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Extraterrestrial Threat to those with negative blood types?

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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Unknown Soldier
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander


posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:11 PM
Something no one is really talked about. The message said something about challenging one's religious beliefs. Ancient aliens? What if aliens , using our blood type, use it as proof that they created us but there is a problem with people who has negative blood types? Looks like most people that have abductions have a negative type. Since 86% of the people have positive blood types, most of those have some sort of religious belief. In the bible it talks about a strong delusion that causes a falling away. It was something I was thinking about today. Just thought I'd throw that out.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by ZeroPointEnergy
I don't know why people are so attracted to this. Out of all the posts I have read only 1% of them are worth reading.

So in that case.....why are you still reading the thread then?

Basic etiquette, you know, "no like, no read".

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:12 PM
Strange also that he said we should prepare to be divided and here’s half the thread’s posts already about who’s negative and who’s not.

Almost like its inevitable…

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by coolottie

Not really. I suspect many people both + and - already know that the story isn't quite right, particularly the Old Testament.

Could this type of situation explain why so few in the population are Rh- today? Maybe at some point in the past our ancestors died off in a similar manner?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

I'm wondering if you could perhaps get more info on the 170,200 Mhz VHF frequency? I'm an amateur radio operator (HAM RADIO) and am wondering if anymore specifics were provided?

For instance, is there a specific time frame that these transmissions are made? Is a basic dipole antenna needed or a yagi to point in a specific direction in the sky? If so, where? If you could relay these questions to your source perhaps his answers would be helpful so that we could get to the bottom of this. Also can these transmissions be received in Canada?

Your help is greatly appreciated and I understand if you cannot give anymore info outside that which is presented in this forum.


posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:14 PM
While this is an interesting thread, made more interesting of course by the now deleted versions (after all those of us who gather here do love a good conspiracy) it strikes me as much ado about nothing.

First, all of the responses about rh negative being pure, non monkey, ancient alien, reptilians, etc., etc, etc. arent' accurate. Rh factor is an aquired immune response acquired by mutation.

( will have to come back to post by link, I copied it but it now refuses to paste)

I applaud all of the negatives who refuse to go the way of the 40 percent. Good for you. And, I can completely see that this might be good fun, another reason why we all come to this site. The rh negative getting a "Rh negatives are superior soapbox", well they all get a big thumbs down from me.

The larger issue though is that even if there are viruses that attack the rh negative (and there has been some evidence to suggest that there are as well as ways in which rh negative inhibits other issues, in particular the Standford Medical link mentions toxmosis) and the ancient virus finds were very would seem that since these viruses passed with this comet once before (according to the interpretations of the warning) those left alive in the world today with rh negative are already immune. If their ancestors had not been that family line would have died off the last time.

That's really my biggest point. If this was an issue the last time this comet came around, it already wiped out the bloodlines that could be killed by it. There are no worries for those on the planet today, so it seems to be a non issue.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by LosLobos
Are there ever any particulars? Anyways, why is he on the run? Apparently, what ever is going to happen is going to happen whether he's on the run or not. If he or she wants to help us then just come out and tell us what is going to happen.

Exactly. This thread is full of speculation.
If you are going to risk your life revealing some sought of top secret information, you don't do it in bits and pieces, so you are even at a higher risk of getting caught.
You just release the full information and the get the hell out of there.

This smells of BS

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by wardk28
Something no one is really talked about. The message said something about challenging one's religious beliefs. Ancient aliens? What if aliens , using our blood type, use it as proof that they created us but there is a problem with people who has negative blood types? Looks like most people that have abductions have a negative type. Since 86% of the people have positive blood types, most of those have some sort of religious belief. In the bible it talks about a strong delusion that causes a falling away. It was something I was thinking about today. Just thought I'd throw that out.

Hell of a thought, thanks for bringing it up. Curiouser and curiouser.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:14 PM
Hio00 to all ..
I got same mail from last posted mail from theson, so for now I got 6 mail from Mr. X ..
End i post here all what hi wrote to my ..

1." CX stands for C/2010 X1, email is the most secure way for me to communicate without getting caught, I want to spread the message to other websites and release more detailed information as soon as I get the chance but protecting myself is my top priority.

A few symbols and numbers are missed out of the encrypted text, this is due to the algorithm I used, I specifically used a basic algorithm so people would get the message.

To be more specific in regards to the blood, it was A-, AB-, O-, B-, humans with A+, AB+, O+, B+ will not be directly effected.

Feel free to ask further questions, I must relocate.

