lonely mother and tried to kill the son. Or killer whales throwing around seals for fun. Or crows pecking eyes out of animals just for the sweet eye juice and leaving the rest of the animal. I wont class them as perfect, but I think they are balanced as they have reached their state slowly. IF, a hybrid human/ape was formed, it would be so confused trying to understand its DNA it would take a while to find its Harmony and balance in a world. Add to that advanced technology and it would be out of control.

This is baloney. You are simply anthropomorphizing here. You use the word rape for what reason? You claim the killer whales are tossing seals for fun. Why? How do you know that is correct? I assume you watched some poorly done movie with the false qualifier of "documentary" attached to it. So a crow eats the available part of an animal and leaves the rest. So what? The crow is "high grading." It is acting efficiently by extracting what is readily available.

Then there is this nonsense claim that an animal would be confused by its DNA make up. What a rubbish suggestion! To claim that things look for harmony and balance in the world is also rubbish. Just because you might be looking for that does not mean that others are.

I have read somewhere that DNA doesn't hold information, but is a configuration for an antenna which then picks up universal information. This may be how animals have instinct, there DNA antennas, pick up the same intelligence there parents did. I think it may also be possible to change your DNA with heavily focuses and disciplined minds over time.

This is a rather silly idea. Where did you get this from? It has the essence of New Age malarkey. No. You can't change your DNA over time. You can't evolve. You can certainly end up with damaged DNA, but that damage is not spread across your DNA, but represents localized instances which are different from other damages.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 11:39 PM
OP to return to the original question of the sum of all conpiraces and the Ancient Alien Hypothesis and your concerns about a malevolent component in humanity..

I think it goes like this

we are a kind of Chimera ,genetically manufactured by Ancient ETs because
they are not able to successfully perform laborious tasks on terra firma
as most livestock owners know it is far more economically profitable to let livestock support themselves and their owners than vice versa

they hardwired a slave mindset into us,they created us in their image and likness but weare NOT them ,they left out some important things and programed us to want to serve/worship them.

all domestic animals lose their innate 'wild' nobility/morality to be replaced by dependence on a higher authority,and all the frustrations and neurosis that go along with it. In short the defects you are assuming come from our so called animal side ,actually are a product of us being abandoned by the makers. we are servants with no one to serve.

we are like a headless body

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by REalBEL

I'm scared. The Mayans weren't wrong about anything. Ever. Oh.... wait....Cortez.

Good post though. It's definitely a different opinion than most of us are probably used to, but that okay. The drones will need drones to supervise them if they are to properly serve the alien overlords

I really don't think we have anything to worry about though. I think TPTB are in the middle of a long and arduous process of dumbing the population down, whether they be aliens, gods, just other people, or what have you. I think control, so to speak, will be seized slower and more completely. "Birther" and "Truther" will be part of our children's lexicon from birth. The same goes for that abomination most people use while text messaging.

I don't really want to comment on Nibiru, I don't know alot about the subject. To my recollection a really old tribe told some explorer about it, and they supposedly hadn't had contact with other people before that or something? I also heard that this was somewhat debunked. I'll look it up with the search thing.

Um.... Yeah.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by REalBEL

I have seen on a doc, camels raping a lonely mother and tried to kill the son. Or killer whales throwing around seals for fun. Or crows pecking eyes out of animals just for the sweet eye juice and leaving the rest of the animal. I wont class them as perfect, but I think they are balanced as they have reached their state slowly. IF, a hybrid human/ape was formed, it would be so confused trying to understand its DNA it would take a while to find its Harmony and balance in a world. Add to that advanced technology and it would be out of control.

This is baloney. You are simply anthropomorphizing here. You use the word rape for what reason? You claim the killer whales are tossing seals for fun. Why? How do you know that is correct? I assume you watched some poorly done movie with the false qualifier of "documentary" attached to it. So a crow eats the available part of an animal and leaves the rest. So what? The crow is "high grading." It is acting efficiently by extracting what is readily available.

Then there is this nonsense claim that an animal would be confused by its DNA make up. What a rubbish suggestion! To claim that things look for harmony and balance in the world is also rubbish. Just because you might be looking for that does not mean that others are.

I have read somewhere that DNA doesn't hold information, but is a configuration for an antenna which then picks up universal information. This may be how animals have instinct, there DNA antennas, pick up the same intelligence there parents did. I think it may also be possible to change your DNA with heavily focuses and disciplined minds over time.

This is a rather silly idea. Where did you get this from? It has the essence of New Age malarkey. No. You can't change your DNA over time. You can't evolve. You can certainly end up with damaged DNA, but that damage is not spread across your DNA, but represents localized instances which are different from other damages.

And who the hell are you to know it all. IN my world, you can change DNA. In your world you can obviously do nothing more than what "the old science" has taught you. Next time try to prove something wrong without name calling.

