posted on May, 10 2011 @ 01:41 AM
As I see this has been moved to Skunk city...well guess there is NO WAY in the eyes of TPTB that March 11 was anything more than a NATURAL happening.
Then again there is always the possibility...
For what it's worth....found some more information on this floating Behemoth. There was a report on Fox 13 Seattle 10pm news on 5/9 about how this
unit is planning to come to the Seattle area for some work to be done on it. Don't know if it was filler or what. There is nothing as of 11:07 pm on
their site about this report....However, back a couple years ago there was some information about how people in the Everett/Whidby Island area did
not want it at the Navel Base for upgrades. That information posted at Fox 13 Seattle is also kind of "iffy".
If you enter information as floating HAARP unit you get the same pictures as if you enter, what the spokes person for the Navy called an X-Band
floating mobile missile tracker/destroyer. There are many names this "THING" uses. By whatever name one refers to this is not conducive
to our the spokesperson was pointing out in their interview, we NEED this protection.
What I found interesting is in the following article. Yes...I realize this has been done to death....many of you have made the choice to believe the
HAARP is by far only a weather control device...and had nothing to do with March 11, 2011...fine. You have your thoughts on the subject. But for
those interested, If you haven't read the following article...please pay close attention to the HAARP patents and the dates of the patents. I was
asked where the HAARP antennas were.... viola.
United States Patent US5202689
Following is the Article...not sure if it has been posted here, but here goes.
Seems to be quite an array of JOBS this floater is capable of... Remember the easiest way of hiding something is in plain sight...a TROJAN HORSE.
Ya Think???
edit on 10-5-2011 by Holly N.R.A. because: (no reason given)