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lol well I'm glad you have it all figured out then.
Your post reeks of the same overconfidence that beset all those people who declared the Titanic was unsinkable too, but whatever.
Anyway ArMaP's thread doesn't even really have anything to do with AGW, so I have no interest in derailing it into yet another pointless debate.
But since you apparently have "the deepest respect" for science - I'll say this:
Why don't you try engaging in some yourself instead of hanging your hat on a narrow minded, naive idea of what you deem to be "strikingly obvious" BS. That's your downfall.
From the wording in your posts it is strikingly obvious to someone like me that you have only ever looked at one side of the story, most likely on purpose - because it's much easier to just pick and choose whatever conforms to your political ideology, rather than something as complicated as the scientific truth.
If you really have this deep respect for science, then have a go over to a site like - where they lay out the full spectrum of climate science in very layman terms, but also back up all their claims with direct links to the original peer-reviewed literature and source data.
And while you're at it, be sure to also take a close look at the full story behind the supposed self-admitted "lies, coverups, incorrect predictions, bungling of data", blah blah...which are so strikingly obvious apparently...because?...somebody reported it lol?
I guess that means it must be true right? I mean it's utterly inconceivable that the person spreading the rumour is the one who's actually incorrect, bungling the data, covering something up, or flat out lying to you. Everyone knows the media is completely honest and accurate when it comes to these things, while those damn scientists are the notoriously sloppy and shady ones.
So here, let me even give you some links to get you started on this one:
Meanwhile here's what numerous independent investigations turned up:
Guess you must've missed that part. Not surprising, you wouldn't be the only one:
So notice a pattern yet:
...and what about the scientist that "admitted" there was no global warming since 1995?
So how's that strikingly obvious BS detector functioning now? Probably hasn't changed much, since if I've learned anything about ATS these days it's that people won't change their initial convictions no matter how much the facts say otherwise...
But maybe when you've read through all that, like I have, then come talk to me about scrutiny. Try giving your own admittedly-untrained eyes some perspective, so you can comment a little better about the supposedly obvious lies, scams, and hidden agendas
they usually like to be hidden.
Following the "strikingly obvious" path is exactly why so many people are completely clueless sheep when it comes to this conspiracy. They follow their egos instead of their brains. I'm just really tired of being lectured by them.
Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by Neo_Serf
You'd rather we worship at the monolith of $5 gas, watered with regular mass sacrifices of brown people in oil-producing regions, then. Good luck with that.
Originally posted by Neo_Serf
I most certainly do not. I certainly am not qualified to state with absolute certainty that AGW is incorrect. It simply does not pass this taxpayers smell test, and since I am the one who will (and am) footing the bill for the 'misguided' policy of carbon taxation, I am obligated to do my best within my limited capacity to judge the validity of these claims.
IM (layman) O there are simply too many holes and contradictions for this theory to stand. I may indeed be wrong.
The only thing I am really confident in is my ability to rationally perceive the world. My world includes people like you who are forcing me to relinquish my time and energy in the name of what appears to be a 'misguided' hypothesis. (forced because my money/time is being taken from me under the justification of AGW) Your acting upon my life in this manner compels me to find out the truth in this matter, to the best of my ability, with logic as my only tool.
Science is a branch of philosophy, and philosophy is something I engage in everyday. I may not be surrounded by bubbling beakers and nerdly lab assistants all day, but I do apply the scientific method in my life only a daily basis.
If I have overstated the 'obvious' nature of the case against AGW, perhaps I shouldnt have been so strong in my assertion, and perhaps that is my downfall. But I simply do not think I have, and while I will not state as fact that your theory is bogus, I will say that I have a strong, fact based opinion against it.
History will show whos downfall this was.
Actually I was totally pro AGW and carbon tax until a few short years ago, and I even remember glowing with naive and foolish pride when my home province of BC was one of the first to implement carbon taxes on gas.
When the holes and deceptions began to pile up against, I simply had to reevaluate.
4 years ago I would be starring and flagging all your posts, trust me.
