posted on May, 9 2011 @ 06:54 PM
Thanks, this post brought on a lot of memories for me. I was born in 1953, and I can remember milk and soda coming in returnable bottles, and I
remember my mom making my clothes on a treadle Singer for school, we kids didn't get shoes in the Summer, we went every where barefooted. Shoe were
for school. We grew our own veggies in a big garden, my parents would buy 100 chicks every Spring, we would raise them, enjoy the eggs, then butcher
and can the meat for Winter. I remember when the drain for the Kitchen sink ran out into the garden, and pumping 20 gallons of water every morning
before school, and after supper. I remember the whole family bating in one tub of water, and I remember waking up with a small snowdrift across my
bedclothes. I remember walking to school, two rooms down, two up, first and second on the first floor, third and fourth upstairs. Kids would bring
lumps of coal for the one school stove. I remember when you could fill up an Oldsmobile for $8, and when we threw trash on a pile on the back yard.
Grocery bags were paper, they would rot away in a few days, everything else came in bottles, either returnable or not, these would break and go back
to their original state. Cans would rust away. You could smoke everywhere, I remember shopping in the A&P and smoking a cigarette while I was
shopping, you could spank your kid and banish them to the car in the parking lot of they were bad in the store, and I actually remember one woman who
had one of those dog leashes on her son, and would tie him to the parking meter as she shopped. Try that today. And finally, my kids were not too good
to go through the windshield with Mom and Dad, and the speed limit was 65 everywhere. And cars got much better mileage on those days, I had a 6
cylinder Plymouth Valiant that got 62 miles per gallon. Better days.