Amalgam - NORAD
170.00 MHZ

2.To be more precise, you need to monitor 170.20 MHZ and I prefer to use the word extra-terrestrial, if the government ever disclosed this information to the public there would be anarchy world wide, but it's in everyones best interest that they know what's going on.

Extra-Terrestrial is the best guess they have but are not 100% certain, this is not directly related to C/2010 X1

Amalgam NORAD

3.You need to be in the US and have radio equipment, you should ask on a forum if anyone has the capability to do this because when everything starts happening, this is where you will hear about it first.

The last time C/2010 X1 passed earth was around 10,000-11,000 BC when a lot species on earth became extinct, A virus came with it and will do again, humans with A-, B-, O-, AB- are especially effected, this has been proven in research labs, around 40% die.

4..Ask yourself why my thread and posting capability have been completely removed from the website, it didn't take long for the government to catch wind, I'm being silenced, the thread isn't even in the hoax forum, it's been completely removed.

5.Thank you, some additional information that i sent to somebody else

The russian government discovered a new type of virus in Antartica which, when tested only effected type O-, A-, B-, AB- blood, the outcome of these tests concluded that 40% of people with this blood type would die, but %60 would develop a super immune system and also modify ones DNA, these tests were carried out by Russian and US scientists in Koltsovo, After radiometric dating they concluded that it came to earth around 10,000 - 11,000 BC, this is roughly around the time C/2010 X1 last came near earth.

I ask him for for virus here ..

Ar you 100% that virus come from comet ??
Give us name of virus or other .

6.After twelve years in the establishment, sick and tired of the lies and secrets.
The populace of earth is brainwashed and fed false information every day to pull their attention away from reality.

On October 26 2009 a new, undiscovered virus was found in Antarctica, one which attacks the blood of a human A-, B-, O- AB-
the outcome of the attacks can lead to two Scenarios:

%40 death
%60 development of an immune system capable of protecting against all types of viruses known to man, the virus also modifies the DNA of the infected causing
aging to drastically slow down, further research showed a higher level of intelligence was also attained.

The virus is believed to originate from C/2010 X1 or a subsidiary, this is not entirely known but from extensive radiometric
dating they concluded that the artifact came to earth around 10-11,000BC, roughly the same time as C/2010 X1.

The artifact is very much comparable to diamond visually but has very different Characteristics

845,420 gpa
1 dm2

The virus is currently being stored and researched at a research lab in Koltsovo and is not known to exist anywhere else on earth (this is not to say it doesn't).

Preparations for dealing with a large scale human die off have been in action ever since the discovery was made but some governments are refusing to accept it,
saying that without any evidence that this virus really exists then they aren't willing to prepare on such a large scale, the virus has been in containment ever since it was discovered in fear that if it were to be released then something could go wrong.

When i started working for NORAD i believed i was working for the good guys and i never thought they would be willing to hide this kind of information from humanity, this isn't just the US or Russia we are talking about, this is a world wide matter that really needs to be disclosed now.

Even though they are keeping this information from the public they are working on vaccines and have been since 2009 in hope that they can prevent it, but the virus was able to overcome everything so far.

You might be wondering what i meant by being separated, the US government have drawn up plans to separate the %60 (infected) from the rest of the population once it hits, Russia also have similar plans and so does the UK, Japan and Australia, China is one of the countries refusing to believe it.

A few things i would like to clear up which i have received questions about, the time frame you are looking at in middle to end of October 2011 (keep ears on 170.20 MHZ), ET is not the main concern and you're very unlikely to be abducted, this also has nothing to do with the new madrid fault line.

This is explicitly aimed at O-, B-, A-, AB- none other, "

Peace to all ..
edit on 8-5-2011 by Dalke07 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-5-2011 by Dalke07 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:15 PM
There is a lot more evidence supporting the fact that Rh negative is genetical remnant from Homo Neandertalis than the reptile hypothesis. Rh negative is dominant among the basques and their language is completly different.
Anyways Rh- is probably result of interbreeding between Homo Sapiens and Homo Neandertalis. There is even evidence supproting it.... Too lazy to find correct links.....
About Neanderthal Theory

Anyways...some people claim that Neanderthal was much more intelligent than Homo Sapiens....
Perhaps Homo Neanderthalis was more "advanced" tham we yet, we adapted better.... Dunno... Anyways...
Gives you something to think about....

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by seeker11

In reference to your lines:
%40 death
%60 development of an immune system capable of protecting against all types of viruses known to man, the virus also modifies the DNA of the infected causing
aging to drastically slow down, further research showed a higher level of intelligence was also attained.

The above would make me think that it would be desirable to become infected, would you not think? Slow down aging and increase your level of intelligence? I don't know...just something to think about. I wonder if me being O+ is a "lucky" thing or not.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:16 PM

edit on 8-5-2011 by Dalke07 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by curious7
So in that case.....why are you still reading the thread then?

