It's important to have an open mind as well as a skeptical one. Sure, a person accepts new, strange ideas that he/she might not have considered
before, --with an open mind. Sure, that open mind should be wary, as there is a lot of noise here on ATS and elsewhere. However, being skeptical
doesn't necessarily mean discrediting theories such as chemtrails, etc. without facts. It seems that the OP has done just that: waved his or her
hand and simply dismissed theories without facts. As Stanton Freidman is known for saying, "Don't bother me with the facts because I've already made
up my mind." The OP has also committed the glaring error of conducting "research by proclamation." In other words: "Because I say it is so,
chemtrails do not exist, and they are stupid."
I'm not arguing for or against chemtrails. I use that as an example. The OP simply says: chemtrails are stupid. End of debate. So, for all you
folks who notice strange, lingering clouds or microfibers on your land, this OP has solved the problem. For all of you who are still alive from the
GOVERNMENT SPRAYING of major US population centers since the 1950s -1980s and beyond, the OP says chemtrails are stupid. You weren't sprayed at all,
no matter how many valid FOIA-requested government documents state that the CIA (the government) did, in fact, spray chemicals, toxins and biological
agents over our own people to test the effects. The OP says it's stupid.
In the above paragraph, you not only get that there is some validity to "chemtrails," but that THE GOVERNMENT IS OUT TO GET YOU (at least in the sense
that it will test toxins and agents on an unsuspecting population to see what happens, --IF that qualifies). The government may not be out to get
YOU, per say, but it sure doesn't give a rat's caboose whether or not the agents it sprays over you gets you sick. In that example, you are nothing
more than secretly gathered data that illustrates the effectiveness of their delivery systems and testing material (toxins, chemicals, bio-agents,
what-have-you, etc.). You might want to conduct some research before off-handedly dismissing a subject. You know, there might be a lot of noise, or
smoke, about certain subjects. If these things were as black/white simplistic as you make them out to be, then there would be no controversy.
About government secrecy, and secrecy in general, one of the biggest myths out there is that a secret is so huge as to be impossible to keep. That's
like the saying about the Devil, in that the greatest trick he ever performed was to convince the world that he didn't exist. The Manhattan Project
during WWII proved that huge secrets can be kept. Secrets are compartmentalized. Secrets are based on "the need to know." Secrets are different at
each level. Anyone *believing* that secrets can't be kept have fallen into that fallacy trap. The OP reveals him/herself to be a believer that
secrets cannot be kept. Yes, secrets are leaked out, but there are a great many, the most important ones perhaps, that are still kept. Further,
*PRIVATIZATION* is a means to keep secrets. Once a government project becomes so important a secret to keep, that project is *privatized," --i.e.
handed over or converted into a corporation. At that precise moment, that project (those SECRETS) are no longer publicly accountable and our
government's hands are OFF. Further, now those secrets are considered proprietary --even more secrecy since MONEY is involved (stock holders, etc.
--private, secret stock holders). Exotic technology that started off in government labs, such as Los Alamos, has been privatized into secrecy since
the late 1940s.
Sure, most likely on May 21st, 22nd, December 2012... We'll all be MOST LIKELY be living our lives just as we expect, no surprises, nothing unusual.
But, *most likely* is just that: most likely. We don't know what the future holds. Engaging in discussions about these topics on ATS doesn't
directly translate into not being able to sleep well at night.
Basically, with all due respect, the OP's message is that he/she has not done much research him/herself and because of this lack of information, has
too quickly dubbed these subjects "stupid." My recommendation is to do some more personal research. Eyes may then be opened. It would be
interesting to read what the OP has to say about the same topics after a few months of reading.
edit on 9-5-2011 by GhostLancer because: