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Extraterrestrial Threat to those with negative blood types?

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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Mactire

Originally posted by nedined
reply to post by QuantumPhysicist

He is saying that he is in Russia but he may be only using a Russian proxy server and be anywhere in the world, even still in the USA. He just may want to make others thinking that he is in Russia... That’s even better way to hide!

He may still be working in the lab (assuming he's a lab rat), and mentioned that he's on the run to keep the authorities guessing. That way he could continue his research, and then use proxies to throw the dogs off his scent. "He's in Russia" "He's in Japan".
Makes sense to me, it's what I'd do.

edit on 8-5-2011 by Mactire because: (no reason given)

It was not confirmed he was in Japan. I looked up the web server that his email listed and THAT is based out of Japan. From what I found. (I don't know if that's what you call it...The last half of his email address...the :roll

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by showintail

I have been there easily three times today

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by seeker11

Japan or not, he could still be using proxies to hide in Russia, using Russian faux IPs. Russia is a pretty big place. roughly 1/8 of the world's land mass.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Mactire
reply to post by seeker11

Japan or not, he could still be using proxies to hide in Russia, using Russian faux IPs. Russia is a pretty big place. roughly 1/8 of the world's land mass.

Clarification lol. Ok, his IP was resolved by the mod (as you know) to russia. All I did was google his and it said the email server was based in Japan. That is all.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:09 AM
I almost hate to leave the thread as it gets added to so fast. The thought of not being able to return until tomorrow evening bothers me. Soooo many pages to go through I just know it. None the less, please keep digging. I hope to come back tomorrow to find that this thread is in the HOAX forum. Until then, to those that care to, if anything major breaks in the thread I would love a U2U with a link to the pertinent post, if anyone feels so inclined to do so, I thank you in advance. Good Night

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by seeker11

No worries.
I'm still waiting on some new correspondence from Mr(s) X. I hope I didn't spook him.
It's currently 9ish in the a.m. in Moscow.
I have no idea where he is though. There are what, ten time zones in Russia?
Depending on where he is, and going on the time I was receiving messages from him, he was likely huddled over a computer in the midnight hours.

Maybe he'll be back online soon.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by UberL33t

I'm hitting the hay as well.
East Coaster (1am), and I need to get up in the morning. I think until someone hears back from Amalgam, this thread is pretty frozen now anyway. Any new posters that hop on are only regurgitating the same old questions and ideas. G'night ATS.



posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:23 AM
wow, thats all I can say, this is one of the most intriging threads I am yet to read on ATS.... whether this is a hoax I dont know.

I am not quite on the side of aliens being involved in a negative way, but very much feel there is truth to a blood type based virus as a means of population selection for survival/elimination (under the influence of false flag weather or astrological conditions)....

This makes me question the significance recent events... such as-
-The Fukishima plant might have been the catalyst for bumping our genome a little closer to whatever edge we all seem to feel... the radiation being the dynamo (speculating of course the effects)
-The royal wedding and osamas death in close proximity might have been needed to connect some of the links in global consciousness for accellerating our evolution (or another reason?) anyone who has seen "what the bleep do we know" and Dean Radins research with the Random number Generators and pop culture will know what Im talking about

“a world-spanning network of devices sensitive to coherence and resonance in the mental domain. Continuous streams of data are sent over the internet to be archived and correlated with events that may evoke a world-wide consciousness. Examples that appear to have done so include both peaceful gatherings and disasters: a few minutes around midnight on any New Years Eve, the first hour of NATO bombing in Yugoslavia, the Papal visit to Israel, a variety of global meditations, several major earthquakes, and now September 11.”

link to article I didnt read all of (sorry)

thats not the greatest quote about the work but theres a lot on google to read over I am only familiar with the film.

Now obviously there is something going on, not only because of what I am reading on ATS- all the crazy news of 2011....I actually have been out of the loop lately... but somehow I have been having vastly dynamic spiritual experiences that are coming out of the blue .. i will explain a bit

-first off, painting and creating art on a regular basis, wierd for me but is a big deal since I have been dry for years, suddenly inspired to no end.

