posted on May, 11 2011 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by lbndhr
Islam was introduced in the 7th century A.D.... Judaism has it's historical roots about 2000 or 3000 years before that... Actually, when Muhammad
started Islam, there were pretty big Jewish settlements in what is known as Arabia, Muhammad slaughtered them for their land and wealth...
What is called the "Arab Conquest" started with Muhammad and continued with his descendants... the area that is now Israel (and was referred to as
Palestine since 135AD after the last big Jewish revolt against the Romans) was occupied by Arabs only shortly... it can be considered under Arab rule
only once in history (and that's only for a few decades).
You should also be aware that there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel throughout the years, no matter who actually controlled the land...
BUT, and here's the big BUT, from the time of the Romans crushed the big revolt in 135AD and until 1948, there has never been a "Palestinian"
state... the Arabs never had a separate entity on that area, the area was always some part of some other "empire" (Mamluk, Ottoman etc)
You should also be aware that Jews lived for millennia in Muslim countries, and a lot of them kept the custom of pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and some of
them even immigrated to Israel throughout the years (not in big numbers - but Yemenite Jews did so, as did Algerian Jews and others), contrary to the
propaganda, Jews didn't enjoy a "Golden Age" under Islamic rule... they were persecuted, lynched etc... in 1948, when modern Israel was founded,
about 800,000 Jews had to flee their homes and settle in Israel... (my wife's family is an example from personal experience)
People, learn history, read up... reach your own conclusions... but base them on real, objective facts...