Having looked at both sides of the argument in detail, I can pretty much tell you that what youve linked I have read, in one form or another. But since youve input time and energy, you must have had some sliver of hope that I wouldnt disregard your info, so for that reason and for my own I will definitely check out your link and do my best to remain objective. This will be challenging as my confirmation bias is admittedly geared against AGW at this point. (and I dont think unreasonably so.)
Climategate is something I looked at in detail, so im pretty familiar with the whole debacle. When those emails leaked I was already firmly in the anti AGW camp, so the huge toxic data dump definitely served as confirmation.
If you honestly think no information in those emails (which I read at source) that does not seriously compromise if not totally destroy the AGW theory (or at least the believability of its adherents) then you have either not read them or suffer from some serious cognitive dissidence. And not, that they held a one day mock trial exonerating themselves from any corruption does not hold weight with this critical mind.
Just to clarify - Im not making any truth statements about the validity of AGW since I cannot. (and neither can you.) I did not reference or source the 'media' once in any of my posts (in terms of my opinion), and besides watching the odd ron paul or judge napilitano clip on youtube,(omg proof of right wing bias thus argument is invalid lol!) I pay zero attention to the MSN.
Its not scientists in general I blame, (as they brought me this awesome computer) it is those agenda driven establishment sycophants that fawn at the foot of the state and sell their intellectual integrity for some state directed is them I find error in. They are a constant in history, and one of their current manifestations, imo, are the AGW scientists. They are todays sophists.
I promise to review them critically.
'Independent' is a nebulous word. For example, if you were to review the material for wrongdoing, you would (im assuming) be considered an 'independent'. But your confirmation bias is clearly jacked in favor of AGW.
Also, having knowledge of the nature of power and its reliance and symbiosis with the intellectual class who provide much of the justification for the current power structure, you must realize that if the theory *is* false and an attempt to discredit it is made, the power structure will almost instinctively move to discredit its opponents by any means necessary, in order for it to survive. Thus if the theory(upon which the establishment rests a massive pillar of its agenda upon) is false, and a major blow is dealt to its credibility, we would expect a massive flotilla of state supporters to rally and denounce the threatening agent, in the same way that the immune system masses white blood cells against a foreign entity.
No 'conspiracy' needed here, its just the inevitable response when an entity is threatened. Considering the vast resources of this particular beast, (the state and its cronies) we would expect the counterattack to be vast, as is highlighted by climategate, and probably by your links. (i dont know yet I havent looked.)
The above is of course assuming AGW is indeed a false theory, which I believe it is.
Yes. Their friends appear to be clearing them of all charges. This is just an assumption based on what I saw of the first trial/hearing whatever, which was a complete and total farce, and I think if you disagree completely with what I just stated then you forfeit a gross amount of integrity. (not that you should or do give a damn what I say)
Im sorry I should have been more clear from the outset. I have no problem with 'global warming' per say being influenced by humans. No one is (or should be) denying that CO2 concentrations have zero effect on climate.
What I find to be suspect and alarmist is the catastophic model of AGW. It simply does not hold that a few degrees C increase will lead to cataclysm. I find the ME warm period info to be particularly supportive of my suspicions.
Is it not true that CO2 concentrations, in Earths recent geologic history, have been, by order of magnitude higher than today? If this is true, why arent we Venus by now?
Why has 'runaway global warming' never occurred in the past, with far higher concentrations than your theory which holds a mere doubling of CO2 would end the world? Im no expert, but this just does not compute, in my mind.
But I wont debate data and details with you because im clearly outmatched. That you are more proficient in this field than me does not validate your argument. (as many more qualified scientists than you oppose your position,)
But you see, it is not unthinking and arbitrary whim that has led me to oppose, and argue against, this theory that you see to be crucial. Ive been on both sides, Ive weighed both arguments as objectively and carefully as I am able, and I tallied up the pros and cons. To the best of my perception, I simply have found that this theory that proposes that the life giving gas that is CO2 is somehow deadly and must be taxed and controlled...I find this theory to be wrong, incorrect, invalid. I feel it belongs in the dustbin of science just as the ptolemaic system and the ether now are. I believe it is an immense waste of resources and intellectual capital (like yourself), and most importantly I see it as a justification for a much wider system of taxation and control.
