posted on May, 7 2011 @ 01:53 AM
1: Illuminati is not NWO, people confuse these two and want to pretend as if they are interchangeable.
2: Welcome to the NWO because as of right now, this is it!
3: Ever consider that the NWO is simply there to frighten people right back into the arms of the OLD WORLD ORDER aka the Status quo? Not saying simply
suggesting as a possibility, a very real possibility....
4: I believe the ideas presented by Jacques Fresco in the Zeitgeist documentary series is a good sustainable example yet that people will reject it
because they have been conditioned to accept the labels of Socialism and Communism and thus to reject anything that resembles either.
5: I believe mankind can exist in a more balanced state without the need for money, borders, gods etc etc and that everything John Lennon wrote in
"imagine" is possible if we only believe it to be, thus, conversely, if we cannot imagine it as a possibility then it is not a possibility.
"We shall heal the sick and feed the poor!"
"But Jesus, isnt that socialism?"
Not a Christian but a well armed Theosophist!
Like one poster said, a bunch of good ideas that will be perverted and then used to enslave us further, about right yet I will
never believe that we cannot do it in a good way if we the people were actually in charge of the transition.
I still believe in us...