- in the later hours of the night, there seems to be a 'radio' of voices and conversations that turns on in my head, there is nothing crazy or significant, just conversations people I guess are having that I am tapping into. I have been trying to understand it, and very little seems to be subconscious reflection due to lack of understanding of subject matter and variation of voices and genders, also lack of personal engagement with me, nobody is talking to me directly. -edit: I cant control the source, or choose the 'station' so to speak, in fact the more I focus to 'hear' it better, the less I 'hear'

- often feeling the other sentient presence usually in animal or inanimate form of lights, never negative, but not incredibly high knowledge, probably under the human level of consciousness, but inspiring none the less, no communication with me. I am new to this so there is no reason for this since no engagement has been made on my end beyond being interested and opened to these things.

-ripeness of meditations though frequency is decreased, feeling less drawn to meditation daily (probably because of creating art daily drawing some of that power awa... but the ripeness of the meditations is much better than normal, very dense sense of expansion (seems oxymoronic I know, meditators i think get what I mean by that) very impersonal...

- Random outer body experience, woke up, walked into my living room, saw my cat sitting with two small flesh coloured, legless creatures, pretty neutral, I ran into my room to get my dig camera, realized I couldnt open the zippers to my camera bag and whoa there to my right I ('my' body) am sleeping in my bed, the realization pulled me into the body and I ran into my living room to see my cat sitting where I had just seen him. (second (conscious)OBE ive ever had, never try to go out of body since the first one was a frightening experience and was not voluntary)

beyond those being cool little tidbits of my life, They are all very recent and very spectacular events in comparison to the two years or so of interest of spiritual things (mostly religious study, meditation, etc.)

so whats going on? is this pressure from above or from below? are we changing from the inside all of us seekers? or are we being changed from the outside? to what end we are at the cusp of seeing either way.

by the way about a year and a half ago a man aproached me in a bookstore and told me about these concepts of aliens chaning our genes and the biblical connection... i almost laughed in his face, now I feel quite foolish and like I missed the chance to talk to a brilliant individual (an old man in a wheel chair if that matters... to anyone who might know him) I do believe aliens/interdimensional conscious beings, are involved just dont think they are in for causing us problems, I just dont think one learns how to both travel between dimensions and lose the senses of love and morality, maybe not romantic, passionate love, but resposnible respect for all forms of 'life'.....

lost myself there,

basically ATS what is happening

edit on 9-5-2011 by el1jah because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by aravoth

So, the man with inside information can't create an encryption scheme more complex than writing out the alphabet and putting a one on top of N and then counting forward until the end of the alphabet and then continuing with a 14 over A. That "encryption" took me all of 5 minutes to figure out. It certainly wouldn't buy any significant amount of time for the OP to post and skip town. The fact that there are no numbers in the code that are greater than 26 is a big hint. The words in the code are connected by hyphens, making the letter "a" easy to spot and identify. As soon as you know what number is equal to "a," you just start counting forward until you get to the max number 26, and then start over. Any middle school kid could break it and it would take childish naivety to get any sense of accomplishment from doing it. I have had more trouble decoding secret messages off a box lucky charms. The OP could have made it a tad bit more complex if he had skipped a few numbers in various intervals but chose not to.

If the OP genuinely believed that this code would slow anyone down, he is a fool, and if he is knowingly and purposely perpetrating a hoax with the expectation of anyone believing him, then he's a liar and a fool. I don't take warnings from fools or liars seriously.

The funniest part is that the man doesn't even need to throw out a back story - many of you are simply investing it as you go along - He works in a lab, he's running his internet through proxy servers to hide from the government agents, etc. The is sitting in a basement somewhere laughing at all the fools he's hooked so easily with his secret code.
edit on 9-5-2011 by andrewh7 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:37 AM
So I decided to check one more resource for any relative news to our ongoing story before shutting down. I would be remiss if I didn't post this now.

Remember Antonio Alcami, the Cambridge University Virology researcher I mentioned previously?