I know the last sentence will earn me ridicule as a biased reactionary, but please, save that flimsy counter for a noob who actually hasnt studied history and the dynamics of power. I could give you countless, no, endless examples of the intellectual class being the mouthpiece for the lies and dark ambitions of the state. The relationship between the two is basically a constant in history.
Liars must be hidden due to their nature and survival strategy.
Again, Im constantly at odds with the people who think with their feelings. To the extent that I can remain objective, this is what Ive concluded.
Im tired of being lectured by them too. Apologies for assuming too much. If I came off as overly aggressive it is only because the fuel carbon tax was just raised in my province~
Originally posted by Neo_Serf
Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by Neo_Serf
You'd rather we worship at the monolith of $5 gas, watered with regular mass sacrifices of brown people in oil-producing regions, then. Good luck with that.
I just wanted to highlight that so you can reread it more clearly than you typed it, and spot the numerous fallacies and strawmen in your non response.
Good luck with that.
Okay. You don't like the tax that your lawmakers have imposed, as their own idea to respond to what the science says, therefore you think the science involved is fake?
Couldn't it just be that the idea and implementation of the lawmakers is inept and asinine, even though the science is good?
Your rational perceptions need a new eyeglass prescription then;
again, you are faulting science for the ineptitude of your politicians - no, I stand corrected - you are blaming someone on the internet who acceptsthe science for the ineptitude of your politicians.
Uh... no. Science is philosophy in the same way that a horse is an edible fruit.
Philosophers - like theologians and economists - like to claim to be a sort of scientist - with heavy, heavy, HEAVY emphasis on the "sort of."
None of them actually practice science, however.
TextEconomics is astrology for math nerds,
theology is the study of what happens when you talk to yourself in a crowd, and philosophy is basically a competition where the participants try to confuse their audience; whoever scores the most blank expressions wins!
All three might be entertaining, but none of them follow the scientific method in any way, shape, or form, and are therefore not science.
That fact being, you dislike paying taxes.
As far as history is concerned, we all pretty much exist to feed plants.
Fourth time; the ineptitude of your territory's politicians does not actually impact the science.
See, here's where I can tell you're talking out the wrong end of your digestive tract. See, There was no "climategate." if you looked at "both sides" in any amount of "detail", and if you were "familiar with the whole debacle" you would realize that the fiasco was make-believe. It was pounced on by deniers, who selectively edited and cherry-picked what they would show their audiences, with no explanation of meaning or context.
In other words, they lost you at "dendrochronology" and "maximum lightwood density"?
Well, actually, you are making inferred "truth statements." Even to the point of accusing others of suffering "serious cognitive dissonance" of htey happen to disagree with your (awkwardly admitted) ill-informed opinion.
From your position it's very easy to see that while you may not pay much attention to the "MSM" you probably DO gulp down whatever the denialist "community" hocks into your mouth.
Uh... you know that your computer, and this "internets" that you're using... were all created by scientists who fawned at the foot of the state and sold their intellectual integrity for some state-directed grant, right? 'Cause, I hate to tell you man, but scientists don't get paid very much.
Neither, for that matter, do bullsh- uh, philosophers.
After all, your entire point of view in this debate has hinged around British Columbia's government taxing you for Carbon emissions and how much you dislike that.
I heard you gigglesnort there.
It's easy to get "jacked" in favor of actual science with avctual evidence. especially when you understand what they're talking about.
A self-proclaimed philosopher, decrying intellectuals. My, your roots are showing, dear!
I like how suddenly climate scientists are part of the "power structure". Which climate scientists? ALL OF THEM. Worldwide. Chinese, Namibian, Australian, and US scientists, all feeding at the same trough of the global elite, who want us all to believe in AGW so that we'll stop buying petroleum and and and... wait, what?
Even in the cosmic scheme of goofy "secret world government conspiracy theories" this idea is wacky. Most governments around the world are intensely invested in, if not outright owned by, oil companies (the US and Nigeria come to mind, respectively).
While your numbers could hardly be called "massive" (unless you count the teeming masses of people who just believe the most recent thing they hear) it's the denialists who are sitting with their respective governments, because the denialists are playing for - and often paid for by - the very same industries, companies, and persons that governments are bound to in the energy industries.
