Need to upload a picture to ATS? Here's how I do it...
I use Image Shack. This is not a recommendation to use ImageShack and I gain nothing by you using the site - just referencing one possible source
among many.
Here's what the homepage looks like, no need to sign in.
Note the areas in the red boxes, you'll need them:
Use "browse" to find the picture you want. It may be in your "pictures" folder if using a typical windows system. If so, to find it click on
"owner" on the left, then go to "pictures", find and double-click the picture you want then click "upload".
Once it processes and shows your picture, copy the line of text next to "Forum Code"
Here's what you'll get
The first box shows the whole of the text you will get. Remove all the text except the green highlighted section. Then change the "IMG" to "ats"
(shown in red in the last box). That one line will add the picture to your post (after you have submitted the post).
To go back to the main ImageShack page to post more pics use the "media upload" tab.
That's it, pretty easy after a couple tries.
One further note. Say you find something on a website and you only want to copy one portion. There are many was to do it but here are two easy
Easiest: right-click and save the picture. Done.
Another way: use Fn+"prt scrn" or function and print screen to copy what shows on the screen, varies by machine/software.
Then open Microsoft Paint. Paste the screen-shot into Paint. Edit what portion you want and save it as a picture. You can then copy that portion using
the main section above.
Go out and get some pics! A picture is worth a thousand words (just ask Obama!)