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The Illuminati: Who Are They Now?

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posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:16 PM
Here's something different. Hopefully you'll tolerate the mostly known short history lesson as it's integral to my line of thinking.

In the late 18th century, Adam Weishaupt was a professor at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria. He believed in the abolition of both government and organized religion, so much so that on May 1, 1776 he started a little social club to that end. The original group began with five members and was called The Order of Perfectibilists. Later it was renamed the Order of the Illuminati, and this enterprise spread throughout central Europe.

From its inception, the first rule of the Illuminati was DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE ILLUMINATI. Because of its controversial aims, the club had to keep its agenda and even its existence a strict secret.

Looking back on my initial exploration of these controversial and secretive aims (from my very first post on ATS):

Weishaupt, recognized the battle between Church & State as pitted less against each other, and more against the Liberty of individuals. Rather than champion this point and the individual, he sought to join in the games, openly infiltrating the Freemasons with his Illuminati objectives against Church & State.

It was less of a plan for World Domination, than an objective philosophy of society and the way it is shaped. Sure, he had kooky ideas about revolution and chaos, etc. based in five stages...but the means had little to do with exhaulting him to King. In fact, the Illuminati inspired French Revolution most likely resulted in the execution of any 'shadow elite' that started the ball rolling. Napoleon wasn't 'in on it' just another opportunist.

I fully believe the 'conspirators' behind the New World Order are long since dead...but does that make the plan less insideous? What WE have done, no matter our role, is bang the drum FOR the Illuminati by continuing to speculate and empower everyone but ourselves.

When chaos is the goal, it matters not who you bang the drum for: Organized Religion, Compassionate Big Government, Trickle Down Big Business, Nation Building or Non-Agression...the point is taking any side in the fake war of Us Versus Them SERVES the SHADOW ELITE.

Was I right then? The "official" Illuminati are dead, but the goals and stages of NWO progression live on? If so, who's being served now? Or by default who's picked up the charge toward chaos, perhaps even unbeknownst to them?

Having investigated the usual suspects of organized religion (like the Vatican), right wing interests (like PNAC) and corporate interests (like Wal-Mart and even my former employer)... And sadly having come to the realization that no viable left wing threat even exists in this country other than in the minds of a vocal few (like Kucinich and Sharpton) and the right wing propagandists that villify remaining moderates as liberal.

I've turned a corner. I think I may now know who the Illuminati have become. More precisely, who really wins when left and right fight?

Ask yourself, who these spoilers of establishment and proponents of Anarchy may be today in the true Weishapt tradition? Always the obstructionist to progress, my first inclination is this guy:

But he's too high profile being the most persistently important figure in global politics by his own self inserting nature as "the only candidate that matters."

So where are the "shadow" people that rally troops to the cause of chaos, assault both Church & State and Right & Left equally...above all else holding Liberty and Anarchy supreme?

It's the damn Libertarians. I JUST KNEW IT!

I'm only half kidding here. Seriously, examine the similarities to the stated Illuminati movement. Liberty over all. There is no social contract. All authority be damned. And the secrecy! Why isn't a group for legalized drugs, prostitution, gambling and the right to bare arms on airplanes on the daily news or at least a list of terrorists?

Is it really lack of coverage or cover-up of agenda? There's certainly no lack of agenda in the "bash the other guys" department. Many politcal junkies may have noticed (as I have) that the BEST hit pieces on your opponent are almost always generated by Libertarians. The shielded, yet pervasive technology of the Internet makes it all the easier for the SHADOW FEW to attack the MANY...further enlisting recruits toward their objective by using the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach. But does one really have friends when dealing "arms" to both sides?

Despite constantly proclaiming they get hardly any votes, virtually no support and systematic denial my mainstream media, isn't that a good thing for the shadow conspirators? Hardly anyone questions, bashes or criticizes as slowly their numbers grow. People "fed up" with the partisan politics that Libertarians quietly promote (in my estimation), surrender and join ranks. To end any serious policy debate, one must only cry "Uncle" admitting "Well, I'm really a Libertarian" and having sacrificed your vote to the Chaos Gods, you're suddenly off the hook from your civic duty. As a conscientious objector to the shadow supported fake political conflict, congratulations you've joined the Illuminati!