Well how's this for coincidence? Take a look at who developed the app (emphasis added within external article by me) in addition the term "what-if experiments" that they coined in this article is rather curious to me...."what-if" indeed.

FluPhone app 'helps track spread of infectious diseases'

A mobile phone application could help monitor the way infectious diseases such as flu are spread.

The FluPhone app was developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.

Volunteers' phones fitted with the app "talk" to each other, recording how many people each "infected subject" meets during an imaginary epidemic.

The university is one of seven institutions working on the study to reduce the impact of epidemics.

The FluPhone app uses Bluetooth technology to anonymously record interaction between volunteers involved in the study.

When mobile phones come into close proximity, that fact is recorded and data is sent automatically to the research team.

'Valuable insight'
Professor Jon Crowcroft and Dr Eiko Yoneki, co-principal investigators of the study, said they believed the collected data could be used to simulate social interaction during a real epidemic or pandemic.

A three-month FluPhone pilot study, using a basic version of the app, was conducted in Cambridge in 2010.

Dr Yoneki said: "The data was a valuable insight into how human communities are formed, how much time people spend together, and how frequently they meet.

"Such data show complex network-like structures, which is very useful for understanding the spread of disease."

Monitoring behaviour during a simulated epidemic could help prevent the disease spreading
Prof Crowcroft explained epidemiologists traditionally monitor how a disease spreads by asking patients to keep diaries of their movements and social contacts.

"That's very heavy-going and people often forget to do it, or forget who they've met," he said.

The FluPhone app was, he explained, a more reliable way to record contact between "infectious subjects".

"Provided we have people's permission, we can upload the data, and medical researchers can see who met whom within the set of volunteers, without there being any missing encounters.

"That's very important because meeting a lot of people may be the principal way diseases are spread.

"Armed with that sort of information, medics could then direct advice towards those people and perhaps slow down the spread of an epidemic.

"As long as we get a reasonable number of people taking part, meeting other people taking part, then we will get that understanding," he said.

'What-if experiments'
An upgraded version of the FluPhone app has now been released that can transmit "fake pathogens" to volunteers' phones.

Prof Crowcroft said the team was now able to run "what-if experiments" on the volunteers by randomly choosing which phones should be "infected".

"The data collected could inform the way medical advice is given by the government during a real epidemic," he said.

"We probably can't stop an epidemic just through advice, but if we can slow it down, medical intervention could be directed more effectively, for example at treating serious cases, or developing vaccines."

edit on 5/9/2011 by UberL33t because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:45 AM
Majority of O- are British and usually have green eyes.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by cry93

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD
Psaaah. Forget about Bombay Blood. The rare blood type website ( which includes Bombay blood states,

AB Negative Blood Group
AB Negative Blood Groups is considered as rarest of the rare blood group , If you are AB Negative Blood Type or if you know some one with AB Negative Blood Type . Please register as AB Negative Blood Donor immediately.

100% of the population can receive your platelets.

Patients who need platelets:

Dengue Fever Patients, Cancer Patients, Organ transplant patients

100% of the population can receive your plasma.

Plasma improves a patient's ability to stop bleeding by supplementing clotting factors, and it restores blood volume to the patient. Burn victims can often use several hundred units of plasma during their recovery period. Other patients who often required Plasma are Newborn babies, Leukemia patients, trauma patients, hemophiliacs and transplant or cardiovascular surgery.

Good grief.

O- cannot receive blood byproducts from anyone except for another O-. Even AB negative can receive O- by products. AB- is the rarest when it comes to the percentage of people with this type. However, O- is the purest and can be effectively given to anyone, Rh positive or Rh negative, regardless of blood type.

I don't know where some of this misinformation comes from.

This is from page 26 btw if either of you would like to re-read your posts. Cry you are incorrect in your post. And Sigmundfraud's information was correct. 0- people can give their blood to anyone. However they can only accept blood from 0-, however 0+ can accept blood from 0+ and 0-. 0- is the universal recipient however when it comes to blood plasma since 0- blood plasma contains both A and B antigens.

