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Malema: White people are criminals

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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 04:51 AM

Malema: White people are criminals

White people should be treated as “criminals” for “stealing” land from black people, ANC Youth League president Julius Malema told an enthusiastic crowd in Kimberley yesterday where he appeared on the same platform as President Jacob Zuma.

Malema was the main attraction as he pulled out all the stops in his campaign for local elections, now just days away.

“They (whites) have turned our land into game farms… The willing-buyer, willing-seller (system) has failed,” Malema said.

“We must take the land without paying. They took our land without paying. Once we agree the
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 04:51 AM
I have posted about this guy before, and he is at it again. For some background history on this guy, check out this thread
Malema is a person in alot of power in our goverment. Labelling white people as thieves and criminals is invoking hatred and fear. This is not the answer to solving racism which is allready such a big issue.

I cannot believe that he would say these things, and not even consider the consequences. Obviously he is on a power trip and is forgetting what its about.

The local campaigning for elections might be another reason he is making these ridiculous statements about white people.

(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 8-5-2011 by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep because: to add the link

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:01 AM
Kinda true... white people as a whole, we have been responsible for more holocausts and wiping of whole cultures more than any other race. We wiped south america, north america, stole africans, did the jews in, more than once. Killed Jesus, then remade Jesus in our image. Hope it's more of a culture thing than a race thing and we can change our evil ways

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:03 AM
I'm black(LOL) but that's not the point, I've heard more white people planning organized crime and robbing/murdering people. Ever race has their issues but when banks are getting robbed it's either whites/latinos; just noticed over the years. (Ever hear of the mob ? They're not black and very predominate!)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by Chesster
Kinda true... white people as a whole, we have been responsible for more holocausts and wiping of whole cultures more than any other race. We wiped south america, north america, stole africans, did the jews in, more than once. Killed Jesus, then remade Jesus in our image. Hope it's more of a culture thing than a race thing and we can change our evil ways

My friends are white and they think Jesus was black or of some Muslim decent, white people wiped entire races off the map and didn't blink or give a damn! Never seen people so cold! I know everybody isn't like that but damn! I went to a jail a few months ago with my aunt and more white guys are in jail for murder/child paedophila. Unreal, by statisics you'd think black people would be there.

It's 50/50, still disturbing. F and S for you, sir
edit on 8-5-2011 by Heartisblack because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Heartisblack

Your friends are not smart. Islam came after CHristianity my friend. So Jesus could not have been a Muslim at all.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:08 AM
I have never killed anyone or taken land from anyone.

You cannot hold me accountable for the crimes of other people simply because I happen to have a certain skin color.

How about I hold all of you accountable for killing Jesus? Humans killed Jesus and you are all human race, therefore you all killed Jesus.

How does it feel to have Jesus' blood on your hands?

Exactly, it's totally absurd and unrealistic. And ignorant as hell.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:13 AM
Racism never dies. seems there will always be someone who charges the color of skin for an entire people of a crime or certain interests.

edit on 8-5-2011 by steven704 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Muzzle, completely agree with you.

This is ignorance at its worse. We as whites, in SA, is now being punished and persecuted, for the sins of our fathers. It is unfair, and politically wrong.

I harbor no hatred towards any race, yet i am automatically laballed as a racist or criminal and thief. How is that fair???


posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:14 AM
There's a lot of pro anti-white sentiment/white-guilt in this thread already.

I blame this on the indoctrination that goes on in our schools and the political correctness which has ruined the minds of half a generation.

When they think of white people they don't think of the amazing progress that their modern western civilization has brought us, they think of some propaganda about how white people are bad etc. Then when someone comes along and points out how great are the achievements of the white peoples and how superior their culture and justice system (have you guys read the US Constitution?), they get labelled as a racist/white supremacist even if they are a fairly brownish Jew living in Canada. It doesn't matter if it is true, it is just that you aren't allowed to say that sort of thing about white people; and that is racist.

edit on 8-5-2011 by Exuberant1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Chesster

Kinda not true, what about the Persians?

I think it doesn't add to any positive communication by labeling whites, blacks, jews, asians etc etc as causes of issues, I think it is more true by saying
"people of earth are hell bent on destroying anyone who doesn't agree with their way of thinking and those in power will use ANY tools in their bags to get this outcome"
If a person or people disagree with a leaders way of thinking it is a massive danger to that leader as their leadership is called into question.
You'd be surprised just how similar the human race is to other animal communities on this planet when it comes to power and leading.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:15 AM
Oh look more 'African Americans' proving they are the most racist people on the planet. Now dont go pointing fingers at them though because thats racist! Calling them out for being racist is racist. Its okay that this Julius Malema can say whatever he wants but A WHITE MAN says something and his entire career goes down the toilet. Its okay The Black Panthers threaten white voters with billy clubs. Speaking ill of The Black Panthers is racist.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by AndrewJay

It is racist to be white.

