posted on May, 9 2011 @ 05:55 PM
hello, i must agree with ProtoplasmicTraveler and dizziedame that it has to be individual change of each person that needs to take place and this
could probably occur after some radical event on this planet/universe, or some similar event.
That doesnt mean i dont think about possible catalyzers.. but like i said in the thread about fukushima, the way u preffer is not the one i think
would work, its too passive, It takes lot of work and then u still have to force it to the people, and still its just words and there is nothing that
would asure u that things u demand would ever be allowed and everything u offer are just promises / dreams.. sory have troubles to expres myself, but
if i should ever work for such idea, i need to see it as possible, efficient. And spreading pamflets does not seem like it in these times.
i would preffer rather some sort of hapening or event that speaks for itself, gets much bigger atention and the message is obvious from it without
reading anything, and that can be easily made averywhere around the word by anyone.