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD

CRY93 said, Good grief. O- cannot receive blood byproducts from anyone except for another O-. Even AB negative can receive O- by products. AB- is the rarest when it comes to the percentage of people with this type. However, O- is the purest and can be effectively given to anyone, Rh positive or Rh negative, regardless of blood type.

I don't know where some of this misinformation comes from.

So O is the "purest" because it is the most common and can be given to most people. Ahhh....Hmmm.

Well I dont know where your information came from, but mine came from the American Red Cross and International Rare Blood type registry.

I have NEVER seen any blood being referred to as "the most pure" as this sounds rediculous.

Oh and btw, someone needs to stretch their sarcasm detection muscle, I think yours might be off kilter.

This is where sigmundfraud starts to fail at reading comprehension and is wrong. No where in your quote or in Cry's post this is still page 26 btw do I see her refer to why she feels 0- is the purest. However Cry is right 0- is considered the purest blood because it has NO A, NO B, and NO RH antigens and is therefore pure blood which is why type 0- is the universal donor, also check out page 29 Redrose123 corroborates 0- being considered the purest. And Cry points that out here:

Originally posted by cry93

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD

CRY93 said, Good grief. O- cannot receive blood byproducts from anyone except for another O-. Even AB negative can receive O- by products. AB- is the rarest when it comes to the percentage of people with this type. However, O- is the purest and can be effectively given to anyone, Rh positive or Rh negative, regardless of blood type.

I don't know where some of this misinformation comes from.

So O is the "purest" because it is the most common and can be given to most people. Ahhh....Hmmm.

Well I dont know where your information came from, but mine came from the American Red Cross and International Rare Blood type registry.

I have NEVER seen any blood being referred to as "the most pure" as this sounds rediculous.

Oh and btw, someone needs to stretch their sarcasm detection muscle, I think yours might be off kilter.

O- is the purest because it lacks A & B antigens (hence it being O) and it lacks the Rh factor (hence it being -). I'll even explain to you that A has the A antigen. B has the B antigen. AB has both A and B antigens. O has NO antigen. So A can get A and O blood. B can receive B and O blood. AB can receive A, B, and O blood.

Go back to the Red Cross website and read again. AB+ is actually the universal recipient from all blood types. AB- is the universal recipient amongst Rh- types.

And yes Sigmund, Cry is absolutely correct in this post and you should re-read the Red Cross Website when I checked out the site it was a little difficult to understand due to their charts. Or you can go here
Although I think for the most part you understand blood types you just failed to comprehend cry's posts.

After these posts are some random posts attack Cry98 who has been mostly right so far regarding her comment of 0- being "pure" and a comment regarding Hitler which I will no quote because they are distasteful and honestly make you Sigmund look like a tool. However your last post on page 27:

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD
reply to post by dwmjr1985

Cry98 and DWMjr,

I think the real FACT here is that a certain someone, or "someones"....don't / doesn't understand the differences between plasma, platelets and whole blood. But by all means, now that you've called me out..LOL...go ahead and call the American Red Cross too. lol

This might be true especially considering Cry's first post regarding 0- only taking 0- blood byproducts, however since that first post by Cry, she has been correct and the conversation has not been about blood byproducts. So really Sigmund your reading comprehension is not as good as you think since multiple times cry pointed out exactly why 0- is considered the purest, and Cry you were definitely wrong on your first post in this conversation and you spread misinformation yourself.

Next up is the conversation regarding RHOGAM and yes sigmund you do fail at reading during this conversation as well.

Originally posted by cry93
This is my last post for a few hours. I have to get some things done.

An Rh- mom and an Rh+ (or otherwise blood type unknown father):

By 28 weeks of pregnancy, the mom will receive Rhogam. She gets this handy dandy card that she has to keep on her in cases of early delivery or some kind of accident where the blood of the mother and fetus may mix.

If the baby is Rh+ or if the mom miscarries a baby and the father isn't known to be Rh-, the mom will receive Rhogam AGAIN within 72 hours of delivery.