Well, scientifically speaking, "false theory" is an oxymoron. You get false hypotheses all the time, but if something is a scientific theory, then that is the absolute best and truest you can get outside of pure mathematics.
Assuming that it's a false theory also assumes a global conspiracy between all scientists, which, as you just pointed out, relies on assuming that it's a false theory.
Youclaim to be a philosopher. Tell me, what happens when your conclusion creates an infinite loop paradox?
You admit you saw only a portion of a portion. Then make a declarative of the entire process being a "complete and total farce." And then threaten that if the other person disagrees with you, they "forfeit a gross amount of integrity."
For a philosopher, you really do suck at rational debate. Did you know that? Might I suggest a change in nomenclature?
Observable fact from your stance is that you have no idea what in the world you're talking about (since, as you admit, you only saw a fraction of a fraction, regarding something you clearly have no understanding of , while holding a strong bias against it anyway). I'm afraid you're the one shedding integrity.
And here's where you realize your foot's stuck in the trap and, faced with your options, decide to try squirming around in the snare before gnawing said foot off.
if you agree with this statement, then you have no actual beef with AGW. Because, well, that is AGW.
Except the Medieval Warm Period wasn't exactly happy times all around. While I'm sure England was happy to grow grapes, the Maya and Cahokians weren't too happy with decades of drought and resultant population crashes from famine. Eastern Australia had some pretty extreme flooding during this period. Eastern Africa became much drier, which probably resulted in the decline of Zimbabwe. out in central Asia, the increased yields caused a population boom that, when met with the following "little ice age" set the stage for the mongol-turkic conquest of just about everybody.
If a drought like the one during the MWP were to strike the same area of the United States, with the same intensity and duration, what do you think the effect on those eleven million people in Ohio would be? or the three million in Iowa? The thirteen million in Illinois?
Actually, being more learned in a field does validate one's argument.
nterestingly, a lot of dentists seem to doubt evolution, too. I wonder what it is about the field of oral medicine.
Again, we note that your opposition is not actually based on any opinion on the science, but because you're bitchy about paying a tax. Are all philosophers so small-minded and prone to avarice?
You're also being disingenuous here. No one's arguing that CO2 is deadly or toxic (though I wouldn't recommend huffing dry ice - just trust me on that one) but rather that because it's a dense gas, it holds heat - and displaces lighter, less insulating gasses (like oxygen and nitrogen).
Save it for a noob who hasn't studies history or the dynamics of power? heh. Okay. I'm ridiculing you as a biased reactionary, because you are a noob who has not studied history or the dynamics of power. You also have no inkling about science in general, nor about climate science in particular. You claim to have studied philosophy, but you are just... bad at it. granted, there are bad students in every field, byut most of them have the self-realization to not claim the field as their own.
Allow me to reiterate. Your entire basis for your position is that you don't want to pay a tax. because you don't want to pay a tax, you believe global warming is a hoax. To support your belief that global warming is a hoax (because you don't want to pay a tax) you've concocted a global conspiracy theory comprising every geologist, climatologist, and biologist on earth, who are all, of course, embroiled in a deeper globalist conspiracy that wants to tax you. yes, you. Specifically you. They're out to get you, with science!
When you could just say "I don't like being taxed. I think I'll write my MP, and failing that, move somewhere where I'm not taxed for driving my 5 MPG Dodge!" As for ENDLESS examples of intellectuals and states frolicking together, you might want to confer with the many thousands of philosophers who have been shot in the head (or fed hemlock, hanged, set on fire, dismembered, etc) by the state. Or the number of scientists who have had their work, and often lives destroyed by the state (Ever heard of Alan Turing?) And I'm going to wager that the majority of your "endless examples" come either at the hands of economists (remember, the modern voodoo witchdoctors) or my stupid-ass laymen with pretentions of intellectualism.
Such as ridiculous reactionary noobs.
Finally, an expert opinion on a subject you're deeply knowledgable of!
Again, allow me to reiterate - your position is solely based on being bitchy and petulant that you're paying a tax, combined with a knee-jerk reactionary hatred of people who you deem "intellectuals." because, in your wild imagination, they are in cahoots with "the state" which you also hate and revile.
Bitch, bitch, bitch. See?