Fascinating. I have little doubt now that the New World Order is less about Order than Disorder. The widely speculated chipped society of future Corporate oppression merely being a stepping stone in the stages toward the ultimate Libertarian uprising. Leaving man more like caveman than businessman, more like waring Gods than orderly slaves. True freedom is a funny thing, isn't it? It's the apocolypse. Utopia is a Kevin Costnar movie.

Please don't freak if you're Libertarian. I'm not attacking you. Though I've never actually met a Libertarian in real life
I'm simply acknowledging their shadowy rise to power in becoming one of the more influential groups in Internet driven partisan politics. From my perspective anyway.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:26 PM
LOL, i guess im in the illuminati then. I'm just curious about libertarians driving partisan politics, I just became one recently, and i've never noticed this. I had similar thoughts towrds everything including drugs, prostitution, and gambling before I joined them, I didnt even know who they were until recently. I do see somewhat of a similarity, but I don't think libertarians are completely against government though. But that power would be used more effectively if given back to the people rather than having a bunch of power in a small few. Nice thread though.

[edit on 31-7-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:28 PM
RANT, some interesting rant you've got going here. There could be something to this as the illuminati shares some ideas of the libertarians. I'm hoping this thread gets a lot of attention.

And anyway, who says this libertarian agenda would be a bad thing. The left and right wing are so far gone, they have made a sham of our government. It's about time people took control and responsibility for their lives.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:36 PM
Jamuhn, as a vocal Libertarian I really appreciate you can consider this investigation in good humor and an open mind.

I guess this idea has been in the back of my mind for some time. When I keep seeing the same "Skull & Bones conspiracy" threads, and "progress is impossible" or "freedom is an illusion" rhetoric, I get red flags going in the opposite direction.

I'm THAT paranoid.

A conspiracy theorist myself, I see the power in the message that "everyone but us is in on it." In my humble estimation, anyone saying that so consistently and persuasively are really the ones IN CHARGE!

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 08:51 PM
Or a government disinfo agent?
No, really??

above all else holding Liberty and Anarchy supreme?

The fact that you equate the two gives alot of insight into your intent.

Libertarianism is about personal responsibility and freedom. If the illuminati is alive, it's clearly operating within the inner circles of both the Republican and Democratic parties. And, if it is alive, it has infiltrated, proobably, all public forums.

"Libertarians believe the answer to America's political problems is the same commitment to freedom that earned America its greatness: a free-market economy and the abundance and prosperity it brings; a dedication to civil liberties and personal freedom that marks this country above all others; and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade as prescribed by America's founders."

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 09:06 PM
Sorry, but I couldnt help this:

Maybe someone would like to photoshop it to make it more illuminatish. But, anyway, I actually thought the Illuminati were more along the lines of fascism. Its interesting to note they wanted no government at all, kind of like what John lennon preached.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 09:23 PM
Libertarians put out the best hit pieces because libertarians hate both sides and actually give enough of a # to do research, seeing as they actually care enough to be called libertarians, imo.

as far as any politician who knows

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 09:23 PM
...I assure you I'm underpaid.

Originally posted by MindWarrior
If the illuminati is alive, it's clearly operating within the inner circles of both the Republican and Democratic parties. And, if it is alive, it has infiltrated, proobably, all public forums.

So like I said a Libertarian might say "everyone is in on it but us?"

"Libertarians believe the answer to America's political problems is the same commitment to freedom that earned America its greatness: a free-market economy and the abundance and prosperity it brings; a dedication to civil liberties and personal freedom that marks this country above all others; and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade as prescribed by America's founders."

It's interesting you bring up the intent of America's Founders of 1776, long speculated as sympathetic to Illuminati ideals (if not directly involved). Freedom from the King, freedom from organized religion (or rather to worship as Protestants free of any authority). Liberty by revolution. The organized chaos of "democracy." With emphasis on "prosperity" as freedom. Ah, capitalism. You give me your inalienable liberty and I'll give you this shiny dollar with the pretty all seeing Illuminati pyramid. That means you're "free". And it's value is real. There's no illusion here.
Just one step in the New World Order progression.

