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Two Muslim Men Removed From An Airplane Because Passengers Said They Were Uncomfortable.

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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:36 PM
Just so everyone knows...I kindly conceded that my "big boobie" story was not comparable to the discrimination happening with this situation. Someone helped me understand that shortly after I posted.

Anyways. People are taking what I am saying wrong or probably I am not saying things the way I mean them. I apologize for that.

First, I am not for discrimination. I prefer a peaceful , accepting , loving group of people to surround myself with.

I guess my point was, lets not swing the pendulum to far the other way where we end up catering to one group of people. Because that would be bad news as well.

Also, I can't help feeling that these 2 particular imam's were expecting this to happen. I guess what I mean is, sometimes looks can be looks as those these men were discriminated against, but it is also possible they planned it this way due to the conference they were going. So I guess all I can say here is..if they were legitimately discriminated against I feel bad for them, but if they planned for this to happen, I don't give a rats behind.

Please don't just focus on what's happening to a particular group of people. Please focus on discrimination as a whole. Look folks, it's a sad and evil world out there. All you can do is surround yourselves with goodness as best as possible.

I am sorry if I came off as evil. I am truly a caring person.And I am just hard to understand sometimes.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by truthseekerlady77
reply to post by BioStatistic

Truth is everyone is discriminated against several times in there lifetimes. But I feel doubly discriminated against since everyone is feeling bad for the Muslim on the air flight and not me..What about me. I went to ride an amusement park ride once. Well I have a huge "chest" and the bar wouldn't latch. Guess what I had to get off the ride.I was embarrassed. So big breasted people are being discriminated against to, but do you hear an outcry for them? Heck no. See that is discrimination in of itself. Why do muslims get recognition and not us poor big breasted people. You might say I could get a reduction..well that takes money and just like the muslims I shouldn't have to change anything about myself

Are you schizophrenic or just simultaneously trying to argue two opposing points at once? Or is this just a clever bit of satire? You're either trying to make us laugh or trying to tell us you are out of meds.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by truthseekerlady77

Im with you on this i have a feeling they might have caused the situation for publicity. For example could have said some things in front of passengers before boarding. I can tell you if they didnt appear to pose a threat i find it unlikely the airline would have delayed them. So something must have made the airline nervous as well since thousands of Muslims ride planes every day what made these two different?

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by thefirstrasta

I remember on a school trip a while ago an indian guy in our group got his bag cut open because they thought he might have had a bomb and couldnt get past the lock on his bag. Crazy.)


posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:20 AM
"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."
- Albert Einstein

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by dragonridr
reply to post by truthseekerlady77

Im with you on this i have a feeling they might have caused the situation for publicity. For example could have said some things in front of passengers before boarding. I can tell you if they didnt appear to pose a threat i find it unlikely the airline would have delayed them. So something must have made the airline nervous as well since thousands of Muslims ride planes every day what made these two different?

Diffrence bettwen them and the thousands of muslims is that these two men were wearing an Islamic Attire which made some concerned, the airline/captain/ATS which should function according to rules and regulations went ahead and moved them from the flight, the case raises some serious question related to discrementation and stereotyping such as; Do we have any moral voice left? What has become of our judgmeent standards?? if they were priests would you see it happening? and with similar cases, which do we value the most what is illegal or what is inhuman?

Your comment and lady's 77 makes me wonder if you even followed the link and read the story, this is CNN not "Charlie is so cool like" channel on the youtube, if they were any suspicions surronding the two of them - after running the security check twice - dont you think it would have been mentioned ??

edit on 9-5-2011 by SerialKiller because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2011 by SerialKiller because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2011 by SerialKiller because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2011 by SerialKiller because: better explanation

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
reply to post by Skerrako

I think you misunderstand the intent of my statement. I did not say I am PROUD of it, or reveling in it. I'm just admitting it exists within my worldview, because, as Americans, we are all trained that way.

You can claim you arent a racist, I dont know you so I cant say either way. But I can say that I know very few people who arent at least bigoted, and most often in the states when a white person has some level of bigotry and some level of authority, it manifests as racism.