No, but if it works on a small island, that can be used in bigger places, and small countries (like Portugal) can get nearer to be independent from fossil fuels.
Originally posted by IamJustanAmerican
One small island eliminating CO2 is not going to do a dang thing as long as China Russia and India keep spewing toxins in the air.
Originally posted by ArMaP
Originally posted by IamJustanAmerican
.... but if it works on a small island, that can be used in bigger places, and small countries (like Portugal) can get nearer to be independent from fossil fuels.
When smaller countries get their fossil-fuel independence, the market will be ready for small areas (or states) of the larger countries, specially if a new market can be sensed by the capitalists (in the sense of someone that supplies the capital) as new source of income.
Thats the things I was hoping to learn about when I clicked this thread. The AGW debate is worn out elsewhere.
Wow. I thought this thread was dead and buried... All of a sudden eeeeet's aliiiiiive!!! And thoroughly derailed lol.
Anyway - Neo_Serf thanks for the open-minded, constructive response to my last post. I mean that. It's been a long time since I've seen one of those from somebody, because as you can see it all tends to quickly unravel instead into some emotionally charged intellectual shoutfest.
So if you actually want a polite, sane discussion on the issue I'm more than happy to participate - just kinda shocked haha.
I'd be very curious to hear more about some of your specific issues with AGW, both the science and the politics, and see if we can come to a more reasonable two-way dialogue there.
However I do think it's off-topic for this thread. You asked before how a CO2 free island has nothing to do with AGW. It's not that it has nothing to do with it, it's that there are plenty of other reasons to switch to renewables.
I mean just with everything that's happened in the last year: Fukushima, BP, Fracking, the perpetual daily disaster that is coal mining, this should be self-explanatory.
]However that clear message seems to constantly get lost in all the politics and bickering, which is why I don't want to do that here.
I would suggest starting a new thread - we can call it: Olive branch across a canyon. A sane discussion on global warming between a "warmist" and a "denier" and try to set an example or something (easier said than done of course, but I'm game).
I would even ask - if ArMaP doesn't mind, since he's a moderator on this forum - to help out by strictly enforcing the T&C on such a thread, and giving any drive-by trolling (it's almost a guarantee there will be some) the swift OFF-TOPIC boot to keep things moving forward.
In my opinion the Fragile Earth forum is loooooong overdue for something like this. I think it would class the place up a little
Originally posted by Neo_Serf
This rediculous AWG religion simply must end. What a joke.
The fundamental problem here is that the modern state is totally and completely bought, owned and run by the very same interests that are the source of the supposed problem. It takes a fool to not realize that in todays world, government dont even pretend to be accountable to the people they claim to represent and to protect. Indeed the opposite is true. The modern mega state is beholden to, and answers to, the interests that lobbied, or more accurately, *bribed* the people who are supposedly given authority to 'regulate' said interests.
It takes only a moments thought to see this inevitable and cancerous relationship for what it is. Since energy concerns have the most to lose through adverse regulations against them, and the most to gain through regulations against their competitors, theses 'corporations' (a totally artificial and destructive construct erected as a liability shield by the state) have an overwhelming incentive to influence and basically bribe the regulators that could cause them harm, and and even greater interest in influencing policy that could squash potential competition.
No my type of discussion, I stopped reading at half of the first page.
Originally posted by XRaDiiX
I'd like to know what the OP has to say about this thread too i have had many great responses and de-bunked so many people they simple didn't respond.
This guy looks more worried about the "Greens" than pollution, so I guess he is also politically motivated.
Nobody is saying that we should end CO2, that would be stupid, but if we are responsible for 3% (according to the link in your thread) or 6% (according to the guy in the video) of all yearly production of CO2 then that means that we are really in a position of affecting the balance between the production and consumption of CO2.
C02 is actually good for plants
According the guy in the video is 14 times, not 40.
The Natural processes of the Earth emissions account for 40 times as much C02 output compared to Human Out put of C02 *FACT*
No problem.
If you do not want this posted on the thread i can remove them just say so if you wish....
Originally posted by XRaDiiX
The C02 been raising dramatically a long time before pesky humans started adding their meager contributions of C02 compared to the Natural Cycle of C02 Emissions