There's no doubt Republicans play their role as do Democrats. I think I made it clear, that's the whole current conflict in the steady progression of man.

But with the Libertarians I'm specifically talking about their function in the coming revolution. You didn't know that was your role? It's in the brochure.

Again, just consider that even the noblest of intentions can be corrupted by a very powerful few. Do you think you'd really know if you were recruited by the Illuminati?

Does it make more sense that the entire world is in on it except for the Libertarians, or just them.

[edit on 31-7-2004 by RANT]

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 09:35 PM
Hey RANT, you've made it on another Discussion Board,, the libertarian discussion board, heres the link,

but as far as money is concerned, you could anyone who advocates money is in the illuminate. we have to look for the differences between the libertarians and everyone else to determine where they fit in...

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 09:46 PM
Rant do you know that the not everybody can belong to the illuminati they only look for smart people.

I found this on the internet on a Illuminati recluting place,

If your I.Q. is over 150, and you have $2300.00 (plus handling), you might be eligible for a trial membership in The Ancient Illuminated Seers of the Eschaton.

I found this kind of funny, I have the feeling that the illuminati does not exist any more.

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 10:12 PM

...I assure you I'm underpaid.

False denial by non-denial?

You didn't know that was your role? It's in the brochure.

What brochure would that be?

Does it make more sense that the entire world is in on it except for the Libertarians, or just them.

Any organization can be corrupted from the inside but assuming all organizations are corrupt is the same as assuming all organizations are benign. Who ever said that all organizations were influenced by illuminati except the LP?

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 10:41 AM
Let me just say, you guys are good. Studying this concept further, I sincerely believe the modern Libertarians are the inheritors of the underground Illuminati movement (in both spirit of ideology and conspiratorial style).

Emphasis added throughout.

"Brilliant and well trained by the Jesuits in the conspiratorial methods of access to power, young Weishaupt decided to organize a body of conspirators, determined to free the world from the Jesuitical rule of Rome and help humanity back to the pristine Christian faith of the hermetic martyrs. He is reputed to have been initiated by a German merchant named Kolmer, he had spent many years in Egypt, into a secret doctrine based on Manichaeism. Mayday of 1776, Weishaupt founded his own sect of the Very Perfectibles - better known as the Illuminati - with five original members, self-described as reformist libertarians, partisans of absolute equality."
- Peter Tompkins, The Magic of Obelisks

And Libertarians seeking the return to the "enlightened" intentions of Founding Fathers certainly doesn't dismiss the notion of an Illuminati connection.

Thomas Jefferson "strenuously defended the Illuminati, and described Weishaupt as 'an enthusiastic philanthropist'."
- William T. Still, New World Order

"As Weishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot and priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, and the principles of pure morality. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment....If Weishaupt had written here, where no secrecy is necessary in our endeavors to render men wise and virtuous, he would not have thought of any secret machinery for that purpose."
- Thomas Jefferson

Are you sure Thomas? I'd say the "secret machinery" of the Internet now sustains and proliferates this "virtual Party" of elite elightened counter-establishment.

Consider this in more detail:

"Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt, conceived the idea of founding an order which, by mutual helpfulness, counsel, and philosophic discussions, would increase morality and virtue, lay the foundation for the reformation of the world, and oppose the progress of evil, all of which objectives were expressed in the name, 'Order of Perfectibilists' or 'Perfectionists', which was soon changed to 'Illuminati', which is best translated as 'intellectually inspired'

The descriptor of "Illuminati" meaning "intellectually inspired" and it's proclaimed tenant for "reformation of the world" as this elite minority fervently prescribes smacks me dead in the face of current shades of the Libertarian movement and it's propaganda efforts.

The reformist argument? Continued imposition of order against the inherent nature of man demands escalation of chaos. Are Libertarians mere Discordians? Do they merely facilitate the Aftermath of Bureaucracy or do they in particular seek to gain something?