Every Rh- mom will receive at least 1 Rhogam shot UNLESS the father is known to be negative as well.
edit on 8-5-2011 by cry93 because: (no reason given)

This information by Cry is absolutely correct as can be seen by this site:

This is Sigmund's response to this post which I really don't understand:

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD
reply to post by cry93

And what of women who have their children prematurely......


I mean Cry's post doesn't specifically mention premature births but she does mention that at 28 weeks the first shot is given unless both parents are - blood types, and she does mention that a shot is given within 72 hours of birth or miscarriage. So an intelligent person can deduce that if the child is premature either that shot at 28 weeks would take care of it or the one within 72 hours of delivery. Especially since they give the mother a card so the doctor's/nurses will know when/if to give her a shot. Next is Cry's response to your post:

Originally posted by cry93
reply to post by SigmundFRAUD

You don't read very well, do you? Seriously, did I not state that the mom gets a card for premature births, stating when she received Rhogam?

Even if the child is early then the blood can be typed within 72 hours. It would be redundant to yet again state the obvious.

Nothing to really say here, because it is obvious if you can read.
This is sigmunds response to that post:

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD

You don't read very well, do you? Seriously, did I not state that the mom gets a card for premature births, stating when she received Rhogam?

I read quite well. I am an RH- mother who has NEVER had a RhoGAM injection, and my husband was never typed. I had my child at 28 weeks, I have NEVER recieved a "card".

Where are you from? Where do you get your "information"??

Well since you didn't receive your shot at 28 weeks and you never got a card on Your First Birth I guess that means that no one else does either....However seeker puts you in your place:

Originally posted by seeker11

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD

You don't read very well, do you? Seriously, did I not state that the mom gets a card for premature births, stating when she received Rhogam?

I read quite well. I am an RH- mother who has NEVER had a RhoGAM injection, and my husband was never typed. I had my child at 28 weeks, I have NEVER recieved a "card".

Where are you from? Where do you get your "information"??

I received that card. In fact it's still stashed in my wallet somewhere.

Next Cry responds to you with:

Originally posted by cry93

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD

You don't read very well, do you? Seriously, did I not state that the mom gets a card for premature births, stating when she received Rhogam?

I read quite well. I am an RH- mother who has NEVER had a RhoGAM injection, and my husband was never typed. I had my child at 28 weeks, I have NEVER recieved a "card".

Where are you from? Where do you get your "information"??

I suppose you could have denied the injection but you didn't state that. If you went into labor before the 28 weeks then there is your answer. You didn't get an injection before there was no need. Your child is negative AND it was born before the 28th week.

It's as simple as that. You just like to argue, I see.

The main thing to point out in this post however is more than likely why Sigmund never received the Rhogam which is because the baby was born on or before the 28th week which is when the first shot is given and because the baby was a - blood type and so is Sigmund so there is no need for the shot. However sigmund responds with:

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD
reply to post by cry93

Nah, I don't like to argue, I like to debate and discuss. I take issue with people stating the Mayo Clinic and American Red Cross are wrong and you need to call them to correct them, and then telling people to "google" if they ask for further details. I also take issue with statements being made that I know first hand are NOT fact.

Now her response to you was:

Originally posted by cry93

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD
reply to post by cry93

Nah, I don't like to argue, I like to debate and discuss. I take issue with people stating the Mayo Clinic and American Red Cross are wrong and you need to call them to correct them, and then telling people to "google" if they ask for further details. I also take issue with statements being made that I know first hand are NOT fact.

There is nothing to debate. I suspect you didn't realize that you didn't get Rhogam because you didn't make the appointment due to premature delivery. Responding to you just escalates your need to "discuss and debate" even with your rebuttals have nothing to do with the things that people are saying to you now.

In any event, Happy Mother's Day.

First of all Cry never said that the American Red Cross or the Mayo Clinic websites were wrong. In fact the first and only Mention of the Mayo Clinic was by you in that post. Cry actually said the she needed to contact the American Red Cross because you said their information was wrong. Furthermore the only thing the Cry has been incorrect on so far was when She said 0- could only accept blood byproducts from other 0-.
However this next post by Sigmund really shows a lack of reading comprehension.