I'm sure the people on that plane from Memphis who were 'uncomfortable' sitting next to two men with slightly brown skin and slightly different dress would not admit to being racist, either.
edit on 8-5-2011 by incrediblelousminds because: (no reason given)

you need to get up to speed, often, when non whites are in positions of authority, they exhibit racist behaviour

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by truthseekerlady77

Ok, I understand, now! =)

I hope my retort to your post didn't seem to harsh, either!
Its just that seeing any kind of discrimination is one of the only things that can bring definitely trigger my angry side.

That being said, I still find that just the simple fact of 'assuming' these people are potential threats is a form of discrimination in itself. Why can't the kind old lady in the back be the one carrying the bomb? Or the happy suburban family going to Florida for their vacation? Why is it only Muslims? If they want to keep this up, EVERYONE has to be considered a possible terrorist... and that'll just open the door to complete politically correct hell! If this kind of behavior is allowed to continue, if I were to say, share a flight with a bunch of Americans, I can say, well they're part of one of the only nations that ever dropped an atomic bomb, and they always fight wars of aggression... I don't feel comfortable on the same flight as them. You think they'll listen to me and throw them off? Not a chance!!

Also, with all of those ridiculous TSA full body-cavity searches, they clearly didn't find anything harmful on these two Muslims so they were allowed on the plane. Despite all of those precautions, people were still scared. What's that say about the new TSA policies? =P

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Skerrako

Liberty in this country also means that you have the right to speak out against those who embrace ideologies which you find to be an affront to humanity.

Freedom of religion does not trump freedom of speech.

While I would never support anyone in KKK robes or nazi uniforms, I respect their right to wear them, which is true American spirit.

And I respect the right of those who speak out against the horrible beliefs systems of those who belong to the KKK, NAZI party, or Islam. All three of these groups preach a belief system of bigotry, and seek to deprive others of their rights.

Should the government start regulating our ability to speak out against the horrendous belief systems of these groups. Sounds to me that this is exactly what you are advocating.

Freedom also requires opposing those who wish to deprive us of our liberty, and Islamic ideology does seek to deprive us of our liberty,in order to hang on to our liberty.

You are an enemy of liberty, and more correctly, do not deserve liberty, when you try to deny people the right to fight to defend their liberty against those who would take our liberty away.

Nobody is trying to make any laws to prohibit the exercise of Islam, or the KKK, of the NAZI party, we are only exercising our constitutional rights to speak out against organizations who harbor terrible belief systems.

Bigots like you think you are justified in striping the rights of one group to defend the rights of another, and you are wrong.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Question Fate

Just like Christianity.

Never heard of the protestant movement?

It is a movement moderate Muslims should embrace.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by

Why must you remain a Muslim?

If you find Muslim countries abhorrent, then it should lead you to question the way you have chosen to worship God.

Multiculturalism also means multi-religion, embracing other peoples ways of worshiping God.

If you don't believe women are inferior to men, if you are happy with the women in your family dressing like everyone else, you believe your daughter should go to school, you don't teach your son that women are inferior, and non-muslim women are whores, if you don't teach your son that your religious beliefs make you better than non-muslims, why not explore other ways that people worship?

If you hold the beliefs that we in the Western world hold sacred, that all human beings are created equal, have the right worship God in the manner they choose, that women are equal to men, and that we should tolerate others as long as they tolerate us and respect our beliefs.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by truthseekerlady77

I don't blame the American public for being scared. The media has conditioned Americans to be fearful of Muslims...People won't distinguish that. I will admit that I have been a bit uncomfortable when I see muslims in traditional garb boarding a plane. However....I have also sat next to a young Muslim woman and didn't feel the slightest discomfort. I dislike Islam, and always will, but we have to respect each other, despite our differences and disagreements. I don't know...sometimes people just give off a vibe.
I do think their rights were violated however, but again, if the majority of their customers are complaining...Will the airliner be willing to risk a fallout on the plane?