If our current state of existence is as the invisible Internet Libertarians keep telling me, a hopeless Bureaucracy, then are they the most duly suited inheritors of the "Aftermath" (whatever that may be)? People of good conscious may disagree between the inherent properties of Aftermath. You say Freedom, I say Opportunistic Anarchy (as I've yet to hear from a Libertarian not convinced he or she won't get rich off inate superior talents in the Aftermath of a post-regulated society).

And this may explain the continued "Illuminati" aspect of Weishaupt's particular influence in Modern Libertarianism. It's less about class, nationality, education, wealth or any other deliniating quality other than one's own perceived superior "enlightenment" placing himself above (or more accurately) outside it all. While the rest of the mice run society's maze of opposing inherited beliefs and constructed orderly conflict, the LP tell themselves they "get it" and largely abstain, except to occasionally stir the pot further toward the boiling point. I refer back to my observation of their highly active use of the passive medium of the Internet to "prod us monkeys" (as it sometimes seems) closer to their point of view. And quite successfully, I might add. Were the apparently universal effort any more organized, it'd surely be a conspiracy of the highest order...but I suppose the natural inclination of a superior intellect is to study society's monkeys and introduce fruits and nuts to move them where desired.

But is society even an applicable descriptor of the fervently sought Libertarian Aftermath? The concepts of common good or any authority whatsoever being replaced with "I trust you to run your own life" are much more akin to so many existentialist doctrines that denounce the trappings of so called reality (to which I admit great sympathy).

Jamuhn mentioned Lennon (often incorrectly criticized as a communist sympathizer in my estimation) as one of these societal drop outs that "got it" asking the world to "Imagine..." the complete opposite of everything you know. I get the Third Party movement more and more. It's only a wasted vote in so far as "wasting" your vote is entirely the point. It's a vote to hallmark one's enlightenment. Announce your own "Illumination" and harken the coming AFTERMATH to which a Libertarian may be said to feel especially suited. Turn on; tune in; drop out...Vote Libertarian!

I'm not quite there yet, as I still pity the stupid and fear the powerful. Though I admit, I'd be among the first in the Aftermath to sell pyramid schemes, recruit a militia and enslave workers for opium wages. And it sounds like a blast.
But I guess I don't quite trust the modern Illuminati to let just anyone join their elite crew. Though it seems anyone is welcome in the Internet Army of Discord.

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 02:29 PM
That was a very good post RANT. Whether the Libertarians have an actual conspiracy in the works to plan for a global domination is highly suspect IMO. It would seem that would go completely against their intentions. Saying you should have your own freedom and then going and enslaving that person. I guess it depends on the concept of the Illuminati, but I was under the impression the Illuminati wanted to establish a global tyranny. I do see the great similarities between the Very Perfectibles and the Libertarians. But I still doubt the Libertarians are all for no government whatsoever, the fact that they defend the Constitution so actively. But if they think anything like I do, who knows...

I have also seen that inherent problem with a lack of order and structure. You can see it in my blog in my signature, the post at the end of the page. How will you stop the power hungry from imposing a dictatorial regime, or stop factions of people fighting over power if no government existed whatsoever? Its a very fine line, and the only answer I have come up with so far is widespread understanding among the people of the world. That only natural law should be respected -- no murdering, stealing, etc. So that the majority respects this concept, basically defending the world from the minority who wish to engage in these acts.

The lust for power is a characteristic of many people. Whether many people will settle for the power over their selves is very questionable. Who will decide land disputes and so forth. Like you said, there will be anarchy following the abolition of government. Who knows how that fares out, it would be total chance.

I'm more inclined to believe in small government control. My ideal would be our original government. But we saw how that turned out with the civil war when the federal government usurped the rights of smaller governments.

There is no perfect government it seems, there are pros and cons of every system of government. There will be no Utopia until we are able to trust each other, to respect each other as they are our equals in this world. We can only dream of that day when everyone is happy. I think a good solution would be inhabiting other planets, but that may be far to come. It something to work towards though as a whole.

