posted on May, 9 2011 @ 06:46 PM
Thankyou so much for that Andelise. Absolutely fascinating stuff, although for me having been a witness to Marian phenomena, it raises more questions
than it answers about PBB.
I will list these questions here and would really appreciate if your contacts could work on an answer for them.
1) How long has PBB been operational?
2) I had read that the idea of PBB was to basically incite ww3 on a mass scale in order to reduce the world population. I actaully discussed this idea
on the Ivory Coast thread, as it didn't seem to make any sense. I note that the writer on this site mentions mass suicide via manipulation with some
sort of electromagentic signal is there
3)How powerful is this signal supposed to be ie will only those in the immediate area of these anomalies be affected? Can the signal be embedded into
video footage? Just how far does the danger reach?
4) If this suicide signal is an actual part of the program, why are they going to the bother of using religious apparition to broadcast it when
presumably they could save themselves a lot of bother and just beam it into every home around the world? There must be another agenda, what is it?
I know these are probing questions, but these apparitions are real. If what your people are saying is true, there is a huge danger for mankind