You sound scared to unlock a new reality, so you spend your time holding everyone back in this dull mindframe of - MAN KNOWS ALL, THERE IS NOTHING NEW TO FIND OUT - NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE- MAN WILL LIVE FOREVER AND OUR ECONOMY AND RESOURCES WILL NEVER RUN OUT. One day you will have to admit - I got some of this right MWHA HA HA HAA

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by REalBEL

And who the hell are you to know it all. IN my world, you can change DNA. In your world you can obviously do nothing more than what "the old science" has taught you. Next time try to prove something wrong without name calling.

I did not do any name calling. So please spare all of us this straw man argument and whining.

What you are claiming as "my world" is a fantasy world that does not match reality. That is very clear. To suggest that all I can do is what science taught me simply tells me that you do not understand science. Science describes the world and when that description is wrong science changes. What you are clearly doing is pretending that there is a world which matches your description. That is not how science works. It is however as you work.

You sound scared to unlock a new reality, so you spend your time holding everyone back in this dull mindframe of - MAN KNOWS ALL, THERE IS NOTHING NEW TO FIND OUT - NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE- MAN WILL LIVE FOREVER AND OUR ECONOMY AND RESOURCES WILL NEVER RUN OUT. One day you will have to admit - I got some of this right MWHA HA HA HAA

Again you are simply showing everyone how you do not understand science or how the world works.

You make stuff up, you anthropomorphize. That's pretty obvious from your posts.

What is obviously missing here is any effort on your part to substantiate any of the unusual claims you've made other than references to unnamed shows you watched and more than likely have misrepresented.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by REalBEL

Don't worry about one person trying to derail your thread brother, there are some people who are afraid to think out of the box or explore independent thought of any kind. They cling to things they have been told by others, some who are in the business of lying and spreading mis information for there own purpose and will never let go.

Instead, continue on in your discussion and don't get bated into a hijacking, I implore you.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Helious

Are you still reeling from being exposed as a teller of lies in the thread where even went so far as to deny that people knew about incoming asteroid 2009 DD45? Are you still so stuck with your head in ground that you have to tell falsehoods here? Shame on you.

It is readily apparent to everyone reading this thread that you have made no effort to address the issues I raised in this thread. Are you prepared to show that DNA can be changing? Are you prepared to show that the other poster is not anthropomorphizing? Are you prepared to do anything at all concerning this thread?

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by stereologist

First of all, largely, I just choose to ignore you most of the time because I find your blind faith in "facts" other people and institutions tell you to be in direct conflict of my independent thought.

This is my hypothesis. Not belief, not even theory. It is a hypothesis. You don't understand - go look it up.

Secondly, this is a quote from the OP so i'm not really sure what your going on about in this thread or who your even arguing with, although I think whoever it is, is probably ignoring you as well.

edit on 14-5-2011 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Helious

First of all, largely, I just choose to ignore you most of the time because I find your blind faith in "facts" other people and institutions tell you to be in direct conflict of my independent thought.

That is exactly what you did in the Elenin thread. You chose to ignore the overwhelming evidence that people knew about the incoming object and amateur astronomers were enlisted to track the passing asteroid to help improve the precision of the trajectory of the rock.

Your claim of "independent thought" is really a denial of reality and close mindedness. You also stated that you were not going to do any research. This fits in with everything you have stated. You simply want to be ignorant of what actually happens and live in a state of denial. Fine. You are allowed to do that.

Secondly, this is a quote from the OP so i'm not really sure what your going on about in this thread or who your even arguing with, although I think whoever it is, is probably ignoring you as well.

The statements I contested were not hypothetical.

Another rather poor attempt at misrepresenting my statements. Sheesh.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by Helious

Are you still reeling from being exposed as a teller of lies in the thread where even went so far as to deny that people knew about incoming asteroid 2009 DD45? Are you still so stuck with your head in ground that you have to tell falsehoods here? Shame on you.

It is readily apparent to everyone reading this thread that you have made no effort to address the issues I raised in this thread. Are you prepared to show that DNA can be changing? Are you prepared to show that the other poster is not anthropomorphizing? Are you prepared to do anything at all concerning this thread?

Id rather you didn't learn these things. You can stay in you world. Your remind me of the bald guy in Matrix who chooses to stay in the matrix as it is certain and easy.

I like to post - spark interests - then have people do their own research.

Knowledge is power - Im not giving it out willy nilly.

Now may I ask Mr high and mighty- what do you believe. Where are humans heading. You sound so smart with your great vocabulary, and you are obviously always right. Enlighten us.

Where are the world leaders taking us and where will the human society be in 2014.
Where are your expertise. You sound like a compulsive arguer. Just like to put other thoughts down cause you have none yourself. And you have got very good at it. You don't actually argue a point, but just make sure the other person is always on the back foot. A real debate isn't so forceful.

I say- prove we cant change DNA. You think all evolution has been due to radiated mutations.
You don't think that a creature will to run faster slowly changes his DNA to allow it. Its all just Random mutations and Atoms and no god for you isnt it.

Your world is crumbling. Let go. Your pathetic. And if you feel bad from these words, dont throw the first rock. Structure your replies with proof - or just state this may not be possible for a certain reason.
But you came out shooting. And out of all your replies. I haven't seen one bit of proof to prove my hypothesis wrong.

Have a good night- try to lower your blood pressure - its bad for your health

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