Originally posted by SigmundFRAUD

No, but I got the shot and the card. He's A positive.

I asked because Cry98 stated that every RH- woman who has had a baby has had at least one RhoGAM injection UNLESS the father was blood typed. She also stated that women who had premature births were given a card...

I had a premature baby, I was not given a card, I was NOT given RhoGAM, I AM AB- and I didn't "deny the injection" Cry98 implied. I'm not going to get into arguing what NICU doctors consider 27 weeks vs 28 weeks and how they figure it out etc because I am sure Cry98 is a Neonatal specialist as well as my press agent and a certified Hematologist....

Wow where to begin. Well for one Cry never said that a mother who had a premature births were given a card, she said that at 28 weeks the mother receives a Rhogam shot and then is given a card to show the date of the last shot in case of a premature birth or any event where the mothers and the babies blood might mix. Second of all as I explained above due to the timing of your delivery right at the 28 week mark when the first shot would be given and the fact that you and the baby were negative blood types you wouldn't of received a shot. And that is something Cry missed though in her post she never mentioned that if the baby was negative the mother wouldn't receive a shot she only mentioned the possibility of the father's blood types.

I am only on page 35 right now however these conversations by you two have completely blown my mind. So I had to make my first ATS post about it. Sigmund you have misread a lot in this thread, and you have made assumptions and then completely disregarded later posts by Cry fully explaining things. Cry has only been completely incorrect about the blood byproducts donor/recipient on page 26 and maybe when she made assumptions on exactly why you didn't get your rhogam shot however that was after she posted the real reason why you didn't get a shot.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:01 AM
LOL I so don't believe this at all... common rh- I thought we were supose to be smarter

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Decoy
Majority of O- are British and usually have green eyes.

Thats me! british, O- and i have green eyes lol
I cannot find any info that tells me that people who are RH- didn't evolve from apes so stop spreading that around!
(unless its true then please post evidence)
Thanks to uber and a couple of others who really have kept this thread going in the right direction.Btw uber when you post science stuff like those articles i would love a layman explanation please.
the science world alwas fascinated me but i could never get the hang of it thanks

edit on 9-5-2011 by Bixxi3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:38 AM
Im white and have green eyes. Have family members that were in masonry. Would be interesting if i have that bloodtype, which means im going away to heaven or a dungeon waiting to be eaten away from the pain?

Any good theories on what will happen to the others and the god children? Do i get to pick the planet to rule over?

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:46 AM
been a lurker for a bit finally decided to join and put my two cents in.
I have a theory that negative blood types come from neanderthal ancestors, i know it sounds crazy but it could be possible. Im B - so im kind of worried.
edit on 9-5-2011 by uindicator because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:58 AM
I didn't see where anybody checked it but 170.20 MHz belongs to FEMA. Type in online scanner into google and then search 170.20 it is listed as FEMA.

Btw I'm b-
edit on 9-5-2011 by rushunt because: Bloodtype

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by rushunt

yes ive been trying to see if i can listen to it online but i do not thinks its possible. also does anyone kniw if its illegal to listen in?(i have a feeling it is) also if i listened on a scanner or somthing can they track it? (tin foil hat on)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:06 AM
Scanners only receive so I think your ok, no one will know
I feel like this if it's out there and your smart enough to grab it and use it more power to you!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:40 AM
Has anyone checked the the word AMALGAM and it's meaning...this is the the name of the first OP. I looked in and here are some meanings in case it has not been mentioned.

disconnection, division, separation

Main Entry:


Part of Speech:



mixed creation


amalgam , blend, combination, conglomeration, cross, cross-breed, hodgepodge*, hybrid, medley, miscegnation, mishmash, mule, mutt, mélange

* = informal/non-formal usage

Main Entry:


Part of Speech:



composite, mixture


amalgam , bastard, combination, compound, cross, crossbreed, half-blood, half-breed, half-caste, incross, miscegenation, mongrel, mule, outcross


homogeneous, pedigreed, pure, purebred, thoroughbred, unmixed

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition
Copyright © 2011 by the Philip Lief Group.
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