posted on May, 8 2011 @ 09:46 PM
If you look at the high correlation between blue eyes and Rhesus negative bloodline, I believe that both these mutations started with Noah.
In the Book of Enoch when Noah was born they all freaked out, as he was born blue eyed, white skin and white blonde hair, praising God as soon as he
was born. So he was very intelligent. (My eldest spoke first word before 3 months.)
They thought he was a product of a Fallen Angel and a daughter of Eve. Noah's dad went to his dad ,and he went to Enoch (who was Heaven but who
could come down) to ask what do we do now? This boy was our only pure bred human. Enoch asked God and answered It's alright his DNA has been changed
as he needs to be highly intelligent and have psychic powers to beat the Nephilim/Hubrids. He needs to have less melanin to survive the low levels of
light and more advanced immune system, so the Human race continues even if plague is chucked at them via the Nephilim offspring.
I am of a Rhesus -ve bloodline and I am very sensitive in all my senses. It's a survival trait that's all. Not magic just science. I can pick up
leylines with just my body-no need for a dowsing rod.
So if you or anyone in your past has blue eyes, it means you are related to Noah.
Someone posted Rhesus -ve blood turned up at the time of Jesus, I think I have read that AB- was quite common in Israel before He was born. So I will
put forward that Rhesus -ve is related to Noah.
I have done Genetics at College.
Nowadays to be Rhesus -ve you need to have two parents who have a recessive gene of Rhesus -ve.
Mum is -ve (so blood gametes will be -ve and -ve ) and Dad is +ve (he could be +ve and -ve) So your children could be +ve or -ve BUT the children will
be of the Rhesus -ve bloodline.
And this is nothing to do with San greal or Sang real or that Merovingian BS.
Jesus' blood has been left down here, so we can test it against any who say 'I am He', in a cave under Jerusalem and it has been tested; it is AB-
but it was from one parent only which is extremely rare and I mean very very rare.
As He was 100% human and 100% God, he was immortal and his blood has been found to be still alive.
And as -ve blood can not be cloned, if someone suggests that a certain Royal has been cloned the source was not from Jesus' blood BUT Cain has been
cloned and he may well be the source.
There has been found that there is a correlation between Caucasians and blue eyes and fair skin, due to the fact the Diaspora went thought the
Caucasus mountains before the unholy vampiric Hubrids were able to come out of Alexandra's Iron gate.
Most Caucasians are from the Israelite bloodline (and I am not talking about the z/Sionist movement) and most ended up being Christian countries
(before this became a fraudulent term).
So I think that your physical blood has nothing to do with ELENIN/Nibiru/Destroyer, it all boils down to how you treat your fellow man and if you
could possibly believe a man could go on the Cross willingly and shed His blood on this Earth, so we can use it as a weapon against the
Fallen/Nephilim and the undead demons.
Peace and love.