The EU is doing the right thing banning those vitamins, also known as expensive piss. If you get yourself a juicer and eat/exercise properly, why do
you need to take those vitamins?
Oh yeah...and I really don't know about that watercolor type filter they're using on AJ in this video. Using it after the short intro was complete
overkill. Some may say it makes him look thinner, but at what price...trivializing his product?
AJ needs to further shorten his presentations, maybe get them down to 3-4 minutes, approximately the length of a song on the radio. His show is too
long, too boring and most importantly lacking some great music.
I thought this thread was about cops removing their blouses? WTF?
Anyway, Alex once again is serving the NWO by bringing everyday atrocities to light. Also by taking time out of his day to produce a non-profit
informative video, Alex is such a shill.