posted on May, 9 2011 @ 08:48 AM
feel free to have your implants removed and tested, so many people seem to just be chock full of implants these days, yet we as of now have
approximately ZERO samples that can't be identified as something natural.
See this thread is a perfect example of why I'm losing faith in this field, and any hope of real proof. Pictures of a cloud formation, that's fine,
that's kinda the point of the site post it up we'll try to figure it out.
If the OP could have just left it there, that's fine, mistaken identity.
But they aren't clouds. why? Because, as the OP informed us, the aliens saw him, tagged him like a deer and now he has magical implants that will
disappear if and when he goes to get x-rays. A few more posts and I'm sure the OP will be in direct telepathic communication with these aliens that
have cloud making fields around their space ships.