posted on May, 8 2011 @ 08:56 PM
I can read the hieroglyphs but I would just call them symbols, as the complete crop circle is a symbolic message, presumably from outer space. It is
certainly from a beneficient source of wisdom to those who will consider its meaning. I found I could read it straight away without a problem, perhaps
because I am a gardener and practical person. Some may claim I had been primed by doomsayers forethoughts, I would say those who created the message
id who that would apply to. But it is a message of hope for survival for those aware enough to survive, and be thankful for those who would help us,
even if we thought we didn't need it..
Speaking in an overall sense, the title of the post gives the message away easily. A foreign body may/will enter our solar system.
So this explains the obvious 'extra' object, nibiru, x , comet, brown dwarf, dark star, black hole, alien horde, god, knows, whatever it is, between
the planets and it is messing around with ours.. It will or has caused disruption in the alignment and the earth has imperfect geometry in the
picture. The earth has become misshapen by it, and part of has been hauled or drawn out of shape. But it is still a planet and should right itself
after the influence these bodies will have on it. The curved lines turning circulsr indicate the time coming round from after this unusual alignment,
June 1st.the 'sign' appears to fade, but they are althogether reaching one finality, firmly indicating the last line of the script/ a final line.
like the hand of a clock. The line is underscored by all the planets. The sectant and everything indicate a global event occuring very suddenly and at
The boxes stacked on it, this timed phenomenon, are not script but symbols, obvious ones, and they belie way to read the text. Those boxes would
stack very neatly on the back of my double cab truck.They symbolise moving , and being prepared to move. Well prepared. Someone in the armies would
understand this. Boxes mean you can bury things too. They are centraly the reason for the message and it is a practical mrssage all through. It is a
plan of action for what you will observe in the sky and realise itself on the planet.
The first line says.. When you see these things, happening in the solar system, in the beginning of it, break off from what you are doing but carry on
in an orderly fashion to regroup for what you have to do. Your family should come first suggested by the reader.. Now fortify yourselves, and do it
strongly. Make proper good and strong fortification, and make them as the were of old, of stone with turrets. You need earth banks and good walls with
footings. Make them safe make them firm put ditches in etc. Now make moats. Dig behind your walls. Behind these moats is where you have to put your
house, or your closest possessions. While you are inside your walls you need enough space. And remember to to keep the most sensible things for a
while of surviving near to hand within this area. Not for too long, though, because what you are going to do, if you understand this at all, is go
uphill. Note the stairs on the first line. Think about it hard. Suck and draw your brain and body to the task, because at the end of the day, you have
to drink, eat defacate and without a source of water or a tap you are not going to do it. Water will beat you so that you will not live. .So stop and
just think on this. And that is the first line.
The second line is a reminder of the first, that when you are reminded by 'signs' of this event again, shortly after the first, either, get started
on the first line, or reinforce and shadow everything you have just done. And it does not just mean go straight up a hill. In fact your compound will
need detailing, adjustments and recycling.
The second box down probably means this a weighty message about how to prepare in a long term way to settle down again afterwards too. Having to be a
long term mission where the world is your home, not your house..
In that case I will post this now, It is the first two small lines at the top.Perhaps the most important bits we keep in the top box that we shouldnt
lose. In retrospect there is much in the first lines I could elaborate alot such as you need tools and irrigation, plus walls. Altogether, to me this
message it says earthquakes with tsunami s, and a heavy deal at that.It is very detail it says you need to keep a look out , a fence, a way of escape
and keep locks on things. That is still the first line. It basically says strengthen what you have got, be ready to move ( the boxes) and make sure
you can get up high and it is because of water.