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by truthseekerlady77

Also, I can't help feeling that these 2 particular imam's were expecting this to happen. I guess what I mean is, sometimes looks can be looks as those these men were discriminated against, but it is also possible they planned it this way due to the conference they were going.

Would you think that if a Priest or Nun (in habit) got on board?

I doubt it.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Annee

From my understanding, Nuns tend to dress like everyone else when traveling, in order to not attract attention to themselves, and the same for most priests.

It is a matter of humility.

Something these Imans clearly lack.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:39 PM
Two Muslim men kicked off an airplane?
Hmm. Well hopefully this happened mid-flight.

I'm sorry. I literally could not resist.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by Annee

From my understanding, Nuns tend to dress like everyone else when traveling, in order to not attract attention to themselves, and the same for most priests.

Which is why I specifically put (in habit) in parenthesis. There are Christian religious sects that do wear robes.

However - - that is not really the point - - is it?

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Annee

My point being that most Nuns do not wear habits when traveling, to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

Not only out of humility, but so as not to impose their religious beliefs upon others.

That is the point.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by Annee

My point being that most Nuns do not wear habits when traveling, to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

Not only out of humility, but so as not to impose their religious beliefs upon others.

That is the point.

Maybe in US. Here in Brazil, I see nuns dressed as nuns all the time. I would also like to comment on someone who said that in the WESTERN WORLD people tend to look concerned when seeing a muslim dressed as a muslim. Lets please correct that and change it to IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Here in Brazil we don't care what the heck you are wearing.

I have also travelled to Dubai and Jordan and never felt like I was walking in the middle of millions of suicide bombers. Heck, my brother even bought one of their garments because he found it cool.

I also think people are confusing a bunch of stuff. What does freedom of speech have to do with people's right to fly in that airplance since they have paid their ticket? Freedom of speech has that much power now? If that is so, I will add that to the list of reasons why I don't want to live in the US.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:06 PM
I find it amusing that people in the US and other recipients of western privilege (UK etc) believe that the middle eastern population is against the West for such ridiculous unsupported notions as 'they hate our freedom and democracy'. The irony is in truth they distaste our tendency to limit freedom and democracy in their countries through the supporting of dictatorships (see egypt) or through illegal wars that setback progress to democracy by many many years - see afghanistan/iraq (contrary to popular belief that launching missiles is going to install democracy, whilst it in fact results in the support of militant 'terror' groups). As crazy as it might seem to you 'right minded' 'good guys' not everyone is a terrorist/radical - that would be like saying every christian is a KKK member or every German a Nazi.

The US are the real enemies of freedom of speech, regardless of what their media may make you think. They oppose popular democracies because popular democracies can lead to a countries economy being used to support itself, as opposed to being raped by the US and its partners - economic nationalism is a threat to US neocolonialism and efforts to destroy popular democracies have been occurring for years across the globe - from Central America (Cuba, Nicaragua etc.) to modern times with Afghanistan etc.

On the subject of freedom of speech, freedom of speech is to allow one to hold a belief/speak out against something they may object to but to NOT act upon as to harm the target of the persons beliefs. If one were to act out then it would limit the targets freedom of expression/speech, thus you could not attack them upon this basis. Freedom of speech cannot be used as a legitimate defence for what happened in this case as they acted on the views in detriment of the other person. By all means let the passengers who complained shout TERRORIST and flail their american flags about, but by no means should they act on it. For a more detailed review of this i refer you to "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill, it may give some further insight into what I have suggested.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by henriquefd

I will add that to the list of reasons why I don't want to live in the US.

You have have a list? Why now would that be? Clearly you have prejudices against the U.S..

And you travel to Dubai and Jordan, hmm.

The only nuns I noticed in my travels in S America, are the ones collecting charity donations. Being that Latin America is predominately catholic, they are more common there, than in the U.S.. No surprises about that. You also don't see many nuns in Japan, or those areas of Asia as well, or many parts of Europe.

So you don't care about freedom of speech, or ones ability to stand up for ones beliefs. Please stay out of the U.S., you are doing us a favor.

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