[edit on 1-8-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 06:21 PM

The descriptor of "Illuminati" meaning "intellectually inspired" and it's proclaimed tenant for "reformation of the world" as this elite minority fervently prescribes smacks me dead in the face of current shades of the Libertarian movement and it's propaganda efforts.

Where is this (mis?)informations coming from. Illuminati theories usually claim that Illuminati is supposed to mean enlightened ones and their goal is to rule the world. While rule may imply reform, reform does not imply rule.

You say Freedom, I say Opportunistic Anarchy (as I've yet to hear from a Libertarian not convinced he or she won't get rich off inate superior talents in the Aftermath of a post-regulated society).

Rather than listening to what self-proclaimed libertarians "tell you", you would be better to do your own research into the principles of the libertarian ideology. It seems like you don't understand the ideas of libertarianism.

I refer back to my observation of their highly active use of the passive medium of the Internet to "prod us monkeys" (as it sometimes seems) closer to their point of view

One might say you are describing your own actions...
Indeed, accusing others of what oneself is doing, is a classic Illuminati tactic.
And if indeed you are illuminati, as you have refused to dispute, it becomes a quite disturbing revelation as you are a moderator of various forums. After all,, the Illuminati control things from behind the scenes, infilitrating ideological dissenters. What perfect cover this would be.

It's interesting you bring up the intent of America's Founders of 1776, long speculated as sympathetic to Illuminati ideals (if not directly involved).

So America was founded by the Illuminati? If that's the case then why would they need to hide themselves behind the Libertarian Party, whom have no representatives in high places and no real power? The illuminati thrive in power, desperate for it. Skull & bones, which most consider an offspring of the Illuminati, hasn't had any Libertarian members as far as I know. Yet, they have endlessly produce Democrats and Republicans whom eventually hold powerful positions.

Why isn't a group for legalized drugs, prostitution, gambling and the right to bare arms on airplanes on the daily news or at least a list of terrorists?

Ahh the real goal of your post(s). To quiet any opposition to the status quo. Your spinning and twisting of truth rivals Bill Oreilly's

more like waring Gods than orderly slaves. True freedom is a funny thing

Again, we see how you value "freedom". This statement implies people should be orderly slaves, and not independent thinkers. How can you possibly say this and, at the same time, be against the NWO???

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 06:33 PM

Many conspiracy theorists believe that the Bavarian Illuminati, disbanded in 1785 by the Bavarian government, merely reformed again later and continue to the current day. The only problem is that no one can really agree just what the Illuminati are/were up to. Some say they're communists. Others say they're anarcho-capitalists. Still others believe they're pure anarchists. Or, for that matter, Satanists. Many others believe that the Illuminati are the true heart of Freemasonry.

Since Illuminati literally means 'enlightened ones' in Latin, it is natural that several unrelated historical groups have identified themselves as Illuminati

The Illuminati are a strange group, and something of a religion.

Originally, They were recruited from rich intellectuals with titles by one Dr. Adam Weishaupt; now, the modern Illuminati are trying to recruit more and gain enough power, so one day at Armageddon, they'll kill G-d and put Lucifer on the throne in heaven.

This is due to their religion, where Lucifer (Not Satan, who they think is a Christian bogeyman) was equal to G-d in the beginning. However, eventually after they had made the Earth, G-d became jealous of Lucifer; he wanted to rule alone. So he used all his power to throw Lucifer out of heaven, aswell as all who followed him. They also think that Jesus Christ is chained to a huge boulder in hell, tortured for following G-d.

To the Illuminati, "evil is good, and good is evil." They go against everything G-d said is good... as that's only apparently to keep Lucifer down.

Many claim this organisation controls much of the world. This is debatable. We can only hope not... except those who are followers of the Illuminati.

It seems, if the illuminati is operating today, they have full control of most of the major international corporations as well as the governments of many countries. This implies controlling the inner circles of the major parties (possibly some minor ones as well) but if the Libertarian Party is Illuminati then one must assume that the Republican and Democratic Parties are also Illuminati.

