Yes, everyone has to do it..the dreaded introduction posting....ugh.
But, really I am ready to sprout my wings here and maybe pass on a few words of wisdom....
I have been reading many post here and my first thoughts were "wow, so many weirdo’s all in one spot.....I love it".
But, as I have been reading more and more I have seen that not only are there the weirdo’s here but weirdo’s with some if not a large amount of
imagination and the ability to think outside the box. That is the one trait that I think helps to differentiate this site from others.
As for myself I am in my upper 40's and have various amount of experience in this world we live in.
I won't say that I am or are not a believer of all things strange and unusual until I have a fair amount of information to make my decision of fact
or fiction.
I was in the military and have experienced the brainwashing techniques first hand that are used or our own (US) population to turn a individual into a
tool and believe that these techniques could be used through other methods, for good and bad.
As for UFO’s, I personally have never seen one, but would not state that there are none.
HAARP – hmm, some interesting theories out there, but would still need more proof.
NWO – now there is something that I feel is in place and could both benefit and harm the current population, but still trying to judge all the
Everything else is all in file and need a little more info to discern.
Why am I here now….
Well, I find that reading a lot of these post that there is some rationale behind the dilemma that needs to be discussed and even though these may be
a (*gosh*) conspiracy site, in every conspiracy there is a stitch of truth, and it is the truth that I would like to find.
So here I am, and I am looking forward to added my two cents from time to time.