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Isreal helping libya?

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:23 PM

"In a meeting on February 18, Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defence Minister Barak and Foreign Minister Lieberman decided to recruit African mercenaries to fight alongside Gaddafi, according to the journalist. During the meeting, they decided to let General Israel Ziv, the director of security firm Global CST, which is active in many African countries, to make a group of paramilitary mercenaries from Guinea, Nigeria, Central Africa, Mali, Senegal, Darfur and Southern Sudan available to Abdullah Assinousi, one of the heads of Libya's intelligence agency." "With approval from the government in Tel Aviv, an Israeli security firm is responsible for sending groups of African mercenaries to Libya to fight the protestors who have been calling for the fall of the Gaddafi regime for the last two weeks, reports Al Jazeera's website, citing a source in the Israeli press."

There should be no shock that Ghaddafi agreed. He had two choices; be overthrown or be saved by Israel. Naturally, he chose the latter even though the terms were tough. Global CST would supply tens of thousands of mercenaries for 5 billion American bucks. After they slaughtered the last of the rebels, Israel would be granted rights to explore and export Libyan oil hushhushedly and Gen. Ziv would be permitted to operate his army from Libyan soil to spread its unique talents at saving dictators throughout Africa.

"And if Ghaddafi should lose, the thoughtful U.S. Ambassador to the Security Council has requested that the mercenaries intervening in Libya be exempt from prosecution under international law. And if recent history is any indication, Ghaddafi is guaranteed to get shafted.

Link/Sources Here

Idk what to really think of all of it honestly..I thought Israel and America were "best friends" or maybe it's just all planned for a bigger picture?

Mods if this is in the wrong place or been posted before please delete..

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:30 PM
Ohhhh looks like Israel is next on the list to be invaded. After all the US doesn't take kindly to Israel's settlement on Palestinian lands

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
Ohhhh looks like Israel is next on the list to be invaded. After all the US doesn't take kindly to Israel's settlement on Palestinian lands

You mean the same USA that veto'd the UN 41 times for calling out the Zionist criminals?


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