Or so it seems.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by Heartisblack

Originally posted by Chesster
Kinda true... white people as a whole, we have been responsible for more holocausts and wiping of whole cultures more than any other race. We wiped south america, north america, stole africans, did the jews in, more than once. Killed Jesus, then remade Jesus in our image. Hope it's more of a culture thing than a race thing and we can change our evil ways

My friends are white and they think Jesus was black or of some Muslim decent, white people wiped entire races off the map and didn't blink or give a damn! Never seen people so cold! I know everybody isn't like that but damn! I went to a jail a few months ago with my aunt and more white guys are in jail for murder/child paedophila. Unreal, by statisics you'd think black people would be there.

It's 50/50, still disturbing. F and S for you, sir
edit on 8-5-2011 by Heartisblack because: (no reason given)

What's the proportion of whites/blacks in terms of population in the USA?

The next question would be, what proportion of whites/blacks are in prison for the crimes you mention, in *relation* to the ratio of white/black population?

I think you'll find (rightly or wrongly) that a significantly higher % of blacks are in prison, per capita, than whites are.

You can infer what you like from the figures...either that blacks get targeted for crime detection more than whites (fairly or unfairly)...or whites get away with more crime than blacks (again, rightly or wrongly), or simply that blacks on average commit crime (and get caught and prosecuted for it) more than the white population does.

You can't just look at actual numbers of different races in prison, you have to look at the ratio's of those races compared to the ratio in general public populations.

Then you'll get a correct answer as to how many white Vs. black people are in prison for the crimes you say.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Chesster
Kinda true... white people as a whole, we have been responsible for more holocausts and wiping of whole cultures more than any other race. We wiped south america, north america, stole africans, did the jews in, more than once. Killed Jesus, then remade Jesus in our image. Hope it's more of a culture thing than a race thing and we can change our evil ways

.....I simply can't contain my anger as I read this ****ing ignorant trash. Look, as I have pointed out before, all races are capable of rather unsavory things. And while we're on the subject, do you know a thing about statistics regarding murder, rape, robbery, ect? Look into it.

BTW, who the **** is "we"?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:21 AM
I am not a white apologist, my race has done good and it has done bad. It is in my humble opinion that should any other race had technologically developed and had such easy access to the oceans then they would be the ones being criticized as destroyers of cultures and thieves of land.

Whites are not alone however in the destruction of different cultures this same practice can be observed when reading the history of Native American in South America, albeit to a lesser degree. I am quite sure same can be said for different cultures in Asia, Africa, Middle East, and elsewhere around the globe, but once again it would be to a lesser degree. And why is that? Because they did not have the capabilities or access to global expansion before the whites did.

And why should I even feel any pity for another culture? It was the Western Europeans who were the colonialists around the globe. Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Great Britain, and to a lesser extent Germany and Russia. My ancestors who came to the US in the 20th century were Hungarians, we did not participate in the destruction of any other culture if anything we had rival groups battling to destroy ours.

Enough with this attempt at demonizing the people of today for the faults of a part of the white race from the past. If my grandfather was a thief does that make me one? If your great uncle was a serial killer does that make you one? Absolutely not. Each individual is accountable only for the actions of themselves and responsible only to the specific individuals they themselves directly harmed.

VVV: This man sounds like a little rat looking for a scapegoat. He has no intellectual arguments so he resorts to the easiest trick in the book to rally the troops, ignorance. Hopefully the rule of law can hold itself together against hate, although unfortunately history has often showed that it does not. If the ANC wanted to be seen as a party not of racial hysteria then they should condemn this man, his actions, his words, and his followers.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by Scaledown

It's ok to acknowledge our past or we keep repeating it. Look at the south whites.. they still hold true to the racist ideology and still cling to the rebel flag. Or corporate racism... whits are still very much as we were 500 years ago. And the persians? What is this 2000 bc?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by Chesster
reply to post by Heartisblack

Your friends are not smart. Islam came after CHristianity my friend. So Jesus could not have been a Muslim at all.

Jesus was in Egypt! Come on, at least you would think Jesus had Arab blood ? Be realistic. Chesster did have a point, not all white people are bad. That's not what he's saying, no. What he's saying is look at history and you'll see whites have done a f-ed up job in history
edit on 8-5-2011 by Heartisblack because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Chesster
Kinda true... white people as a whole, we have been responsible for more holocausts and wiping of whole cultures more than any other race. We wiped south america, north america, stole africans, did the jews in, more than once. Killed Jesus, then remade Jesus in our image. Hope it's more of a culture thing than a race thing and we can change our evil ways

I don't necessarily agree with this. I'm not sure history would either.

White people were responsible for the most notorious genocide - the genocide of the Jews by the Nazis.

However there is rampant genocide being committed by non-whites in modern times as well as throughout history. Look at the persecution of the Tutsi by the Hutu in Rwanda, or the Janjaweed killing natives in Darfur. Read into the Ottoman genocide of the Armenians during WWI. Look at what the Japanese did to the Chinese during WWII.

The fact is you can look at any racial group and find examples of mass-murder and crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, the problem seems to be more a symptom of human nature than some cultural or racial thing. Slaves of all different colors were kept by slavemasters of all different colors.

Blaming white people alone for all of these things would mean ignoring a very large portion of human history.
edit on 8-5-2011 by drwizardphd because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by Heartisblack

Being of Arab ancestry and being a Muslim is two dif things bud

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