[edit on 1-8-2004 by MindWarrior]

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 09:52 PM
Wow. So the LP wants to arm every man in the strongest country, a country with a reputation for nation worship, sticking together when the chips are down, and being bloodthirsty in battle, so that they can control said country? And this is how the Illuminati takes over? And to think this is a group I have been worried about. Call me crazy, but I cant see the bad in a group, even if it did turn out to be Illuminati, with the end goal of giving freedom to the people.

And, if they are doing it to enslave us into laboring in their sweat shops, you would think they would NOT want us to have the opportunity to use drugs and be less productive.

The Libertarians want to make it legal to keep guns and meth in your home, a dangerous combination for anyone bent on control to be up against.

The dems want to take away your guns AND your money. We have a word for a man with no means to stand up for himself. We also have a word for a man who works but is not paid for it (or has the money taken away by his master before he is even allowed to touch it.) I submit that the democrats are conspiring to ENSLAVE THE FREE AMERICAN!!!

So, if the LP is Illuminati, then I sure hope the Illuminati can save us from our would be masters.

[edit on 1-8-2004 by cavscout]

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 06:30 AM
For anyone still thinking I'm asserting anything here less than a high compliment to the Libertarian Party or that I personally host dinner parties for Rhodes Scholars or am indeed Bill O'Reilly, let me ask that you drop or reverse all pre-conceived notions of what the "Illuminati" or a "Conspiracy" or even a "Conspiracy Theory" actually entails.

My premise is not that Weishaupt was either a bad guy or out to rule the world. He was an anarcho-capitalist, bored philanthropist, brilliant mind and most importantly outsider critic of the status-quo in authoritative Church and State alike. The latter requiring a secretive and infiltrative element to spread his mind in the oppressive environment of the day. And spread his "enlightenment" he did, to influentials throughout Europe and even America's founders without ever assembling anything close to a majority of opinion or even mainstream attention. And there ends the original Illuminati "conspiracy."

To understand the correlation I see to the modern Libertarian Party, I have cited the similarites of anarcho-capitalist ideals (perhaps best viewed as minarcho-capitalism in LP), outsider disenfranchisement, harsh critique of authoritative Church and State alike, an element of "enlightenment" or dropping out, as well as the "conspirical" techniques of spreading the word and recruitment. And there ends the Libertarian Party "conspiracy."

See, I believe the reverse of the modern definition of "Illuminati" (that they are the all powerful establishment) or that a "Conspiracy" among the powerful even need be done in secret (see 2000 election, Iraq War, Halliburton) or that a "Conspiracy Theory" entails the just exposing the corrupt, but rather the opposite.

Consider the origins:

"What is today called the conspiracy theory was born in the flood tide of books, pamphlets, and articles denouncing the Illuminati and linking them to an ever-lengthening list of other supposed plotters. The scope of the accusations is reflected in the title of one anti-Illuminati book, published in 1797: Proofs of a Conspiracy against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried On in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and reading Societies, Collected from Good Authorities....The 170-year-old Proofs of a Conspiracy was reissued in 1967 by the John Birch Society, which apparently considered the Illuminati a clear and present danger."
- Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects

The "conspiracy theory" was a lie born of the Authoritative establisment to supress the "enlightened" or Illuminati.

In my original post I cited an old argument I had made that:

"I fully believe the 'conspirators' behind the New World Order are long since dead...but does that make the plan less insideous? What WE have done, no matter our role, is bang the drum FOR the Illuminati by continuing to speculate and empower everyone but ourselves."

While leaving out my original conclusion then that WE (the members of are the new Illuminati. As I was quickly corrected by people that have bought into the current corruption of double speak that the powerful are the enlightened...That the establishment conspire in secret...Or that the disenfranchised theorize on whacky Internet forums.

I still maintain the opposite. To Deny Ignorance is "Illumination." But I concede ATS is not organized toward any politcal agenda, as evident by the rebukes I received for suggesting our Illuminatic origins and similarities.

So still searching for the modern Illuminati of a recognizably organized nature, that may indeed be situated to inherit whatever flavor of NWO you prefer (Aftermath, 2012, Timewave Zero, Total Enlightenment), I propose the Libertarian Party fits that bill.