Basic etiquette, you know, "no like, no read".

I am interested in specific details from the original OP not here say. So far I have not seen much.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:18 PM
I have done a lot of research on something recently that I don't want to go into detail now because it is simply hard to believe, but I will share with you all some information I've discovered recently that seems to correspond to the message in the OP, but I will first say that the star Sirius most likely plays a major part in all of this, as does a certain stone...

Anyway, here's a link I'd like for you all to see. At first glance it appears to be completely unrelated besides the mentioning of aliens, however the significance of negative blood types is mentioned towards the end, and keep in the mind, this was written in the late 90s. The article tries to tie the ceremonial magickian Aleister Crowley with extraterrestrials from the Sirius system that have supposedly been the ancient aliens we all theorize about.

For those who don't want to read the whole article, I will simply post the quote you all should read.

"The answer lies in our genetics. Human evolution on this planet has been primarily restricted to the biology of the ape. It was said previously in this book that Rh positive blood refers to the rhesus monkey genetics being present in the human system. Rh negative implies an alien blood type. One can also see a resemblance to apes in human beings. If you don't believe me, just go to the gorilla exhibit at the zoo."

If you're interested, please look into this whole thing more as I am not yet completely finished myself. But I will say this information spans from the artist Nicholas Roerich to the founding of America to singer Paul McCartney himself.
edit on 8-5-2011 by AreaJerm because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-5-2011 by AreaJerm because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by EternalThought

Originally posted by dwmjr1985
reply to post by IAmD1

I have more fear for us Posies sense you negs have the most political power apparently. What if the ones that survive feel that us Posies are inferior and start killing us off... Or enslave us.

No! I will not!

We will put you in a zoo or make you pets. J/k

I will never have malicious intentions!

This is the part of being Rh- that I do not understand.

I don't have malicious intent. I don't crave power. I'm just a regular person and would never discriminate against
someone due to something as trivial as blood type (or color, race, hair color, eye color...)
edit on 8-5-2011 by cry93 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Dalke07

Nice post thank you.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:22 PM
Ok. Since people are asking what else the OP/Amalgam170 has said in addition to his first post I wanted to compile this here. While I have not personally been in contact with Amalgam170, these emails were sent to me by fellow forumers. I am posting them here in their entirety with all contact information omitted.

Also, if people are interested in screen grabs from the original deleted thread I have compiled the relevant information I could get before it was all erased here.

This should be enough for you all to do your own sleuthing if you wish.


I felt this was a decent summary of what's been going on so far so have included it.

Originally posted by aravoth

OK, after 39 pages a little summary may be in order.

1.) A crypted message was posted on ATS by someone in the introductions forum who claimed to be an "insider". The message was decrypted by ATS members. The message stated plainly..


The person claimed to be posting from somewhere in Russia. His IP was pinged by another ATS member, and it turned out to be true, the poster was in Koltsovo, Russia, which, interestingly enough, houses a research laboratory specifically focusing on Viral agents, transmission, and effects.

2.) The Message Referred to "CX" as something that would bring an undesired change. It was later clarified that CX stood for C/2010 X1 which is the astronomical designation for the comet Elenin.

3.) The Poster is implying that people with RH Negative blood types are susceptible to a virus that is carried by the comet. He bases this on a discovery rumored to have been made by American and Russian scientists working in the Antarctic. The poster claims that the virus has a 40% mortality rate amongst negative blood types.

4.) The virus causes a genetic mutation of some kind in the remaining 60% of infected people with RH Negative blood.

5.) C/2010 X1 is supposedly on an 11,700 year orbit, the poster is linking that orbit, with the mass extinction that occurred a little over 11,000 years ago.

6.) the virus was discovered in some kind of "Artifact" which was dated to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 11,000 years old.

7.) It has been implied that this virus may be responsible for the accelerated evolution of Humanity when compared to the slow evolution of everything else in the animal kingdom.

Thus far, there is nothing substantial that can used to outright call this a hoax, and the poster is indeed still on the move. Posting in Russia, and (unless I misunderstood) possibly again from Japan.

There is however, copious amounts of news articles and factual data that can prove that not one, but several unknown viruses have recently been discovered in the Ice in Antarctica. Including one, that targets Blood Types that are RH negative.

This thread rules.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by cry93
reply to post by seeker11

Fine, you can have Wonder Woman.

I'll be Cat Woman, I guess.

Sorry but I have dibs on the Phantom outfit....before anyone mentions it

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by seeker11

Thank you

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