To any extent I criticise their particular politics, is merely a sincere disagreement and more akin to the Democrat in me than the Jesuit Priest. But my compliment and admiration remains that the Libertarians embody the modern Illuminati in my estimation.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 07:49 AM
If anyone still questions the pervasiveness of "quiet makes might" consider the politcal leanings of arguably the most powerful man in world, Alan Greenspan.

Equally claimed and criticized by both Democrats and Republicans, while operating outside the authority of either, who's really influencing the direction of the economy and NWO progression here?

The Libertarians!

[Editor's note - It may surprise more than a few gold devotees to learn they have an ideological friend in none other than Federal Reserve Board chairman Alan Greenspan. Starting in the 1950s, in fact, Greenspan was a stalwart member of Ayn Rand's intellectual inner circle. A self-designated "objectivist", Rand preached a strongly libertarian view, applying it to politics and economics, as well as to religion and popular culture. Under her influence, Greenspan wrote for the first issue of what was to become the widely-circulated Objectivist Newsletter. When Gerald Ford appointed him to the Council of Economic Advisors, Greenspan invited Rand to his swearing-in ceremony. He even attended her funeral in 1982.

In 1967, Rand published her non-fiction book, Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal. In it, she included Gold and Economic Freedom, the essay by Alan Greenspan which appears below. Drawing heavily from Murray Rothbard's much longer The Mystery of Banking, Greenspan argues persuasively in favor of a gold standard and against the concept of a central bank.

Can this be the same Alan Greenspan who today chairs the most important central bank of them all? Again, you might be surprised. R.W. Bradford writes in Liberty magazine that, as Fed chairman, "Greenspan (once) recommended to a Senate committee that all economic regulations should have fixed lifespans. Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-Md.) accused him of 'playing with fire, or indeed throwing gasoline on the fire,' and asked him whether he favored a similar provision in the Fed's authorization. Greenspan coolly answered that he did. Do you actually mean, demanded the senator, that the Fed 'should cease to function unless affirmatively continued?' 'That is correct, sir,' Greenspan responded."

Bradford continues, "The Senator could scarcely believe his ears. 'Now my next question is, is it your intention that the report of this hearing should be that Greenspan recommends a return to the gold standard?' Greenspan responded, 'I've been recommending that for years, there's nothing new about that. It would probably mean there is only one vote in the Federal Open Market Committee for that, but it is mine.'" -- Editor, The Guilded Opinion ]

So again, when the competing powers of left and right bureaucracy fight, who wins? Who stands to inherit the aftermath? If indeed Bureaucracy is a distraction and Religion an opiate, the abstaining "enlightened" that quietly influence the influential with their uniquely unpartisan (or equally partisan) criticism stand first in line.

That is long as they don't stand out too much invoking the wrath of the status quo and it's sheep. While I'm certainly not implying Badnarik even has Greenspan's number, the quiet influence of ideology remains... as does the implication that the only way to win a rigged game is controlling it through non-participation.

In as such, I submit the "Libertarians" persistent power (as an organized group) is derived from it's attractive and uncriticized alternate "Third Party" status, much like Greenspan may continue to shape policy forever in taking no sides.

And he my friends, IS Illuminati by anyone's standards.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 09:20 AM
Perhaps the Lumanati are Freemasons and Libertarians? I guess that puts some of us up on the hit list eh?

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 04:34 PM
Hey, thanks for the clarification, I understand where you are coming from now, I think. You seem to have put alot of thought into this and for that you get an A in my book.

I wish the LP had as much influence over the economy as you think it does.
...Does this mean I will never hear you blame problems with the economy on Mr. Bush? Will you stand up for Mr. Bush on said issue?

I understand your fear of freedom, but do you really want to be an "orderly slave?" If you do, please forward your pay to me. I will make sure that you recieve the right amount you need for food and a small car payment and give the proper amount to a welfare mother in my town. The rest, of course, will go to fixing my self-made budget problems. It's all for your own good.

Hey, I think I could get used to this dem. idea! Pretty cool!

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